I'm not sure how long time has passed but I know its been days. I think. I've been waterboarded, medicated with that heart shit to many times to count. I swallow harshly as Jacy walks in the room. "Its time Navi." Jacy smirks as she walks to me.
"Time for?" I ask in a whisper.
"To turn you into the monster you already believe you are." She smirks and with a snap of her fingers, Drew walks in, he comes up and un-chains me. I fall to the ground, a small cry as my bones and joints cry out. Then he picks me up by the back of my shirt and carries my limp body out of the concrete room. Jacy leads the way.
We walk into another room, the man sets me on my feet, my eyes widen as I see a woman infront of me tied up to a chair, gagged. A table is pushed to me by Jacy, full of her torture devices.
"Navi, I want you to use that silver dagger on the shewolf volunteer." Jacy states making the she wolf shake her head frantically as her eyes widen.
My lips are parted in surprise. I turn my head to Jacy. "No."
Jacy smiles at my no. "Let me be more polite, that'll surely change your mind." With that she clears her throat. "Navi, take that silver dagger and cut that woman, please dear."
I suck in a deep breath as I walk slowly to the table. I swallow harshly as I pick the silver dagger up and walk to the woman. She starts to cry and she moans with the gag in her mouth, she shakes her head frantically.
I take the dagger and let it draw blood on her skin, the woman clenches her jaw and her eyes close tightly.
"Good job Navi," Jacy says approvingly. I clench my jaw at her words.
"Now stab her arm with the dagger, please dear."
Once the words leave her mouth, my hand raises the dagger up. I look into the womans eyes as she begs me with them. I send her an apology as I bring the dagger down into her arm causing a muffled scream to leave her.
"Excellent." Jacy muses, my stomach churns as she delightly scribbles in her notes. "Now look in her eyes and plunge the dagger in her heart, and twist it, please dear."
I breath out a shaky breath, my mind screams for me to drop the dagger, to run but my body does other wise. The woman muffles screams fill the air as she struggles to get a way. I put the dagger right at her heart, I then look into her eyes and push the dagger in, then twist it, tears race down her face, and soon I watch the life disappear from her eyes.
My body shakes, I'm hot, and sweaty. I could vomit.
"Take the dagger out Navi, please dear." I let a breath out as I take the dagger out. I jump as she places a hand on my arm.
"See . That wasn't so hard." She states with a giggle.
I should have let Chadum kill me.
"Bring in the next one Drew!"
Oh goddess kill me now.
Annie's pov
I look over the cliff.
I listen to the birds chirp, the wind whistle.
I feel the suns hot rays on my face.
I smell the blue breeze. The smell of natural sweeteners, very distinct.
I think of the times I came here. Beating myself up for not sticking up for my sister, I had failed as a big sister. Here I am failing again.
Navi was out there, somewhere, I'm sure Jacy had her.
I should have kept a better eye out.
Here I am, back at square one, looking for Navi.
Bains pov
I rush through the trees in my wolf form, my nose stuck to the ground as I follow the scent of my mate, a winter's morning breeze.
Daniel follows me with another wolf, Haden. We search her scent, following it as it takes us deep into woods.
I hear a howl making my ears stand up. I take off towards Hadens howl, I rush over and see a bag. Haden shifts and opens the bag, a growl leaves me as Navi's shoes come into view.
A goose chase. A wild goose chase.
"Let's split up, maybe we can pick up another scent," Daniel's voice floats through my head, I growl in approval and the three of us rush off into different places. My nose stays firmly to the ground as I sniff for her scent.
Rileys pov
I sigh at the migraine coming on. I always get one after a vision. I take my phone and dial Annie.
"Find anything?" Comes her quick reply. I rub my temple.
"Yeah, it's a pain though. She isn't here," I tell her.
"I'm not following," Annie's confused voice floats through the phone.
"She isn't in this kingdom Annie, she is in Pure blood kingdom." I groan my words as the headache intensifies.
"Shit, well pack some clothes I'm calling Bain, he will take us." Annie states and I hear the click.
I put my phone up in my pocket and stand up from the bed I was laying in.
My stomach turns at the vision I had seen. Jacy forcing Navi to kill. Which made me even more nervous.
Jacy had the power of persuasion.
Persuasion was a rare power, only given to one power humans; Who normally possessed a strong power.
Power humans with the power of persuasion could be very dangerous. They were either completely evil or completely good. Asking you to either bring peace to the world or kill it. Never inbetween.
And all they had to do was ask you something with their little saying at the end and you would do it no questions ask.
They say jump, you jump, without even asking how high.
I had dealt with a power human with that power before, they are a bitch to handle.
The reason I knew she was in pure blood kingdom, the style of pants the shewolf was wearing, a university in Pureblood kingdom wore them specifically.
I quickly start packing a bag, and call Bain and Daniel about the details.
I stretch as I grab my bag of clothes and walk out.
"Riley!" I turn and see Fraiser.
I raise a brow. "Before you go kick some ass I have a suit for you, I heard you were an assassin so here." I take the bag and nod.
"Send me a selfie when you put it on okay?" I raise a brow but nod slow.
I then give him a smirk and turn and walk away. "Tell Navi I said hey and I'm working on another dress for her!"
I chuckle but give him a thumbs up as I continue walking. Obviously Fraiser is worried, he seems to work on clothes when he is extremely stressed out. I think he is truly scared for Navi's sake.
"You ready?" I turn and see Daniel who looks at me lovingly.
"So I cancelled our reservations, and called Former king London, his son and grandson are in a neighboring kingdom dealing with stuff so we will be talking to London." I nod my head.
"A jet is on it's way here, London is also getting his search team, Bain is gathering up our search team and meeting us at the jet." He finishes as he keeps up the pace with me.
"What about Annie." I question glancing at him.
"Yeah, um Bain told her but. That didnt go to well." I chuckle at Daniel's response.
Annie's pov
"What the hell do you mean I have to stay back?" I look up at Bain my eyes narrowed.
Bain glares at me, at my tone. "Annie, we have this covered, it's to dangerous to risk your life, we don't exactly know what we are dealing with " Bain calmly explains.
I put my hand on my hip. "Riley gets to go!" I whine.
"Riley is a trained Assassin, she is the best of the best."
"You can take that best of the best and shove it up your royal ass, I'm coming Bain, I'm coming rather you like it or not, if you get in my way I'll roast your ass got?" I state as I poke his chest his eyes widen.
"Annie I'm your king you are to stay-"
I grab his collar and bring him to my level.
"Listen here, when it comes to my sister I don't give a damn tootin who you are, I'm going and that's final!" I grit my teeth as I point to his junk. "I'm going, rather I have to burn your balls off or not."
Bain nods quickly "burning them won't be neccessary." Bain squeaks his voice going up an octave.
"Good," With that I walk past him to the jet.
Last update for the day 😁😁
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Much love to you guys ❤
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