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Pattons pov
"I know, I'm sorry i had to cancel, Virgil got sick again so I didn't want him to go anywhere by vehicle and get motionsick." I explained through the phone.
"I understand, Patton. Is everything alright? He's getting sicker more frequently lately." with Logan's voice in my ear, I continued flipping through the channels of the living room tv.
"Yeah, he recovers after a day or so, Its never too bad. But I'm looking into making him a doctor's appointment later this week." i answered, sensing Logan's worry.
"That's sensible of you." he answered, voice slightly calmer then before. After some silence and sounds over the line, Logan continued.
"We've had some breakthroughs. He's talking some and he seems to be having some difficulty explaining himself on his discrete replys. Every time I ask him to elaborate he doesn't answer."
"Beggers can't be choosers." I respond after setting down the remote.
"Hmm. I suppose you're right."
"He'll be there for his next appointment."
Walking upstairs I hear talk and laughter, but I don't think much of it. Maybe it's just whatever Virgils watching on netflix.
American horror whatever.
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