Annie's pov
My heart soars as we glide on the dance floor, as if the world around us didn't exist.
My heart beats loudly, I try to talk myself into following Rileys advice.
Live a little.
I've never gone after what I wanted. I've always gone after what other people wanted for me, or nothing at all.
But damn, do I want James.
With that though I back away while taking James hand in mine, he gives me a confused look and with the thoughts going through my mind I blush.
I lead him out of the ballroom and into the hall.
"Annie where are we going?" He chuckles as I wonder through the hallways.
"I thought I'd give you a tour?" I curse myself as I realize my sentence comes out as a question.
I feel a tug on my hand causing me to stop and turn to James.
"Don't lie to me, be honest." He states with a smile.
"I want to kiss you." The words tumble out of my mouth clumsily. James eyes widen at my confession a smirk on his lips.
"Already falling for me I see." James winks making me blush.
"Yeah, I mean, unless you're not falling for me then, then totally no. Like totes ew," I shrug trying to make my words come off casually and cool. James chuckles at my words as he scoops a hand aroun my waist and pulls me to him.
He looks into my eyes before looking down to my lips and with out wasting another second his lips crash onto mine. Our lips tangle together as he pushes me against the wall.
At that moment I understood what people mean when they say home is not a place.
Navis pov (right as the party started)
"Look I have the dress!" Fraiser sings as he walks into Bains and my room, putting the dress up.
He helps me put the dress on, careful to make sure I don't mess up my make up and hair.
I smile at myself in the mirror.
"Thank you." I say to Fraiser thankful to have someone like him.
The past two weeks have been the best weeks of my life. Bain has helped me adjust to being queen. I'm so happy with him, we have become attached to the hip. Next week we are going up to the cabin in the mountains for a whole weekend.
I haven't heard from my inner demons, they are silent. I don't have nightmares anymore, I'm in constant bliss.
"Come on Navi it's time to party!" Fraiser states as he takes a shot, causing me to giggle. I open the door and see Bain. Lust crosses through Bains eyes causing me to blush at his heated gaze.
"Na-ah ah. I've already got her all fixed up. Keep your horniness to yourself." Fraiser commands as he pushes us out of the doorway.
I giggle as Bain grabs my hand and leads me down the hallway, we walk into the ballroom and immediately eyes are on us.
My head is held high as I look around the faces of people. After a moment Bain and I move to blend into the crowd and people go back to talking.
Bain holds me tightly as we start to dance. He holds me close and I lean my head against his chest.
I tune out from listening to the couple talk to Bain. Something about a sport the man has invested millions in.
"Bain I have to show you the numbers you wouldn't believe it." A sigh leaves Bains mouth at the mans words. Bain looks to me.
"I'll be back in a moment." Bains whispers I nod my head with a slight smile showing I'm not bothered. Bain walks away with the man leaving me in the sea of people.
"Navi!" I turn and spot Hannah, dressed in a dark blue floor length gown, she sends me a huge smile.
I return the smile hesitantly. "Hi Hannah."
"You look amazing! I knew you would make a beautiful queen!" She states way to cheery for my liking.
My stomach turns and my palms start to get anxious at being around my high school bully.
"Anyway, seeing as you're queen now and we go way back I was thinking you could help me get on the council." Hannah states with a full blown smile and giggle.
"Oh my goodness thank you so-wait what?" She ask looking horrified.
"I said no. You won't be on the council." I state with my head held high and my eyes showing I would not budge.
"What? But this is my whole life's work! It'll be ruined if you don't!
"Your life's work is ruined because you're a bully." I state crossing my arms as I stand my ground.
"But Navi, despite our, issues, I'm the best qualified!" Hannah argues with me as she takes a threatening step towards me.
I narrow my eyes at her. "Yes you are very well qualified for the job. Except for one issue. You destroy people you don't like. I can't have that on the council, I have to have people that can work well with people, despite what they feel towards them." I explain making her eye twitch.
"You will regret this Navi." Hannah states pointing a finger at me.
I glare at her, "Hannah, I am your queen and you need to show me respect despite your feelings towards me. See this is what I mean."
A sadistic smile snakes up on her face. "Fine Navi, but I warned you." I sigh as she then struts away from me.
"Already stepping on people's toes I see." I roll my eyes at the all to familiar voice of my best friend. I turn and smile at Riley.
"Looks like it, I'm sure they will start a revolution against me soon." I joke making Riley laugh loudly.
"Please, you're so gentle they are going to love you as queen." Riley states as she puts her hand on my shoulder and squeezed lightly making me blush.
I wake up and turn on my side. My eyebrows furrow as I don't see Bain. I stand quickly and look in the bathroom and see he isn't there.
I sigh, King duties must have gotten him early.
A knock sounds at my door and I open it to see a maid nervously looking at me. "Queen Navi, you're needed in the throne room immediately." Her voice shakes causing worry to seep into my heart.
I quickly put on some jeans and rush out of the room and rush to the throne room.
My eyes widen at Hannah. She smirks at me as she stands down the stairs of the thrones. "You know, it's not a good thing on how heavy you sleep, for a queen, that's dangerous."
My blood runs cold as I spot the former queen and king in their throne. Both of their eyes are lifeless as they are slumped in their chairs.
I drop to my knees as tears stream down my face as I see Bain, staring at me, lifeless. His eyes are unfocused, then I realize, the connection, it's gone. How did I not notice before.
"Gotta love what poison will do to people. With how heavy you and Bain slept, all I had to do was stick him with a syringe, full of toxins." Hannah states as she takes a step to me. "I told you Navi, you would regret refusing me on the council."
My heart constricts at her words. I lean on my hands as I try to catch my breath. I hear my blood pumping in my ears causing them to ring.
The demons rush my mind, taking control of it all. They awaken other demons and dig into old wounds.
All at once I feel the pain.
Then all at once, I feel nothing.
A lifeless chuckle leaves me. Another chuckle leaves me, louder this time. Until I'm finally full on laughing.
"HahahahaHAhahahahaHAHAHAAHAHA!" I laugh crazily as the last of my sanity falls like a rose petal.
I stand up and look at Hannah with my head slightly tilted. Hannah looks confused by my action.
"You did all of this." I gesture to my dead mate and his parents."Because I refused you on the council, because you're a bully. So you kill, the king and his parents, leaving only his mate. What do you gain in this? " I ask as I place my hands behind my back as I take slow steps to her.
She quickly recovers, a nervous smirk fills her face. "I couldn't fight them head on, you, you're a glitch. I can kill you and then I'll be queen."
I chuckle at her assumptions.
"Then let's go." I state making her eyes widen again. She quickly gets in a fighting stance.
"Ah!" She yells as she makes the first move and tries to tackle me I easily side step her.
I turn towards her and with a flick of my wrist ice shoots up under her causing her to shoot into the air. She falls on the ground with a loud thud and groans.
I look to Bain.
My heart constricts as I close my eyes. "I'm doing this for you." I whisper.
With that I turn quickly as Hannah gets up, she gets into another fighting position making me smirk.
I quickly stomp the ground and move my hands quickly to her pointing my finger tips towards her neck.
With that her head falls and rolls to me.
I pick up her severed head by the hair. Her face is that of terror. The blood drips to the floor.
A giggle escapes my lips.
Soon another giggle follows until I am full on laughing.
And with that I feed the darkness
The truth is this,
Every monster
You have ever met
Or will ever meet,
Was once a human being
With a soul
That was as soft
And light
As silk
Someone stole
That silk from their soul
And turned them
into this
So when you see
A monster next,
Always remember this.
Do not fear
The thing before you
Fear the thing
That created it
Nikita Gill
The end....for now.
For those saying there is no way Hannah could have snuck past the guards and killed a royal.
1) Hannah worked with the Queen. So seeing her in the castle would not have been odd.
2) Hannah could manipulate what she looked like so if she needed to she could make herself look like a guard.
So thoughts?
Anyway now I can tell you the reason for Glitch.
I wanted a book where people were reading through the villains pov and not even know it, I wanted a story on the upcoming of a villain, what caused them to break. With the added reasons of the ptsd and the mate. This book is my baby and I could literally cry from it being over.
The next book (if you guys even still want a sequel.) Will follow Annie as she watches her sister Navi, rule with an iron fist, while Annie tries to bring the good out in her sister again . (James will also be in it)
You will still see Navi's and Riley's pov but the next story will be mainly in Annie's pov.
So let me know if you still want that sequel!
Vote comment and follow!!
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