chapter 42
I yawn as I wake up from my dreamless slumber.
I slowly sit up and look at the alarm clock by Annie's bed.
I look beside me and see Annie, mouth wide open as she breaths in heavily, a slight snore acompanies her breathing. Her curly hair is everywhere and she is balled up in a fetal position, she is also slightly drooling, causing a sleep chuckle to leave my mouth.
I stand and get out of bed. I walk up the stairs to my room, I brush my teeth and change into some black leggings and an oversized blue shirt. My head snaps to the window as a small pebble hits it. I walk to it and look down through the window.
My eyebrows pull together as my head tilts as I spot Jacy waving frantically with a huge welcoming smile on her face. She motions her hands for me to come outside.
Now what does she want.
I sigh, might as well get it over with. I walk down the stairs, ignoring the sound of Iris slurping on her cereal, and out the door. Jacy stands there patiently.
"Goodmorning Navi " I give her a weak smile.
"I know you're ready for me to disappear but I just want to know where Chadum is, what direction he went to." Her eyes plead to me. She yearns for closure. Who am I to keep that from her. The heaviness of it weighs on my heart.
"Jacy," her name falls from my lips with more sadness than I intend.
She looks at me worriedly. "Please just tell me, I promise I'll leave you alone, you'll never see me again after."
I nod at her words as I breath in deeply. "Jacy, Chadum kidnapped me and beat me. When I tried to escape he came after me and tried to kill me so-so." I swallow harshly as I look into her eyes. They shine with curiosity and oblivion of what was to come. "I um- I had to kill him." I whisper.
Her eyebrows raise in surprise as her eyes water. I look down unable to focus on her pained stricken face.
"Navi, it's okay. I'm not mad, you had no choice." She states as she puts a hand on my shoulder.
Yet I couldn't believe it. I had tried telling myself the same thing over and over ever since it happened. Yet I felt like I had a choice. The possibilities trouble my mind of what could have happened. What I could have done different.
"Can-can you take me to him, I want to bury him properly?" My head snaps to hers. I swallow harshly at the thought. To face that place again, those woods, his dead body.
I open my mouth to say no but stop myself.
What right do I have to say no. I killed him, she just wants to bury him. She wants peace.
So I swallow harshly and clench my teeth together as I nod my head. I grab her hand and close my eyes. I invision the woods, I feel the tingles go through my body, Jacy gasps at the tingles.
Then nothing. I open my eyes and look around at the all to familiar woods. My body gets hot and my stomach turns.
I turn my head and see Chadums body. My eyes widen in shock at the large icicles still holding his body.
His body is decaying. The smell is now embedded in my brain as well as the picture.
"You sure did a number on him." I whip around quickly at the harshness in her voice. I gasp at the dart gun she points at me.
"Oh come on!" I cry out as I throw my hands up. This is getting old.
She tilts her head at my reaction. "Not the reaction I was hoping for, but I'll take it. " I close my eyes to teleport but before I can I feel a stick on my throat. I open my eyes, my hands go to the dart and I quickly pull it out.
"Dammit, Not a agai-" suddenly my eyes get really heavy and I feel myself fall backwards.
Last thing I hear is "Yes, yes again."
Annie's pov.
My eyes open slowly as I stretch, I look at my alarm clock and my eyes widen quickly as I sit up in the bed.
"Soccor moms holy matrimony!" Leaves my mouth as I quickly stand in panic. I can't be late!
"Navi, we gotta go it's late, why didn't you wake me up?" I question out loud as I rush out of the room. I walk into my bathroom and quickly brush my teeth. I throw on some clothes and rush my fingers through my hair.
I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple expecting to see Navi but instead I see Iris with a raised brow.
"Yeah she already left." Iris states, "You know how she is, sometimes she likes to go on long walks before school." I nod, for once Iris was a little helpful.
I walk out after grabbing the keys to my car, I rush to school breathing a breath of relief, I'm only minutes before the late bell.
I park and get out and walk swiftly to the school.
"Looky looky mrs perfect is arriving late." Todd teases me with a wink.
"Not late, bell hasn't rung yet," I state in one breath as I quickly walk past. He falls in step with me with a laugh. His longs legs help him keep up with me with ease.
Blonde messy long hair, he has the skater boy look, a hat turned backward rest on his head.
"Bullshit you're so late," he chuckles. I throw a glare at him.
He chuckles again. "Hey did you do my home-" before he can say another word I pull out the sheet of paper and hand it to him. "Sweeeeeet," he states causing me to smile.
"Don't worry I missed a couple questions to make it believable but still passing." I breath as I near my class.
"Ah your the best An." He states as he lazily walks the other way towards his class, no doubt late as always.
Todd and I had been best friends since middle school. One look at us you wouldn't think it, me a school nerd best friends with the skater boy who is too cool for school. I do his homework he makes sure I'm invited to every social event. I tutor him he brags to his dad about me. His dad is a military adviser on the war council.
Of course we were friends before these benefits came to place.
I rush into my class and walk to my seat, second row, and as soon as my bum touches the seat the bell rings.
I breath out a sigh of relief. Perfect attendance is still in check. Aside form the days when Navi was missing. Those don't count though.
I shake my head shaking the memories of those long weeks.
The teacher comes in and starts teaching the class. I tap my pencil as I zone in and soak up what he teaches.
The second bell comes and goes. I stand collect my stuff and walk out. I'm stopped by a worried looking Ashley.
"Hey, Annie right? Your Navi's sister?" I nod my head slowly. I recognized Ashley, she was one of Hannah's followers, yet I don't see her up Hannah's butt anymore. Atleast not as much.
"That's me." I state with a smile. I try not to let worry seep into my tone and thoughts.
"Is she okay? I haven't seen her at all today, we have first period together. When she didn't show I got kinda worried. And just want to make sure she is okay?" Ashley rambles as she twist her fingers together, slightly playing with her finger nails.
"Wait she didn't come to school today?" I ask slowly to which Ashley shakes her head.
"Not to my knowledge?" Ashley shrugs.
"Maybe she is with Bain." I state though it sounds like I'm trying to convince myself.
Again Ashley shrugs a confused look taking over her face.
Right I forgot people still don't know about it.
I rush off before she can say anything pulling my phone out as I walk out the door, the bell rings in the background.
"Yes?" Comes Bains deep reply.
"Is Navi with you?" I ask impatiently. My heart ties itself and I plead he says yes.
"No wh-"
I dial another number and press the phone to my ear.
"Hey Annie what's up, Navi okay?" My breath hitches at Rileys words.
"Actually I was calling to see if she was with you?" I question as I start to chew on my finger nails, a dirty habit I dropped years ago.
The wind blows through my hair lazily. "No, she with Bain?"
"No," I state sharply as a feeling of dread seeps into my stomach.
"Who else would she be with?" I breath.
"Fraiser?" Riley questions unsure.
"You haven't gotten any visions have you?" I ask hopeful. To which Riley sighs.
"No I haven't. I'll call Fraiser ."
"I'll call Daniel," I state but before I can hang up she stops me.
"No need he is with me." I breath out anxiously.
"Okay I'll check her hot spots, let me know what you find out," I rush as I start walking to my car.
I hang up and pull out of the driveway.
Please be okay Navi. Please. I can't loose you again.
Dunn Dunn dunnnnnn.
We have a lot of things coming up so you guys hold on realllllyyyy tight. 🙃
Any how. Thoughts?
Does anyone else love Annie's character development as much as I do? She goes from being passive sister who doesnt say much doesnt fight to complete badass. But still maintains her nerdy passiveness?
Any way. Dont forget to comment and vote!!
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