chapter 28
I look at the tall slender woman, dead blue eyes. She holds a sandwhich and water. My stomach growls. I look in the mirror. I've lost weight. I'm weak. She hands me the sandwhich and water. I take it and eat it with out tasting or noticing what was on the sandwhich. I down the water. She takes the glass and again walks out.
Minutes pass, and my stomach starts to cramp. I start to feel nauseous.
I hold my stomach and lean against the wall as I start to sweat. I breath heavily. What is wrong with me.
It feels like something pushing at my chest, and now I'm soaked in sweat. I lean over, halfway on all fours and start to dry heave. I cry at the pain in my stomach increase from trying to throw up. What is going on?
Minutes pass from dry heaving and finally vomit leaves my mouth onto the floor. I move away from the vomit and lean back on the cool wall. I'm still sweaty. My body burns, my stomach cramps.
My body feels heavy, heavier than the chains on my hands.
Chadum walks in. He scrunchs his nose at the smell of vomit.
"Are you ready to marry me. I have the antidote for the wolfsbane and a shower calling your name."
I slowly raise my hand and flip him off. Before letting my hand fall. My eyes shut as I hear him shout profanities.
Darkness consumes me again.
I open my eyes. My reflection copying my movements. I look dead. How am I not dead. My eyebrows scrunch at the burns and cuts littering my body. I don't remember those getting there. Who tortures someone while they are sleeping. Or do I just not remember.
I sigh heavily.
I feel weak, my stomach hurts.
The door opens and the woman comes back in. Bread and water. She offers it to me. I ignore her.
She transfers the bread to the hand with water, holding them both. She takes out a clothe and wipes the vomit from my mouth, I dont protest. I'm to weak. She takes the water and brings it to my mouth.
"Take a sip, rinse your mouth out," she whispers so low I barely hear her.
I do as she says as she holds the water to my lips. I rinse my mouth and spit it back into the cup. She puts the water down and takes apart the bread and puts it to my mouth.
"Its not poisoned, I promise." I eye her for a moment, for once her eyes arent as lifeless. She seems to beg me with her eyes.
I open my mouth, she feeds me the bread, in small peices. "I'll be back with water." She whispers again, so low I almost dont catch it.
She rushes out the room.
Its silent, but the door opens and as she said before she is back with water.
She puts it to my mouth and I drink the lukewarm water.
"My name is Olivia." She whispers. "You have been here for two weeks. It is currently two thirty in the afternoon."
My eyebrows raise at the information. It feels as though she placed a piece of puzzle of my sanity back in place.
I dont say anything, but I try with my eyes to say thank you.
She gives me a ghost of a smile as she takes the empty cup and rushes out of the room.
I sit there for a minute. Staring at myself.
I stare at the concrete wall. A ghost of a broken smile on my face. I close my eyes and open my mouth as my hoarse voice cuts the silence. Taking over.
" Now I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?" I smile at the scratchy tune.
"It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah"
I hum " hallelujah, Hallelujah. Hallelujah." I breath out. "Hallelujah."
I swallow, my throat dry but I open my mouth again, singing as loud as my poor vocal chords allow. "Your faith was strong but you needed proof, You saw her bathing on the roof, Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you" my eyes start to water, I grab my hair.
"She tied you to a kitchen chair
She broke your throne, and she cut your hair, And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah" tears fall down my cheeks. I sniffle as I wipe the tears from my face.
"I want to go home," I state out loud. I look around.
Suddenly the door open. The blonde steps in. I mean Olivia. Olivia steps in.
"Do you need to use the restroom?" She whispers. I shake my head. Sometimes she comes in and takes me to the bathroom. It's right outside this door, into a hallway, the bathroom door is across from this door. I scrunch my nose as the smell seems to enter my senses. Like a port-a-potty.
I look at the vomit still on the floor a couple feet away from me. Then again in here is starting to out do it. I look down at my hands as she walks out. My wrist are rubbed raw from the chains.
I need to leave. Chadum isnt in here. Maybe I could teleport. I dont even know if I have enough energy. Why haven't I thought of trying before.
Nonetheless. I close my eyes. I picture Bain. The tingles spread through my body as a small smile appears on my face. I hear a gasp, I open my eyes. Bain is infront of me. I'm in his office. Riley is to my right, Daniel beside her. To my left is Annie. Happy tears come to my eyes and stream down my face.
"Bai-" suddenly the familiar surge takes over my body. My screams take everyone out of their trance as they rush to me, their faces horrified at my body that is no doubt skin and bone. I scream, my screams get louder, Bain looks for something to break the collar. I tightly close my eyes and picture the cement cell. Tingles cover my body.
The shocking stops as I feel the familiar rough concrete underneath my body. My body shakes as I open my eyes to see a livid Chadum.
Again he pushes the button and I again shake from the surge through me, my screams pierce the air until nothing comes from my mouth.
Then it stops and I'm breathing deeply.
Then it goes back on and I'm moving uncontrollably. How am I not dead.
Then it stops and I look at him. "Stop, please." My shaking voice pleads, my body shaking beyond my control.
He steps to me taking a fist full of hair and bring me up to his face. "Dont you ever, do that again." I nod my head. "Do you understand Macy."
I shake my head. "My name is Navi." I whisper as I look into his eyes. He drops my head as he then delivers a swift kick to my head.
"No its Macy!" He shouts. I hold my head as black spots again move through out my eyesight.
I shake my head, but that's all I can do. Suddenly my eyes are closed darkness consumes me, my demons welcoming me into their arms.
Rileys POV
Everyone's eyes are wide. We all look at where Navi was just at. Literally, I just had her arm in my hand. I look to my left to see the queen being comforted by the king. She had seen Navi as well, the king heard the screams and ran in quickly to see what happened.
Annie looks like she just saw a ghost. She is pale. Her eyes glued to the spot her sister was just at.
Daniel looks like he could throw up.
Bain looks like he could murder someone.
We were just in the middle of searching through who the man was that was talking to Navi at the museum. We looked through tons of footage. He was the only man that approached her and made her look uncomfortable and scared after talking to her.
In the middle of the meeting, Navi appeared on the floor. In white boy shorts and a white sports bra. Looking extremely malnourished and dehydrated. Bruises and dried blood covered her body.
Her hair was cut off.
But she is alive.
I clench my fist as I replay the scream, from her being shocked by the shocking collar. The look on her face. She looked broken.
"We need to speed up the process. Pull in more people." I state. Bain nods as he pulls out his phone getting power humans that were technology based, on the phone.
This man is not in the system. We tried facial recognition and nothing popped up. Like he doesnt exist. This man has everything planned out.
So I had time to update 😁😁
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Until next time!
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