The Bloodied Doll: Chapter 1
(Rachel's POV)
You could say I enjoy this, it kind of like...child's play to me.
I repeat the same actions most days, killing, more gets lonely though,
I just wish I had some one by my side no matter what, someone who accepts me for who I am...
A Gladiator
(End of POV)
Another day, another crowd to please is what she thought everyday - Rachel Gardner at just turned 18 she was the youngest female gladiator to have held the title of 'Chapmion' for over 5 years.
She had won her first ever fight when she was 13, she brutally murdered all of her apponants with no expression on her face...Just like a doll
It's where she got her stage name after all...And well the bloodied can figure that out for your self...
Now she stands face to face with a rising gladiator, a blood stained bandaged man whielding duel scythes who goes by the name "Reaper".
Little did they know that they would end up falling hard for each other, accepting each other for who they are...
2 days before
"For a 6th time The Bloodied Doll is gladiator champion once again" the announcer bellowed as the crowd screamed and applauded Rachel as she stood victorious, blood covered but still the beauty of the city, roses thrown at her as she walked out of the arena.
"Hiiiii, well done out there you were stunning as always Rachel!" An obnoxious voiced called out to her as she re-entered her chambers."Oh! Thanks Cathy you'll do great out there too" Ray spoke in her usual sweet but monotone manner to her best friend and maid.
"Oh please I'm never going to beat you anyway, but...I can try hahahah" Cathy laughed hysterically.
"Hah okay okay go get 'em" Ray smiled sarcastically as Cathy ran out with her whip, laughing gleefully.
This was no ordinary gladiator arena, It was a modified version of the Ancient Roman gladiator colluseums. However instead of a colluseum it was a strange building, with various levels competitors had to work their way up in order to defeat the champion and take their place...
On this particular day, a new comer from a different town had travelled to this ominous building in order to work his way up and become champion in this town after hearing about Rachel's unbeaten record.
Zack, a mysterious bandaged man about 5 years older than Ray had walked into town holding duel scythes, he was already know as the Reaper in his home town because of his weapon of choice and the way he kills his opponents.
Upon reaching the door of the building Zack knocked abruptly, "Oi is ya so called bloody doll or whatever there? I want to see this bitches worth!" Zack shouted through the speaker looking at the camera, "I know ya'll can hear me open the fuck up" as he was about to kick the door it opened and a deep voiced bellowed,
"Enter Reaper you will be judged of your worthiness, clear each floor to move up a level there are 7, you will start on B7 and work your way up to B1 where our champion goddess awaits your presence...let the games commence!"
The door slammed shut behind Zack making him jurk his head round at the sudden noise, "Tch, what the hell is wrong with this place, let's get this shit done with" he sighed and gave a slight sadistic smirk "Heeh I kill them all, she's mine to slaughter! AHAHAHAHAHA" Zack's manic laugh resonated through-out the hallway coming to a stop at the heavy cast iron door.
Zack continued to the dull metallic door and tuned the vault like handle until it clicked, "Ah?!?" Zack pushed the door open and observed his surroundings, a blood stained colossal room that resembled a small colluseum, On one wall it had the floor number on "B7".
The sound of footsteps echoed in the empty room, the tapping sound of a woman's heeled shoes hitting the floor annoyed Zack even more...
"Hiii, you must be Zack, my name's Cathy and this is my court, I am the Judge". Cathy smirked and squirmed with excitement "My, you truly are sight to behold, my mistress will be very pleased that you have come to see shall we begin your judgement?"
"Tch damn you really are one creepy bitch what are you a sadist? I'm only here to kill your beloved Bloody Doll or whatever her name is" Zack's faced dulled "....but for now" he lifted his scythes "I guess killing you is good enough hehehe" Zack cynically smiled showing his golden eye...
(Rachel's POV)
'Hum?' I had been checking over each floor making sure everything was in order when I was abruptly informed of Zack's presence 'Oh? Hee he's finally come to see me...this will be amusing'
I darted towards the elevator that took me to B7, I mainly decided to head there purely because of my curiosity and also because I was slightly worried they would murder each other...I didn't want least not yet.
'Wait' I hesitantly stopped in my paced walk 'do I look okay, I'm not wearing clean clothes I haven't had time to change...Oh what am I saying it not like I'm trying to impress him hah' I shook it off and began walking to the elevator again.
Finally, I had reached Cathy's floor where he would be starting the judgment....
(End of POV)
"Ah, wow he's.."
Both of them muttered to themselves at the same time, meeting their gaze as Rachel entered the upstairs balcony viewing area and Zack turned to see where the shadow came from...
"RACHEL! My mistress you came to see me destroy him didn't you?!" Cathy cried out as she noticed Ray's appearance in the room...
"Hah no no you two carry on I'm just here to see what will happen" Ray smiled sweetly at Zack making his heart skip a beat 'what the..? this feeling, who is she...wait is it her? It can't be?!..' Zack asked him self as he braced for the impact,
'I will kill this fuckin sadistic woman first...then she, Rachel, is the prize hahaha' Zack grinned as he glanced up at the goddess of a woman standing in the balcony area, Why did she make him feel like this? why did he make her feel like this? They both wanted answers and were determined to do anything in order to get them answers and find out just exactly what this feeling had been such a long time since they had both felt this way....
Thank you all so much for reading, I really hope you like this, it's a different take on the Angels of Death concept but I really liked the idea of it and just had to write another fanfic for you all, I hope to keep writing new fanfics for you in the future. I just wanted to get this chapter of a new book out A.S.A.P because I have worked on it for a while now trying different ideas and finally settled on this one. Enjoy and thank you again darlings! ❤😚😍
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