Sunlight shown into the room the young taicho had been assigned to Ichigo had also fallen asleep and woke up to someone shaking him he glanced over his shoulder to see his father standing there, his arms shackled.
"Baka…" Ichigo muttered, his voice low as to not wake up Toshiro. "Did you really think this was a good plan?"
"At the time, yes…" Isshin shrugged his shoulders. "I'd go to any lengths for any of my kids, to protect them from anything."
"Is that why you never told me?" his son asked.
"Yeah… and I don't think Yuzu would like knowing she's the only one so far in our family who can't see ghosts, and then there was how close you got to Toshiro too."
"And Karin…" Ichigo folded his arms.
"Karin finds me embarrassing enough so… I don't know." Isshin took a seat and glanced over to where Toshiro was still asleep, a smile on his face as he watched the small boy sleep. Toshiro was completely sprawled over the entirety of the bed, the covers kicked off, and the dragon whistle was clutched in his hands.
"So… who are all your kids, oto-san?" Ichigo suddenly asked.
"Yuzu, Karin, you, Toshiro, Rukia, Kon… Matsumoto and Gin… sort of, Renji because your teacher said so…"
"Hold on, you said Gin?"
"I would rather not talk about that… I still hope Gin might turn on Aizen," Isshin's eyes were dull, but the brightened up. "Hey, Ichigo… could you go to the living world and get three hot coffees and a coffee cake, one you think is on the sweet side?"
"Why only one cake and three coffees?" Ichigo frowned at his father pushed money into his hand.
"One coffee for you, one for me. The rest is for Toshiro. Oh, and bring a lot of creamer and a lot of sugar."
"You don't let Karin or Yuzu drink coffee oto-san," the substitute shingami folded his arms in protest.
Isshin opened his mouth, then closed it, a few times. "Just… go get the coffee please."
"It will take awhile," Ichigo shook his head, rather not believing his father was doing this.
However, Isshin didn't mind the fact that it might take awhile, as he was enjoying watching the young one sleep, for even when he a taicho, this wasn't something that happened often. After about fifteen minutes, the young one began to stir, not to mention also open his eyes. Isshin smirked at this. "Good morning Shiro-chan."
At this, the white haired boy rolled over onto his back, wincing as he did so. Two teal eyes glared at the man, full of what seemed to be bitterness. "Its captain Hitsugaya now… why are you here."
"If you need Unohana to give you more…" however, Isshin found himself interrupted as the boy forced himself up.
"I don't need anymore medicine, tai… Isshin-san. And if the only reason you are here is to make my life even more miserable, then leave." Toshiro refuted to look the man in the face.
Isshin shook his head and sat down on the edge of the bed, next to the small body, placing a hand on Hitsugaya's shoulder, only to have him pull away. "I'm only here to talk with you, Shiro-chan."
"What ever for?" came the grumbling reply as Toshiro maneuvered himself backwards so he could lean up against the headboard.
"Would you rather, with you knowing I am here, would you rather I leave without saying goodbye then?"
"Well then, if that is the reason for your being here, goodbye then," the boy remained stubborn.
"So… you don't want to know why I didn't come back." Isshin stated.
"Bastard…" suddenly came out of his mouth.
"Good grief… you still have a mouth on…" Isshin though soon found himself interrupted by a string of explicatives, including son of a bitch and fuck you, not to mention a few words he hadn't expected the boy to know.
The ex-taicho's face suddenly turned from normal jovial, to angered. Two teal eyes saw the change in the man, and suddenly Isshin in turn saw a complete change in the boy's behavior. Instead of being cocky of the whole situation, she was cowering now in a near fetal position, almost as if he was afraid he was going to be hit.
"Toshiro…" one strong hand reached out to try to comfort the small boy, but…
"Stop!" came a feminine voice in the doorway.
"Hello, Hinamori Fukutaicho," Isshin slowly turned to see a rather unstable shingami looking straight at him, murder in her eyes.
"I am not going to let you hurt Shiro-chan again," the girl muttered, her eyes dark.
"Calm down, I never…" Isshin started, only to have her interrupt him.
"Then how come he's cowering like he is! You did something!" Hinamori yelled.
"All I did was give him an angry look because…" Isshin knew the situation was problematic.
"No! The Shiro-chan I know wouldn't cower just because of the way someone looks at him!" Momo continued to yell. "You abandoned him and are a traitor.
To the surprise of Momo and Isshin, one small taicho was suddenly between the two of them. "You're right Momo-nee-chan… I shouldn't have reacted like I did with Isshin-san taicho. I should know that he wouldn't hurt me, unless need be, and if he did, he wouldn't abuse me."
Tears were already running down the young females face. "But…"
"Please don't place my former taicho in the same place as yours, Hinamori. This is between him and me."
Toshiro's hand reached out to grab Tobiume from her, however, Isshin quickly grabbed his hand to stop him. "I know you mean well, Hitsugaya, but if you hurt yourself on her zanpaktou, she'll be upset, extremely so."
"I almost… hurt Shiro-chan… again…" all of Hinamori's body became numb.
"Nothing happened Momo-chan," Isshin shunpooed behind her and loosed her grip on he zanpaktou. "Let me walk you back to your room, then I can come back and talk to Shiro-chan. I might bring some soap with me." One small face paled. "I warned you many times, long ago, not to use bad words. Just because you're now a taicho doesn't mean I can't wash your mouth out."
At this, a groan came.
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