Victoria's point of view
"What are we gonna do about housing?" Asked Hama.
"Yeah we need somewhere to live during the time we stay here." Victor agreed.
"I can rent a house for a month with the help of Sebastian and his age-changing charm." I replied.
I grabbed Sebastian and my wallet, walked out the door and went to get us a house.
~~~~~Time skip (one hour later)~~~~~
"So this is our place. It's nice." Ron said gazing up at the two-story house.
"There are four rooms, two bathrooms, one kitchen and a living room. We will store our weapons and armor in the living room downstairs. In the first room upstairs Sebastian, Johnnie and Victor stay." I said earning a groan from Johnnie.
"In the second room will be Daniell, Hama, and Ron. In the third room Joseph and Heath will stay." I continued.
"Why does Joseph and Heath not have to have a third roommate?" Whined Hama.
"Because I think that Daniell and Johnnie would fight if put in the same room and you and Sebastian would fight about the most random things. Victor and Heath haven't been the best of friends ever since Heath broke one of Victor's sets of potion bottles." I answered.
"Also Joseph is the only one who actually behaves." I continued. I grabbed the key from Sebastian and opened the door.
I walked upstairs to where the empty bedrooms were. I located the room I was sharing with Natalie and Catherine.
Within a minute, the room was furnished with three beds, a vanity and a large wardrobe.
"Cool, now we have place to sleep." Replied a voice from behind me. I turned and found Natalie admiring the room. Catherine came in shortly after exploring the house.
"I still can't believe that we have to stay in this boring dimension." Complained Catherine.
"Be happy we didn't get skewered when we were running." I shot back.
After we each got comfortable in the room, I started to brush my curly hair. Natalie and Catherine were talking to each other and somehow the subject of Catherine's boyfriend came up.
"So how long have you and Johnnie been a couple?" I heard Natalie asking.
"About three years, he's sweet when it's just us and he shares the same need for wanting to rule the world." Catherine said.
"That's sweet, in it's own little way." Natalie responded.
"Do you like anybody?" Catherine asked curious.
I already knew the answer. It would be a resounding-
I turned in shock. I had no idea that she liked anyone.
"Who do you like?" I asked now very interested in this conversation.
"Isn't someone curious?" She responded.
"Just tell us who is already!" Exclaimed Catherine, who was just as excited as I.
"Fine. I like Heath." She stated.
I nearly died, because of who she liked. I was excited and happy she liked someone I trusted.
"That's wonderful. Heath is a great guy and I doubt that he wouldn't like you right back." I started rambling on.
"Now that Catherine and I have shared whom we like, I believe that we are entitled to know whom you like." Natalie stated.
"How do you even know I if I like someone?" I asked anxious to get off the subject of me and who I liked.
"Because if you didn't then you would have just told us that instead of dodging the question." Catherine observed.
"I do not like anyone." I said starting to blush.
"That's a lie, you're blushing." Natalie said.
"Am not." I said getting furious by the fact that these two were so persistent.
"Blushing." They choursed.
"I'm going to bed." I said turning away from them and lieing down in my bed.
"Oh come on Vicky, just tell us." Natalie pleaded.
"Nah, y'all can figure that out for yourselves." I said hoping they never did.
I pulled the covers closer and my hand wandered to the small trinket that I kept hidden in one of the pockets of the pants I was wearing.
It was a small heart shaped locket that I had found on the ground in a small town that I had helped.
Natalie's point of view
In the morning we had to get up at five to prepare for school and at seven-thirty we left for school on the yellow transportation called a bus. Victoria had conjured us packs with supplies and notes before we left.
While on the bus I sat with Victoria, who was currently writing frantically on a sheet of paper.
"Hey Natalie." Victoria mumbled still engrossed by the paper that she was writing on.
"Hey Vicky, what you doing there?" I asked wondering what was it that she was writing on.
"Homework that I had assigned over the summer and kinda forgot to do." She replied erasing something on the paper with a very weird looking quill that appeared to be made of wood.
"Homework?" I asked.
"Oh, it's just schoolwork that you do at home or when you have a free moment."
I looked at the others who sat in around the same area as us and then I realized something. Sebastian wasn't here.
"Victoria, Sebastian isn't on the bus." I stated facing her.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you and the others that Sebastian was gonna stay home, because he already knew the school curriculum." She said sheepishly.
I relaxed now that I knew a friend of mine wasn't in trouble. I reread my schedule unsure if going to school was the best idea for all of us.
For some reason this world's time goes slower so instead of me being sixteen, I'm actually fourteen. That puts Joseph, Johnnie and Catherine in their sophomore year, while the rest of us count as freshman.
I poked Victoria in the ribs with my elbow to get her attention. It worked effectively when she poked me back.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"Seven-thirty." She answered.
"No, I mean month, year and day." I said
"It is August 24th, 2015." She answered. "The first day of school."
"How much longer?" Whined Hama who didn't like sitting still for to long.
"Five minutes." Victoria answered putting up her homework. "Till we arrive." She finished dramatically.
I've been to school before, so it can't be that bad right.
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