Navi pov.
"It's time." Bora states as she starts walking with me again.
"Are we going to the heavens?" I ask her with a tilt of my head.
Bora smiles at me and soon the abyss manifest itself and we are in the hospital. I look at Bora confused.
"I told you Navi, you're early. Come." I follow her but stop as I see the room I'm in. The door is open and I see myself on the bed, tubes in my throat with wires hooked up to me.
I take a step back as I shake my head. "No, No I don't want to go back." I shake my head frantically. Bora gives me a sympathetic smile.
"I'm sorry Navi, you have to." Bora states. I go to take another step back but before I can Bora touches my forehead and suddenly all I see is light.
Riley pov
My head snaps to the machine as it beats quickly. I stand and quickly walk to Navi. Her eyes are fluttering like she is trying to wake up.
"Doctor!" I shout as I turn my head to the door. "Doctor!" I shout louder causing some nurses to look at me and start walking towards me. I turn my head and gasp.
Crystal blue eyes stare into mine. "Navi." I breathe. Nurses surround us as they start to move the tube. I place my hand on Navi's hand and smile.
I leave the room giving the nurses room to get her comfortable. I call Bain.
"Shes awake," I breathe out.
"I'm on my way." Click.
I then dial Annie.
"Yes?" Her hopeful voice filters through the speaker.
"She is awake Annie, come see her." A breath of relief escapes her.
"I'm coming, give me a minute to, get myself together. I don't want to break down when I see her. She doesn't need that right now." Annie's shaky voice comes through the speaker.
"That's fine, Bain is on his way. You can see her after him to give you time."
"Thank you," is her quick reply. I hang up and put my phone up. I turn and see Bain. I smile and nod towards the room where the nurses are finishing up and walking out.
Navis pov
The nurse hands me a plastic cup of water with a sympathetic smile on her face. She pats my leg and the walks out of the room.
Moments later Bain walks in.
He takes a chair and brings it close. He sits down and grabs my hand. He brings it to his lips and gives me a soft kiss on my knuckles.
"How are you feeling Navi." Bain ask me gently.
"Guilty." I croak honestly. My vocal cords are sore, my throat burns from the tube that was down my throat breathing for me.
Bains lips roll in his mouth as he licks them. "Navi, you have no reason to feel guilty."
"But I do. I was so obsessed with not being evil. Jacy said she saw darkness in me and I lost myself. Growing up being called a monster, and a stranger comes and tells me they see it in me I-I." I trail off not knowing how to explain my demons.
"Navi. Navi. No no. Darling no." Bain shakes his head as he scoots his chair close to me. "Navi we all have darkness, I have darkness in me, Riley has darkness, even Annie has darkness in her. You have a constant war going on, inside all of us. All of us do. Good vs the dark." Bain explains as he runs my hand lightly in his.
"The one that wins, is the one you feed. Darkness won't win if you don't feed it. " Bain explains causing me to tilt my head.
Jacy was feeding the darkness in me. If I could feed the good in me, I'd be okay.
"So I'm not a monster?" I ask hesitantly causing Bain to smile at me.
He shakes his head at me. "No. No you're not."
Bain takes his phone out and quickly pulls up something and soon music fills the air. (Up top^)
I giggle as he gently takes the covers off and helps me up. I'm in a hospital gown and weak as ever. "Bain what are you doing." I giggle as he pulls me to him, making sure to wrap an arm around my waist to help hold me up. He starts to sway us to the music.
"I'm dancing with you, Navi." A genuine smile makes it's way to my face as we sway back and forth.
"What if someone walks in? They'll think we are crazy." I whisper to him giggling.
"I'd give up my sanity for you, if it makes you smile." Bain promises as we sway back and forth to the music.
"You aren't alone Navi, I have you." He softly kisses my forehead and I rest my head on his chest. His chest rumbles as he starts to hum to the song.
He gently twirls me, making sure to keep a hold of me. Then brings me back as the song slows to an end.
Annie's pov
I breath in deeply and then release the breath I hold hostage. I breath in deeply again as I open the car door and step out. I walk swiftly to the hospital, emotions barely in check.
I walk to Navi's hospital room and softly open the door and peek in. A smile makes it way to my face as I see what takes place. Music plays and Bain and Navi sway together. I turn my head and see Daniel and Riley. I wave and finally get their attention. I wave them over and put a finger to my lips to tell them to be quiet. They walk to me wearing confusion on their face. I point in the room and they both look into the room. Smiles break on their faces at Bain and Navi dancing.
I look behind us and see Fraiser with a confused look on his face as he spots us peeping Tom's. He carries a big bouquet of flowers. I put a finger to my lips telling him to be quiet and motion him over. I point in the room and let him peek. He bust out into a full grin as the oblivious couple dances to a song. We all watch in awe at our broken friend being held together by a dance.
The song comes to an end and our eyes widen as Bain helps Navi back in bed. We all back up and close the door softly. We wait a minute before opening the door and walking in.
"My beautiful master piece, I've missed playing dress up with you," Fraiser states as he brings the big bouquet of 2 dozen flowers to a wide eyed Navi.
Fraiser looks at Bain and sends a disapproving look. "You didn't bring her flowers? Bain my girl deserves a mate that brings her flowers." Frasier states as he then makes a tsk tsk sound.
Bain glares at Fraiser as he looks between the flowers and Fraiser before finally snatching the flowers from Fraiser, making his eyes widen.
"Navi I got you these," Bain states with a smile as he sets them on her night stand.
Frasier cocks his hip to the side and places his hand on his hips. "Well I have never been so disrespected. " Fraiser states acting offended. Navi giggles at the two making me smile.
I go and sit on Navi's bed, I lean in and hug her, I try to hold back the eagerness. Navi makes up for it as she pulls me in and hugs me as strong as her weak arms can do so. We giggle as we listen to Bain and Fraiser argue.
Navi would be okay. She has a long road ahead but she will be just fine.
Almost done with Glitch! Are you excited!!
Dont forget to vote comment and follow!!
Alright, its 12:19am where im at. I'm going to bed. Goodnight my Glitches 😁😁
Question if you were in my book what would you be? (Powerhuman, witch, wolf, vampire, fairy, dragon shifter or human? )
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