Later in Time
Rukia sat with Renji, Kira and Hisagi, the small teenager drinking green tea while the boys were drinking sake. Boredom reigned in on the whole Serengeti, as Aizen's betrayal and the repercussions of this were going to affect them for a long time coming. As Renji sipped his sake, he spoke up. "Oi… remember that time that Hinamori told us about Matsumoto getting her underwear frozen?"
Rukia's ears perked up at this, a huge smile coming to her face. "Renji… how?"
"I don't know the exact details, but Hinamori told us it happened," Hisagi muttered. "I would love some of her…"
The man though paused before he incriminated himself. Kira took a drink of his green tea. "It would take an ice zanpaktou to pull it off I think."
"I have an ice zanpaktou!" Rukia suddenly spoke up, only to get a couple of looks right at her, though Kira had no clue. "What?"
A hell butterfly suddenly came in, summoning the third division luetenant away from the table, causing the blond haired man to have a disappointed look on his face for having to leave the others so soon. Hisagi and Renji got evil smirks on their faces, as they knew they could plan without Kira being there to tell them no.
For the young taicho, sleeping on the roof had always been more comfortable then sleeping in the room of his former taicho. A lot of things had actually gotten left the same, as he hadn't wanted to change them. In his sleep, Toshiro heard Kuchiki Rukia flash step next to him, causing his hand to shoot out and grab her leg, causing her to tumble. "What exactly are you doing around my division Kuchiki?"
"Ahh…" the older girl commented as the small taicho sat up, only being half awake and dressed much differently then he normally was. "If you are in your night clothing, shouldn't you be inside?"
"You have an ice zanpaktou… don't you find it stuffy inside?" the small boy asked, his eyes starting to droop, almost as if because he didn't think of the Kuchiki girl as a threat, his mind decided not to be coherent to everything that was going on, his mind remaining fast asleep.
"No…" Rukia shook her head in amusement, though she wouldn't let the young taicho know this. "But then again, you do have one of the strongest zanpaktou around."
"Mmm… so what are you doing in my division," the two teal eyes narrowed, as he suddenly attempted to rub the sleep from his eyes.
"I am supposed to pull a prank on Matsumoto," Rukia sighed.
"I see… Yachiru put you up to this?" the small boy asked, his teal eyes turning away and him suddenly lying back down on roof, wanting to get back to sleep, the words not registering in his mind.
"No…" the girl muttered. "So you aren't going to stop me?"
"What harm could a simple prank cause?" the boy muttered, falling back to sleep.
"Uhh…" Rukia then shrugged her shoulders, and went back to what she had been doing, thinking it was best to let the taicho get the much needed rest, as she knew that Matsumoto tended to leave most of the work to him.
The next morning, Toshiro was busy working on his paperwork, wishing that Matsumoto was actually in the office doing her work. He heard the door open and click shut, a familiar reiatsu coming to his senses. "About time you showed up Matsumoto."
He then heard the lock on the door click, and he rose his head up, just in time for his second to grab his ear hard. "Toshiro, what did I tell you…"
"It's Hitsugaya taicho…" the boy stated nonplused, then realized that the woman was for some reason livid with him.
"I told you a long time ago, if you ever pulled a prank on me like that again, I would tan your hide?" Matsumoto suddenly pulled him up and flung him over her lap.
"Matsumoto what the hell… oww! Are you talking about… oww!" Toshiro tried wiggling free.
"You froze my underwear! Again!" the woman let her hand come down on his bottom, smacking him hard again.
"Matsumoto!" the boy yelled, trying to struggle to get away, but an angry Matsumoto was not someone even he could deal with, not without hurting her.
"I can't… believe… that you did that again!" Matsumoto commented.
"Matsumomto! Please stop!" the boys eyes closed shut, tears involuntarily coming down his cheeks.
"No! Not until you admit that you're a little pervert!" the woman snapped.
"I didn't do it!" Toshiro commented, only to find his bottom spanked harder. "Seriously… why would you…"
"Did Ichigo put you up to this time… Ikkaku… Yachiru… Yoruichi… Unohana…" Matsumoto continued.
"Matsumoto! I didn't!" Toshiro continued to protest, his pride not wanting to say anything. But after a few minutes of her not stopping, he let out through a half strangled voice due to the amount of time he had been yelling. "Fine… I… did… it…"
"Who… put you up to it?" Matsumoto continued. "You little pervert! I told you… I told you!"
"Matsumoto!" Toshiro yelled, his voice beginning to give out, the tears coming hard. It was worse then anything that Isshin-san had done when he had actually caused trouble.
Ichigo was following Rukia through the tenth division, the small shingami looking rather guilty. "And why are we here exactly?"
"I kind of did something to Matsumoto that I need to apologize for dealing with her underwear," Rukia muttered.
"Ehh… Hisagi didn't ask you to steal some?" Ichigo suddenly commented.
"No… the guys asked me to freeze her underwear…" Rukia suddenly stated, blushing do to the option they had given her. Just as they came close to the offices and they heard Toshiro screaming his head off, not sounding like his normal yelling. A couple of the division subordinates were outside the door. "What's going on?"
"Ran-chan got really mad at Hitsugaya taicho…" one muttered.
"We don't dare interfere," the other stated.
"Rukia…" Ichigo scratched his chin as the two suddenly took of after seeing his glare. "Don't you think that she might think that it was Toshiro doing the prank?"
"But we both have ice…" Rukia started, only to find Ichigo breaking down the door.
He then flash stepped inside, snatching Toshiro from Matsumoto's arms, then stepping away. The young taicho hung from under the orange haired shingami's arm, his stomach retching as he felt the pressure from Ichigo holding him. "Rangiku… don't you think that you took it way to far? He got sick… really sick."
"He decided to freeze my underwear… again!" Matsumoto protested. "He even admitted it!"
"I was the one who froze your underwear, Ran-chan," Rukia muttered, glancing at the floor. "He knew I did it last night too…"
"Why didn't he tell me that?" Matsumoto folded her arms. "Why didn't he stop you!"
"Hold on… he actually pulled this stunt before?" Ichigo shook his head at the woman.
"Yes… well… taicho… why didn't you tell me and why didn't you stop Rukia-chan?" Matsumoto sighed.
"So she can become an old man perverted taicho," Toshiro muttered, vomiting again. "Put me down Kurosaki."
"You're not an old man, and you're the least perverted among the male taichos," Ichigo rolled his eyes. "You defiantly did a number on him."
"Actually… he's referring to our former taicho…" Matsumoto muttered, a worried look on her face. She also bit her lip a bit. "He never talks about him… I am so sorry taicho…"
"Why? Taicho didn't stop me when he caught me sneaking in… even though he knew I didn't want to. Where is taicho Matsumoto?" the small boy muttered. "Put me down Kurosaki…"
"Taicho… he's not around anymore…" the woman muttered.
"I'm not taicho… he is," the small boy muttered as Ichigo swung him onto his shoulders. "I'm second seat… remember?"
"Oh dear…" Matsumoto muttered, tears welling in her eyes.
"I'm taking him to forth division… you put him into shock Matsumoto," the substitute shingami sighed. Ichigo could feel the small taicho had also fallen asleep on his shoulders and was muttering in his sleep as he shunpooed out of the room.
"Taicho… I can walk on my own… put me down," the small boy muttered in his sleep, his grip tightening around Ichigo's shoulders momentarily. "I am not your son… Isshin-san taicho…"
Ichigo almost stopped short, hearing his father's name, but then shrugged it off as something that was just coincidence, as he was more worried about the small taicho's unusual behavior.
Rukia sat with Matsumoto in the tenth division, while Renji, Kira and Hisagi looked at the office, the vomit on the floor. Kira scratched his head. "Why exactly aren't we having forth division doing this?"
"Because… they are taking care of taicho. It is your fault that he threw up, so you get to clean the whole division, top to bottom, lest I beat the three of you silly like I did him," Matsumoto commented.
"Oi… it was Rukia who came to freeze your underwear!" Renji called out. "Not the mini taicho!"
"Thanks for admitting that we are guilty Renji," the older of the three muttered.
"Why would Rukia freezing Matsumoto's underwear?" Kira was confused suddenly. "And why exactly am I here?"
"Because you were there when we talked about it," Renji muttered. "So you participated."
"Actually, Kira can go," Matsumoto commented. "Rukia told me he had no part in the planning. Oh… and what was it you told Rukia that she had to do if she didn't freeze my underwear?"
"Ohh… ohh," both Renji and Hisagi glanced at each other, turning red.
"Uhh huh… she was to steal my underwear," Matsumoto muttered. "You two are such perverts."
"But… isn't Rukia being punished?" the two males stated at the same time.
"Do you think I want to be around the two of you?" the woman snapped suddenly, then got up. "Rukia's punishment is she is in charge of you two hoodlums while I am in my room."
After Matsumoto left, the two males looked at each other, then Rukia. "So… you're just going to let us go, right?"
"I am taking my punishment whole heartedly. I know that if you don't stay, all I have to do is tell Matsumoto-san and she will hunt you down and seriously hurt you. She is in a majorly bad mood due to her hurting her taicho… because she thought he had pulled the prank," Rukia commented.
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