My long hair whips around my face, my arms lazily infront of me.
Except I dont have a weird feeling in my stomach. In fact I don't feel anything.
I open my eyes.
I'm falling and I can't seem to move, I don't think I'm breathing.
Suddenly a force hits my back and I cry out, though I don't really feel pain.
I blink and I'm back in the concrete room.
I slowly sit up. The room seems to spin. I lift my hand, I move like I'm moving through water.
Suddenly the door opens. A man steps through. My eyes widen, I don't see a face, but my gut tells me its Chadum. I stand, again slowly like I'm moving through water. I turn, I'm no longer in a concrete room. I'm in a hallway.
A muffled yell goes through and I look back to see Chadum running toward me with an axe.
I push my legs to move but its like I'm not reacting fast enough, my body is delayed.
Fear. It Shoots through me as I realize I'm not moving as fast as I know I can.
I can't feel my body properly and I can't move my body normally.
I open my mouth to scream as I continue to try and run quickly.
"Navi!" My eyes shoot open at the name. Daniel holds my shoulders giving me a gentle shake. His eyebrows are scrunched together. I'm sweating, breathing heavily.
"You had a nightmare." I blink at his explanation.
I look around taking the scene in. I'm in the hospital. The monitor with my vitals is going off slightly, showing I'm in distress. The room is dark, my eyes go back to Daniel, he looks as if he just woke up. Green shirt is wrinkled, hair is messy. His face looks tired.
"When can I go home." I whisper, searching his eyes. I feel like I need to go home, I'm uncomfortable here, it doesn't feel right.
"They want to do a mental evaluation on you." Daniel looks at the wounds on me as he softly states the next sentence. "You went through a traumatic experience."
I nod my head. "I-I," I breath in deeply, let out a shaky breath. "It doesn't seem real, any of it, I feel I'm dreaming and I'll wake up and be surrounded by concrete again." I find myself running my finger tips over the bed sheets, making sure this is real.
"Navi." Daniel states softly as he sits on the bed, he swallows as he prepares his nexts words. "What happened to Chadum? Where were you kept?"
I shake my head. "I'm not ready." Daniel nods. He pats my leg and then he stands up and walks out of the room scratching the back of his neck. I lay back down and close my eyes. Sleep never really finds me.
My body feels heavy, but I can vaguely hear the monitor beside me, the air conditioning humming through the room.
I try to fall deeper into sleep but my body doesnt allow it. So I pay attention to the humming of the air condition.
The nurse that opens the door looks surprise as she sees me awake. She sends me a smile. "Morning Navi, you sleep well?"
"Well, someone chased me in my dreams with a chainsaw. That was nice," I chuckle as she gives me a grimace of a smile.
"Sorry Navi, I'm sure you have PTSD. I'm not a doctor so I can't exactly confirm that but, the trauma you went through, it won't surprise me."
I nod my head at her words. I try not to think to much on it.
I tune out and go through the motions of the mental evaluation. The doctor nods but he doesn't seem to really pay attention. My blood pumps through my ears.
The doctor concludes I don't have ptsd and I will make a full recovery and go back to normal.
I nod, My mother comes and picks me up as they discharge me from the hospital.
It's just me and her in the car. She doesn't say anything and I watch the trees go by. The air is thick around us.
We pull up into the driveway of the house the car stops neither of us move.
"Navi." I don't turn towards my mother, I just look at her from the corner of my eye.
"I'm sorry this happened to you." The words are foreign to my ears. "You may not be my favorite, I might not even like you, but you are still my daughter."
That's more like it, sorta.
I nod my head, open the door and silently exit the car. After a moment the engine dies and she exits the car. I open the door and shut it behind me. Walk up the stairs and into my room.
The room is untouched. Left just like it was before I- left.
My bed though is different, some other than myself has laid in it.
I look around my room a second time. My body suddenly feeling tired and weak. I close my eyes as I embrace the sadness that hits me like a wave, losing my breath. I am drowning within.
I don't feel right, this room does not feel right, I'm uncomfortable. I have no idea why.
I go to the bathroom, start a shower. I look in the cabinet and grab a towel. I freeze as I look at the hidden spot where my razor blades are normally hidden. I shake my head throwing that idea out and shut the cabinet.
I place the towel on the toilet lid. I peel the clothes I have on, off and climb into the shower. I turn the cold completely off and close my eyes tightly as I let the hot water burn my broken skin. My throat burns as I hold back a sob.
I'm not going to cry.
I block out the memories of the concrete room, the memories of ice going through Chadums throat.
I lean my head against the wall of the shower. I breath out harshly and then start to wash my hair and body.
I focus on not focusing on the harsh memories. The water starts to turn cold so I quickly step out and wrap the towel around me.
I look at the clock on my bed.
I throw on clothes, a dark tank top and dark skinny jeans. I slip on some black tennis shoes and brush my hair and then dry it half way. I don't bother with make up and walk out of the room. I go down the hall to Annie's room. She is on her bed reading.
Her eyes meet mine and she immediately puts the book down.
"Navi," she breathes as she looks as though she is seeing me for the first time since I was kidnapped.
"What are you doing tonight?" I ask nervously, I put my hand on the door frame to maybe calm my shaking hands. Suddenly ice covers where my hand is. I dont flinch, I slowly take my hand from the door frame.
Annie acts like she doesn't notice as she sends me a smile with a shrug. "Whatever you want to do?"
"You want to go out?" The words stumble out of my mouth clumsily and a bigger smile takes over Annie.
"Like clubbing?" I nod my head unsure.
"Only if you wear something other than that." Annie stands up as I shrug.
"I don't have anything club worthy."
A smirk fills Annie's face as a mischievous look takes over her features.
"I know someone who does." She states as she quickly walks out of the room. I wait a moment awkwardly and soon Annie comes back with something in her hand. I take it as she then goes to her closet and takes out a green dress. Quickly she strips and puts it on. It hugs her curves nicely.
I then follow her movements kicking my clothes to the side as I put on the little black dress. Honestly it looks like a long tank top. Annie then hands me some red heels. While she puts on purple heels.
She grabs her keys and links her arm in mine and we walk out.
"Where are you two going?" Iris asks from the couch causing my mother and father to look our way.
My father glares at the dresses and my mother looks surprised.
"Out," Annie states as she grabs the door knob.
"You both look like sluts." My jaw clenches as I also ball my hands into fist.
"Yet you're the one blowing your teacher so he doesn't fail you." Annie states with out hesitation, my mother chokes on her drink and my father looks to my sister Iris quickly wanting an explanation.
Iris is red in the face. Annie grabs my hand and pulls me out the door before anything else is said. We get in her car and I look at her in shock.
She shrugs "I'm over it, she isnt perfect, they just pretend she is and I'm over it."
I smile at her comment as she cranks the car and backs out of the driveway.
Its another slow day at work lol.
Any how here you go!!
Vote and comment!! 😁
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