Fourth Division
Unohana was drinking tea with her second and Hanataro, when she suddenly found Ichigo shunpooing in front of them, an unconscious tenth division taicho on his back. Isane suddenly found herself spitting out her tea, splashing all over the small division member.
"Umm… uhh… is Hitsugaya taicho all right?" the small boy asked, pointing his finger at Ichigo.
"Of course he isn't all right… why else would Kurosaki of all people bring him here," Isane , her mind in rather a panic as she glanced the small taicho over rather nervously. "What I don't get is, if he was attacked, why don't we see any major injuries?"
Ichigo shook his head, letting the small boy drop from his shoulders into Hanataro's arms. The division member glanced at Unohana to see what his instructions would be. Unohana remained calm. "Kurosaki… what exactly happened?"
"Matsumoto thought that Toshiro had done something really bad, but it was really Rukia," Ichigo rubbed a hand at the back of his head, knowing that Toshiro would either want to deal with Matsumoto on his own and would likely rather not have certain things that were rather embarrassing said allowed.
"And Rangiku's reaction was probably to treat him like a child needing to be punished," the woman stated. "Isane… would you please draw up a hot bath for Hitsugaya taicho? Hanataro will follow you… as I need to speak with the substitute reaper privately. And wait for me to get there before you put him in please."
Isane bowed her head and took the small white haired taicho from Hanataro's arms as they would be able to travel faster. Ichigo scratched his head at this. "Why exactly did you wish to speak with me?"
"Hitsugaya taicho won't be able to sit for a couple of days, will he," the woman stated more then asked.
"Aren't you going to use healing Kido on him?" Ichigo suddenly asked.
"I could… but I prefer to use that only when I absolutely have to," the woman stated. "Healing the outside part doesn't help heal the inside part. If I heal him, he will go straight back to work, not giving his heart a chance to heal. He needs to be able to work with Matsumoto again."
"Ehh… no wonder people are afraid of you!" Ichigo suddenly commented.
The woman paused. "Excuse me?"
"Well…" Ichigo began to fidget. "You know the phrase where one says that someone is evil… but not evil like Aizen… but a good kind of evil."
"And the point of this is?" the woman's expression didn't change.
"Well… while people don't always like what you do to them, it is for their own good, isn't it?" Ichigo stated. "So… one could say… your evil… in a good way… and not the kind of evil that is hurtful."
Unohana then began to walk forward. "I've known for a long time that people think that about me. Only a select few are upfront about it. Hitsugaya taicho… while I wouldn't say he is afraid of me, he knows that I can be just as stubborn as he can."
She stepped into a room, where the two fourth division shingami's had drawn up the bath, with Toshiro leaning up against the wall. Unohana went over and gave the boy a small shake. "Hitsugaya taicho? Can you wake up for me?"
His eyes groggily opened. "Taicho… I am not taicho… taicho is taicho… I'm the second and Rangiku is third seat…"
Unohana at first didn't respond, but then gave the boy a small smile. "Lieutenant Hitsugaya… would you get ready to take the bath. We'll step out to allow you privacy."
"Hai," the small boy stated, then his eyes perked up and looked around, seeing Ichigo and the fourth division members. "Where is Isshin-san taicho?"
"Go ahead and take your bath," the woman stated, leading the four out of the room, closing the door behind her.
"Will Hitsugaya taicho be all right… he hasn't talked about his former taicho in a long time," the small fourth division member muttered.
"He's just in shock little one," the woman smiled. "His recollection of what has or hasn't happened isn't coming to him correctly. The bath should help that. Would you mind checking in on him every so often to make sure he doesn't pass out?"
"Hai," Hanataro got a serious look on his face and saluted her.
Ichigo then followed the two women back to the office area of the fourth division. "He did say… Isshin-san taicho… right?"
The taicho of the division sat down behind her desk. "Yes… why do you ask?"
"I thought just coincidence… but…" Ichigo couldn't help shaking his head. "I mean… they can't be the same person."
Isane stated at Ichigo, her eyes wide. "I don't see how you could know him… he disappeared twenty years ago. He was on a mission with… Aizen…"
Unohana motioned for Isane to go and get some green tea for their guest. "There is something you want to tell me, isn't there?"
"Well… I know of a man who has the first name of Isshin," Ichigo sighed. "But he doesn't see spirits."
Unohana gave a smile. "He might be doing that so you wouldn't figure out that he was a shingami. He was all ways like that."
"You wouldn't happen to have a picture of him?" the young man asked.
Unohana opened her drawer and began to dig through her things. "Here is a picture of him with Matsumoto when Toshiro received his lieutenant's rank."
Ichigo shook his head, then, took the picture from the woman's hand. She watched his face carefully, as he at first stared at the picture, then his hand began to shake. "I am going to kill him…"
"Who?" Unohana suddenly asked.
"Kurosaki Isshin… my father…" Ichigo muttered, then he became startled as the woman shunpooed behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Are you positive?" Unohana asked.
"That is defiantly goat beard…" Ichigo muttered. "I want to kill him… he lied to us…"
"Stop…" Unohana sighed, grabbing his shoulder as he tried to get up to go after his father. "There is something you need to know. About the relationship between Hitsugaya taicho and your father… if he really is the former taicho."
"And what would that be?" Ichigo muttered, his anger rising and his reiatsu starting to perk up as his anger rose.
Rukia was walking past the rooms of the tenth division taicho and sub-taicho as Renji and Hisagi ran back and forth polishing the wood, when she heard some soft sobbing coming from one of the rooms. She waved her hand at them to stop. "How about you guys come back the next day… I need to speak with Matsumoto."
The two took off, excited to be getting out of cleaning, and hurrying off. Rukia opened the door, and went and sat down next to Matsumoto. "Are you going to be all right?"
"I will only be all right if taicho forgives me for my stupidity," Matsumoto spoke up, wiping a tear away. "I know it sounds stupid, but while I have had to spank him before, I have never gone this far."
"Hitsugaya taicho… needing to be spanked?" Rukia stated, her eyes blinking a couple of times.
Matsumoto suddenly found herself letting out a chuckle. "You remember your old third seat? She washed Hitsugaya taicho's mouth out with soap once!"
"I remember that… I had forgotten. I didn't blame him though, as he had hot tea spilled on him by the two current third seats," Rukia commented.
Matsumoto sighed and turned her head to the ceiling. "I am starting to gossip. I don't know about taicho much, except for his small quirks. He is well behaved… most of the time. He actually did ice my underwear once… Yachiru and Momo-chan really did put him up to it. Do you know how they did it?"
"No…" Rukia stated.
"He is such a child…" Matsumoto commented. "Yachiru told him her plan and he blurted out the first thing that came to his mind. That he wondered if I wore underwear…"
"Toshiro-kun said that!" Rukia's voice was completely surprised.
"It was something completely innocent for someone his age to say," Matsumoto smiled, pushing away another tear. "But he hates saying such things that can come across perverted. He was taught to have a great respect for women by his granny."
"But I don't see why this has to do with him needing to be spanked," the girl sighed.
"Even he isn't perfect," Matsumoto muttered, becoming sad again. "But I went to far… even though he acts like an adult and is most of the time, more mature then most of the adults here… he is still a child…"
Rukia let out a sigh and decided to just sit there and keep the lieutenant company.
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