Uncle Atsuo Visits
Ichigo had to say that he was not at all happy with his father, but his father's logic was reasonable, in the fact that to rush in without a plan was something that wasn't a good idea. Also, the person that his father had suddenly presented himself with was someone he had really only seen once, at his mother's gravestone after his battle with the Grand Fisher.
The doorbell rang, and Ichigo hurried leaned back in his chair, his eyes saying that he wanted to know who would be coming at this rather late hour. Before he could get up, Yuzu had gotten the door, and there was a squeal of delight after she did so. "Ojisan Atsuo!"
"Hello Yuzu-chan! You've grown since I've seen you last!" the man smiled. "I've been busy with work, so I haven't been able to visit.
"Karin-chan!" Uncle Atsuo is here.
"Hey, Yuzu… when did you and Karin get back?" Ichigo suddenly muttered.
"We passed goat beard on his way out of here," Karin stated, coming down the stairs. She gave a bored look to the man how had come. "What exactly are you doing here?"
"Karin! That isn't nice," Yuzu protested.
"Yeah… but he doesn't see us, for what, how long…" Karin stated.
"Your father left on some very important business and he needed someone to look after you girls," the man stated.
"And how are we supposed to believe you," Karin muttered, glaring at the man for some reason.
"Karin!' Yuzu looked like she was going to cry.
"Nah… Ichigo knows more about all of this then me apparently," the man scratched his head.
"But if dad is leaving, why didn't he come get his clothes!" Yuzu suddenly called out.
Ichigo, who had been remaining in a completely cool attitude suddenly found himself with a very shocked look on his face. "The moron forgot! I better go get something to take to him!"
"I want to go too!" Yuzu stated.
Karin unwrapped a lollipop and popped it into her mouth. "Yuzu… Ichi-nii needs to run like the wind to get the stuff to dad."
"Exactly!" Ichigo stated, running upstairs to stuff his father's essentials that Yuzu would notice not being gone and a bunch of soaks into the duffle bag. He then came down the stairs and waved at them. "Bye."
Atsuo was sure he heard the older of the Kurosaki's mutter something about killing his father, but took it as the usual jest of matters. He handed takeout boxes that he had bought to Yuzu. "I brought dinner!"
"Ehh…" Yuzu got a disappointed look on her face. "Uncle Atsuo still doesn't have time for a home cooked meal? There is no auntie?"
"Uhh…" the man sat down on the couch, as Yuzu hurried into the kitchen to prepare something different.
"So… are you a shingami, Uncle Atsuo?" Karin suddenly asked.
"Am I a what?" the man suddenly asked, becoming confused at the girl's sudden question.
"There is red to your funny aura, just like Ichi-nii and this kid I met… and this woman too. Hell, Rukia has this aura color about her," Karin stated. "I didn't notice until I met Toshiro…"
"You mean… like can I see spirits?" the man was confused. "I actually can…"
"No… that isn't what I meant," Karin sighed. "I hate it when people keep things from me."
"Sorry Karin, but I really don't know what you're talking about, though I for some reason wish I did," the man sighed.
Urahara was sitting in his basement, having just opened a gate for the ex-taicho. He then heard a thunk and saw Ichigo fall down the ladder, in his shingami form. Kon, in Ichigo's body came down quickly.
"Where is my father!" Ichigo protested.
"He's already left," the man stated.
"That moron!" Ichigo suddenly hit Urahara hard with the bag. "He could have at least have made it look like he was going on a trip or something! He didn't tell the girls!"
"He trusted Atsuo-san to do the job," Urahara stated.
"Wait… does Uncle Atsuo know about all of this business, about Soul Society?" Ichigo suddenly asked, becoming confused.
"I… let's just say it is subconsciously. You know how Toshiro was your father's second before he disappeared?" Urahara stated. "Well… Atsuo doesn't remember, but he was the lieutenant before the boy. He actually thought he was a police officer when we found him, his memories were so much gone. Anyways… Soul Society thinks him to be dead, so leave it at that."
"Understood… open a gate for me!" Ichigo stated.
"And rush in their just like your father?" Urahara sighed.
"Yes!" Ichigo stated, then had his eyes go wide. "Hold it… that is not…"
"By the way, your father isn't rushing in," Urahara smirked. "He is… how to put it, making sure that you can't go with him so that you don't get associated with him. Or something like that so you don't get hurt…"
"But… I mean… hold it… how is it that he might even get in trouble?" Ichigo was confused.
"Oh… let's say… he disappeared with no reason twenty years ago… and they don't know if he is associated with Aizen's forces?" Urahara smirked.
"Crap… I shouldn't have told him," Ichigo muttered. "I should have held off telling him. I didn't do what Unohana said at all…"
"No… you didn't think at all," the man smirked. "Which is what I expect from you!"
"Don't smirk about this like it is funny!" Ichigo felt his nostrils flair.
Unohana was going through the halls of her division, when she heard the scream of a young taicho who was supposed to be asleep. She walked calmly over to his room, where a few members of her division were already trying to calm him down. She however dismissed them so that she could speak with the boy alone. "Nightmare?"
"No… yes… no," the boy muttered, shaking and staring at the wall. "Atsuo… Matsumoto… Isshin… gone… all gone."
"Toshiro… what is it that is worrying you?" the woman asked, placing a gentle hand on the top of his head, causing his two eyes to suddenly focus on her instead of the wall.
"Unohana taicho…" the boy at first had some tears well in his eyes, but then wiped them away. "I got something in my eyes is all."
"That happens… perhaps you have an allergy?" the woman stated, a rather knowing smile on her face.
"Hey… do you think that they'll let me see Ran-chan?" Toshiro muttered half heartedly.
"You do know what you called her?" the woman smiled.
"I called her Ran-chan and I called her Ran-chan on purpose," Toshiro muttered. "Hitsugaya hasn't had this feeling in a long time. Hitsugaya hates this feeling."
The woman reached out and felt the boy's forehead, finding his body temperature to be higher then normal. "I need you to be good and rest, no more escaping from my care, all right?"
"I had to go… see that she was in the office," Toshiro sighed. "I had to see that none of it happened, but…"
"You got proven otherwise?" the woman sighed.
"Yeah… I just want to see her," Toshiro chocked out. "I can't believe this is happening. We're supposed to be in a war, Matsumoto gets into legal trouble, and me… I'm reduced to a whimpering, cowardly, useless child!"
"None of those things are true," the woman smiled. However, that was about the time that the alarms went off, startling the both of them.
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