Everything that happened and is about to happen is all part of something bigger! It will all be explained in the sequel. If you dare to continue.
*IMPORTANT: for those that do NOT want a sequel, chapter 61 is the end, if you do not want a sequel.
If you do want a sequel. Keep reading .....
Annie's pov
I run my fingers over the fabric of the dress Fraiser had picked for me for tonight.
It's been two weeks since the wedding.
I never knew how many formal events one had to go to when in the royal family.
I sigh as I strip down and put the dress on lazily.
I glare at the slit that runs a little to high for comfort and the amount of cleavage showing, but nonetheless I smooth the dress over with my hands and slip on the heels.
I run my fingers through my crazy curly hair and apply light makeup.
"Lord come on Annie, the party started like thirty minutes ago." Riley groans causing me to roll my eyes at her. I turn and narrow my eyes at her with my hands on my hips.
Riley is wearing a strapless, skin tight black floor length dress. Her make up is done darkly and her hair is put up in an elegant updo thanks to Fraiser.
Before I can say anything Riley quickly grabs my hand and drags me out of the room not listening to my protests.
I groan as I finally fall in step with her as we walk down the empty halls.
I then look at her and swallow harshly. "Hey, I never did thank you for helping him find me." I say shyly causing Riley to look at me with a raise brow.
"Who Jason? ah, yeah no, I didn't find you." Riley states as she tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
"James, anyhow what do you mean you didn't find me? I figured you had a vision or something?" I question with my eyebrow raised. How else would they have found me?
"No I didn't have a vision." Riley states as she looks at the paintings we pass by.
"I think Navi and Bain just had their painting done. " I roll my eyes at the short attention span of Riley.
We get to the door of the party but I grab her arm. "Riley how did you and James find me."
A huff comes from Riley as she rolls her eyes.
"Okay so this is what happened." Riley starts. "See, I had just gotten a piece of the wedding cake right? I took one bite of it and I knew instantly the moon goddess made a mistake on who my mate was. It was the cake, the cake was my mate. I mean Annie you should have tried this cake, this cake was so moist, but not to moist it was falling apart, you know what I mean, and the icing on this thing was sweet but not to sweet like most icings are." I roll my eyes and resist the urge to face palm.
"James, how did you and james find me?"
"Oh, OH yeah. Okay okay. Anyway." Riley shakes her head getting back on track. "So I'm eating this cake and Jason-"
"Right James, comes up to me and ask where you were and I'm like do I look like I know, while I point to my cake. He laughs and walks away apologizing for interrupting me. Any how I go to eat another bite and that bitch, Chelsea, comes up and starts talking to me. I'm trying to not to be rude but I'm slowly trying to shove this cake in my face."
I groan internally at Rileys story.
"Anyhow finally she walks away to which I proceed to get a mouth full of this cake, like I'm taking this cake like a dick, I don't have a gag reflex by the way," Riley winks at me causing me to blush slightly.
"So in the middle of deep throating this cake, James comes back to me really worried like saying he can not find you." My heart flutters at the thought of James looking for me.
I hadn't seen him since then. He probably has moved on to someone else by now. A sad sigh leaves my mouth.
"So I'm like fine let's go find her, shit. So I put my cake down behind a couple of things so no one would take my cake and walk with this dude looking for you. On the way there I snab a smaller piece of cake and start eating that as I wait in the hall as he looks in the rooms for you. Suddenly we both hear a muffled scream right? So I put the whole cake in my mouth and throw the plate away as we walk down the hall." Riley states as she makes gestures with her hands of her walking.
"So by the time we get to this room I'm swallowing my cake. So James opens the door and I see your hands and legs and then that guy on top of you. So then James hulk's out and grabs him like a rag doll and throws him out the door. Of course the blood sucker gets up and tries to take off using that vampire super speed shit so I quickly put a hold to that cause I have cake waiting and I'm not in any condition to chase this bitch down. So I take his vampire voodoo away and James pumbles on him for a second before mumbling about you. Then hands the vampire to me and walks into the room you're in grabs you, takes you to another room and shuts the door, So now I'm stuck with the ass hat. "
I smile at the fact that James made sure to come back to me.
"So I take Vampire boy out to the cells and then make my way back. I go to find my cake and get this Annie, the bitch is gone! Someone took my half eaten cake! And then I go to get more cake and there isn't any left!" Rileys voice rises slightly towards the end making me chuckle.
She then sighs "that's the journey of me and my cake, gone but never forgotten." Riley shrugs and we both walk through the doors into the ballroom as I laugh.
I roll my eyes as she walks towards the food. I sigh as I walk deeper in the crowd. I spot Navi on Bains arm as they talk to a couple.
"You must be Cinderella, because I see that dress disappearing by midnight." My eyes widen at the words, I quickly turn around to give the perv a piece of my mind but stop in my tracks.
"James! What are you doing here?" I question as I quickly pull him in for a hug. His arms wrap around me as his chuckle fills the air.
"I didn't want you to have to wait to long for our date." James shrugs causing me to blush and my heart skips a beat.
"So can I get you a drink?" James smiles at me, I quickly nod my head.
"Amaretto sour please?" I ask politely. He nods his head and moves through the crowd quickly.
"You better jump his bones Annie." I look behind me and my eyes widen at Riley.
She smirks at me but her eyes, they hide something.
I raise a brow. "What why?"
"Because yolo that's why," Riley shrugs, she then looks behind me before looking back at me. "Live a little damn." I smile at Rileys smirk shaking my head. An arm wraps around Riley's waist and Daniel snuggles his nose into her neck.
"I'm gonna have to steal Riley for a moment if you don't mind Annie." Daniel says breathlessly as he tries to hide the huskyness from his voice.
"I don't mind." I shrug and Riley giggles as Daniel leads her away.
"Here you go!" I turn as James hands me the drink.
"Thank you James. You're too kind." I smile shyly as I take a sip of my drink.
"So what color is your dragon? If you don't mind me asking." I ask causing him to smile at my curiosity.
"Midnight blue." James shrugs, he looks into my eyes.
"Hey, hey you have something in your eye." He states as he leans down looking into my right eye, a concerned look taking over his face.
"Oh wait it's just a sparkle, nevermind." He states with a lighthearted smile causing my face to burn red hot.
"Stop it," I state with a nervous giggle I couldn't stop smiling now, but something was stopping me from letting myself actually enjoy this completely.
His mate.
James has a mate out there.
"What's wrong?" James ask as he takes step closer to me.
I take in a deep breath as I decide I need to just lay it all on the table. I needed to so I wouldn't get my heart broken.
"Look, I like you, but um, I can't really do this knowing you have a mate out there." I state as I lick my lips "I can't put a girl through that."
He stares at me for a moment as I pick at my nails waiting. My hands get clammy before he finally speaks.
"She's human." James states with a shrug of his shoulders as he looks away.
My heart breaks, he has met his mate. So what was this? A game? A joke? Goddess I'm so stupid.
"Right," I breaths as I put my empty glass on a table. "I bet you two are lovely together." I state as I wrap my arms around myself and look away.
A chuckle escapes him as I feel calloused fingers grab my chin lightly as he guides me to look towards him.
"Annie, the last time I saw my mate, she was getting married." James chuckles as he let's his hand fall. My eyes widen as a light gasp leaves my mouth.
"Oh my gosh," I breath, "I'm so sorry," I consoled making him shrug his shoulders.
"Its been a couple of years I've accepted it."
I shake my head in disbelief, who would reject this hunk of meat?
Well her loss is my gain.
"Now I think you owe me a dance." I state with a smirk causing him to chuckle.
He grabs my hand and leads me to the dance floor as a slow song comes on. He brings me close to his chest, one hand holds my waist gently. The other holding my hand as he glides us against the dance floor.
One more chapter left you guys 😭😭
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