We pull up at a empty dirt parking lot and park. All of us climbing out as Daniel, Bain and Riley walk to the back of the suv and start grabbing things. Annie goes back to help and soon we are all walking towards a trail in the tree line.
I hear a throat being cleared and I turn my head to see Daniel. I raise a brow at him in question, he just motions his head forward. With a confused look I look forward and see Bain walking in front of us. His back muscles flex with every step he takes.
I then look back at Daniel both eyebrows raised.
"Go talk to him doofus." Daniel whispers with an eye roll and a laugh.
My eyes widen as my face gets hot. Nervousness creeps up into my stomach. Nonetheless I steadily increase my pace until I'm even with Bain.
I look up at him and suddenly feel really small.
What do I say? Hi? No that's weird.
Hello Bain.
No sounds like I'm trying to sell him a house.
What up my man.
No that's dumb.
So how's the weather?
That's also dumb seeing as we are both outside.
I need to say something. Anything. And with that my mouth opens as I look at him and the first thing I can think of pops out.
"So. Did it hurt...um when you fell from heaven?" I ask shyly. I hear a slight smack from behind me, but all I can focus on is the slight smirk on Bains lips.
"I think I should be asking you that question Babydoll," my cheeks heat up at his words.
A moment passes by.
"Do you have a name? Or can I call you mine?" Bain says in a overly flirtatious tone making me giggle.
"Do you have a sunburn or are you always this hot?" I ask as I then put my finger on his toned arm and make a sizzling sound.
Bain bites his lip to keep from laughing, I look away to keep from drooling.
"Are you a time traveler cause I see you in my future," Bain says with a wink.
"Is, is this really happening?" I hear Daniel whisper in the back ground.
"Is your name wifi? Cause I'm feeling a connection," I state with as much of a straight face as possible.
"Yes, its definitely happening." Riley confirms.
"Your hand looks heavy, let me hold it" Bain states and gently he sneaks my hand into his grasp.
"I know you're busy today but can you add me to your to-do list?" As soon as the words leave my mouth I realize my mistake causing my face to heat up quickly.
Bain immediately stops us in our tracks as he leans down and puts his lips close to my ear. "Oh I'll add you to the top of my to do list, baby."
With that he backs away and sends me a wink before continuing walking.
Now I'm speechless. My heart is pounding recklessly at the thought the things Bain can do to me.
"Hey keep it pg-13 guys!" Riley states with a laugh.
Suddenly we stop walking causing me to turn my head and gasp.
Another cliff.
Except this one looks over the ocean. I close my eyes as I listen to the waves crash on the cliff and wonder how I didn't hear it before. I feel Bain drop my hand as he lets me enjoy the sound.
I open my eyes and turn my head seeing Riley lay down a blanket and sit down on top of it. Daniel sets both baskets on the blanket and sits down beside her. I walk to them and join them, Bain sits by me and I blush at how close he is.
Fraiser and Annie sit down with us as well, Daniel starts pulling out sandwiches and passes them around while Annie grabs drinks from the ice chest I've just now noticed.
"Okay so I was going to wait until someone else asked but since no one is obviously going to, I'm going to go ahead and do so." Fraiser states as he then looks at Riley.
"I know your ass has some amazing assassin stories and I want to hear them now!" Fraiser commands making Riley raise a brow.
"Yeah I bet she could write a book." Annie states with a light chuckle.
Riley flicks her hair over her shoulder. "Its dirty work, what I tell you could probably haunt you. I have so much blood on my hands it's not even funny." Riley shrugs, she then looks around us.
"Though I gotta tell you, humans are the most paranoid creatures to ever live. No joke." Riley takes a bite of her sandwhich after the words leave her mouth.
"So what's the craziest job offer you ever had?" Annie ask as she takes a drink of her soda.
"To many to count." Riley states as she shrugs her shoulders. "Though I had this human pay me to kill this witch right? Supposedly she had cursed his family. So I set off right?" Riley starts and I get a chill as I feel Bain start running his hands through my hair.
"So I get to the witch right? And she has burns on her so I'm like hold up this looks familiar. And I do my research on this witch right? Turns out she had been kidnapped by this guy, never put a curse on his family or anything, no he kidnapped her, made her bless his home and then tried to burn her!" By now all of us are captivated by Rileys story.
"So my ass apologizes to the lady for stalking her, so I tell her I'll get rid of her problem. So I got back to the human kingdom and slaughter the man, I then half the money he paid me before hand with the witch as an extra fuck you to the man, it was wild though, whole ass goose chase trying to figure out what was true and what wasn't," Riley finishes the story with a shrug.
Fraiser finishes off his sandwhich as his eyes brighten. "I got an idea," he states excitedly causing Daniel's eyes to widen in horror.
"Oh no you don't, I know that look in your eye, it's a bad idea, bad bad bad idea!"
Skip to us all in bathing suits, thanks to Annie for packing us all one. Holding hands while standing at the cliff looking over the ocean.
"This is such a bad Idea," Daniel whines.
Riley and Fraiser both look excited, Annie looks unsure and Bain looks, well he doesn't look impressed, making me believe he has gone through more bad ideas with Fraiser before.
"Please dear goddess no."
"We are gonna di-"
With that we all run holding hands and jump of the cliff.
"Oh my god this was a terrible idea!"
"This is the best idea ever!"
The water embraces me eagerly, a smile on my face as it helps push me up. I break through the surface laughing. I turn my head to see Bain smiling while looking at me.
"Woah that was the best thing ever!" Fraiser shouts, Riley gives him a high five.
Suddenly I feel arms around me, I turn and see Bain, he pulls me close with a lazy smile on his face.
"Hi." I say shyly making his smile widen.
"Stop doing things that make me want to kiss you." My eyes widen at his confession. My cheeks blush, I quickly take in a deep breath and before I can chicken out I put my hand on the back of his neck and bring his soft lips to mine.
The kiss is refreshing, it seems to hydrate my body, ignites a spark in me. Butterflies erupt, it's like kissing him for the first time.
"Bain and Navi sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" I giggle at Fraisers singing making me break from the kiss.
I turn and see them looking at us with peaceful smiles.
Daniel looks at me and does a mock bow. "You're welcome!" I roll my eyes and turn back to Bain, who is still looking at me.
A moment passes and I look up into Bains eyes, the pools of red entice me.
"Hey so you remember how you said I could have any job in the palace I wanted?" I ask innocently. As I start to pull on my earlobe gently. It was time to start chasing what I wanted, time to chase my happiness.
Bain raises a brow as he nods slowly.
"Is the queen position still open?"
So I had time to update before going to eat!
Anyhow see you next time!!
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