chapter 27
The throbbing of my body pulls me from the darkness. I open my eyes and shiver. The room is cold. I slowly sit up and wrap my arms around my body.
I swallow harshly as I realize I'm now only in white boy short panties and a sports bra. Looking in the mirror I'm covered in bruises, blood is caked on one side of my face.
The door opens, a woman steps in, like the man before her, she looks lifeless. She is tall and slender, thin blonde hair and blue eyes like the man before. Scars cover her body. Just like the man before.
She has scissors in her hands. My eyes widen as she walks to me. "Please don't, please." I plead with her. Suddenly she has my hair and in seconds it falls around me. She holds a chunk of it in her hands.
"No!" I scream. No no no. My hair. It now dances above my shoulders in a uneven cut. "No," I whine looking down as I pick up the clumps of my hair.
"Why!" I shout at her. She looks at me with no expression. Which makes me angry, and with a sudden burst of energy I throw myself at her. I claw at her, she flinches and then throws me across the room, my back hitting the wall, I cry out in pain. But I stay there and cry in mourning of my hair.
My beautiful blonde hair. It was the one thing my mother ever complimented me on.
The one thing my sister was jealous of. It was my hair, something that I could control so easily. I run my fingers through my hair, crying as I feel the length gone.
I look up at the woman. "How could you." I whisper.
She doesnt answer, she just stares at me.
"How could you!" I scream at her, spit falls from my mouth at the force I put into the words. I couldnt process the feelings going through me. The floor just beneath me turns to ice.
I look in the mirror. My eyes are bloodshot, my face is red, my hair, is shorter on one side than the other. Blood stil covers half of my forehead and temple and some of my cheek. My lips are chapped.
Suddenly I realise, I'm thirsty, and hungry. I'm nauseous at how hungry I am. My stomach churns and growls.
The lady turns and walks away out of the door.
I scream. I start hyperventilating.
No I cant. I'm breaking to easily. This is what he wants. No. I'm not doing this. It is just hair. It's okay. I take in a deep breath. I have to keep my cool. I'm okay.
Suddenly the woman comes back with a slice of bread and a small glass of water. She hands me both and I scarf down the food and the drink. She takes the glass back and walks out the door again.
Silence. I could hear my heart beat. Maybe I couldnt. But it is so quiet I wouldn't be surprised if I could.
I stare at the wall. For what seems like forever.
Why do I feel like I am losing my mind. How long have I been here. There isn't any windows. Only a small light on the ceiling makes the room dimly lit. I dont think I've been here long, yet there are no clocks in here. I dont know what time it is and that alone freaks me out. I look around at the concrete walls. The floors. All concrete. How could I breathe. Is that a stupid question.
I shake my head. What is wrong with me.
The walls ripple. I shake my head. Concrete doesn't move. On it's own. Yet like water a wave goes through the walls. So smooth, like water. Is water smooth? I blink slowly as the wall does so again. I look at the concrete floor. It does the same. It ripples beside me and I find my hand slapping on the ground trying to catch it but, I miss.
To slow, slow poke.
I furrow my brows. I look at my hand. It is red. Suddenly the door opens and Chadum, steps in.
I clench my jaw as I watch him smile, like he is meeting a new puppy for the first time. Trying to come off as gentle.
"Hello Navi," I watch him as he comes closer. "I like your hair cut, I always preferred shorter hair like my ma-" he cuts himself off. With another smile he brings out the same ring.
"Navi, make me happy and marry me." He gets on one knee again.
"No!" I shout at him. "No! No! No!" I shout. I kick my feet like a child throwing a tantrum. "No!"
He glares at me as he rushes to his feet. "You will make this a hell of a lot easier, if you just give in"
I cross my arms and glare at him. He sighs as he then turns. "Fine, but what is happening is your fault Navi." He states as he walks out slamming the door.
Minutes go by and another man comes in. Tall and built, blue eyes. He resembles the man from before but different scars. He holds a metal bat.
"No," I whimper as I bring my knees to me.
My breathing is shaky as I lay in my normal fetal position. The man leaves, the bat bloody, I'm bloody, the floor is bloody. With my blood.
I dont look in the mirror. The walls don't ripple anymore. I'm convince its drugs. I'm not sure if it was in the food, or if he gave me something while I was sleeping. I dont know. I dont ponder on it. Actually I do. I have nothing else to think about. I avoid thinking of home and Bain.
Oh God Bain. Does he know. Is he looking for me? Is anyone looking for me? My parents do they miss me? Or are they having a party? How is Annie? Has she contacted Riley? Is Daniel looking for me?
Do they miss me?
I look at my bloody hands. I'm sure some fingers are broken. My hands are bloody. Both dry blood and blood sprayed on my hand it seems.
I want to go home. I want my sister to insult me. My father to yell at me. My mother to roll her eyes at me.
I want Annie to watch out for me, as she makes sure to give me a ride to school. I want Riley to put me back together again, as she lightly touches my shoulder and gives it a gentle squeeze that I shouldn't notice.
I want to tell them I love them.
I want Frazier to look at me like I'm a million dollar sculpture. Hand carved by the Goddess herself.
I want Daniel to drag me to every event as he fangirls over Bain and I being together. I want to get angry as he pushes me towards Bain. I want to see him find his mate. I know he will treat her well.
I want to tell them both I love them.
I want Bain. I want him to look at me, like I have never seen someone look at me. The way he takes in every part of me. The way he looks as if he could put me back together with just one look, one word, one touch. How did I not see it. The way want would cross into his eyes everytime he saw me.
How after he thought his mate was done with him. He immediately went to me. Danced with me. The way he held me. As if I could turn and run, like the first time. As if he believes if he would have just held his mate tighter. She would have stayed. I. I would have stayed.
How I wish I could tell him I love him. Even if I have to love him from a distance.
I would do anything to tell him.
Riley POV
None of us say a word as we stand in Bains office looking at the opened box on his desk. Bain runs his hand through his hair. Growls rumble through his chest, he is seconds from losing it.
It's been a week and a half. We can't even search for her properly because we hoped who ever had her didnt know she is Bains mate, to keep her as safe as we could. This morning we were proved wrong with a box full of her hair.
Annie stands with her hands over her mouth. She cries silently as she stares at the hair in the box.
Daniel wont look at the box. After he saw it the first time he avoids it.
"What have the trackers got." Bain growls.
"They tracked her scent to the lake, yards from behind the house. The scent goes into the lake and then that's it. The divers didnt find anything." Daniel whispers. Guilt fills his voice, as if this is his fault. Bain picks up the lamp on the desk and throws it to the wall as it breaks into large peices.
Annie is the only one to flinch.
"Who could want to kidnap her." Annie ask desperately.
"Yes because everyone loved her." I state sarcastically. I knew the shit she went through here. I should have taken her with me earlier.
"Have you got anymore visions?" Annie ask me hopeful. Her eyes beg me to give her some hope, maybe a sign in where Navi is, if she is still breathing, for a moment I almost lie.
I dont control the visions. They come randomly. I could get five in a month or only two a year.
"No," I state as I rub the back of my neck.
"The only thing I heard was the scream." Bain growls again and throws more shit. Suddenly a knock on the door sounds and we turn to see the queen and king walk in.
"I think we have something. It's a long stretch but it might help." The queen says in all seriousness as she steps in holding a flash drive.
Finally something.
I know I said I wasnt going to update until Monday but I forgot Monday is my birthday (21 years old 😁) and I would be to busy to update and I didnt want you guys having to wait to long.
Also! I have been having issues with publishing on wattpad so If I am ever late it's because I'm having issues publishing. (Like right now it took me a couple tries before it posted)
Any how! Here you go!!
Vote and comment!! I love reading your comments and feedback! Much love to my readers ❤❤
I'll update soon! If not this coming week definitely next Monday
(August 5)
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