Calming Momo
On the side of the room where the captain's met was a window that was open to the outside, where someone could actually come and spy if they had so wanted to. In fact, it had been done before. The general Yamamoto sat cross legged in the hall, meditating and breathing in and out. He heard Unohana step through.
"Good evening, Retsu," the man stated, a small smile spreading on his face.
"Good evening, commanding general," the woman smiled. "Hinamori Momo, you can leave that window and come inside and join us. In fact, I would rather you did."
There was a soft noise coming from outside, and then they heard the guards commenting on her being there, and then the door opened, and a very timid face peeked through. "Yes…"
"Question comes into play," Yamamto suddenly spoke up, "Why did you leave the care of fourth division like you did?"
"I don't really know why," Hinamori glanced at the ground, not wanting to look the man in the eye.
"No… you know why," Yamamoto stated. "I am giving you the order not to harm the former taicho of the tenth division, or the current second command."
"But…" Momo's face suddeny turned dark. "He abandoned Shiro-chan!"
"We do not know that for sure. I think that you are placing your feelings of current events onto him because you need something to strike out at," the old man stated, expression not saving.
"I am not!" Hinamori , however…
Unohana shook her head at the small shingami female. "I have to say, I agree with the general, Hinamori. There is the fact that Isshin came back for both Matsumoto and Hitsugaya's sakes."
"What do you mean, their sakes, has something happened to Shiro-chan!" Hinamori's eyes suddenly went wide, however, neither of them gave her an awnser. "Please, don't hide it from me!"
"Matsumoto caused an accident to her captain that has cuased him to have to stay in the fourth division for a few days," Unohana spoke up. "Isshin-san became worried when he heard about it."
Hinamori's face remained dark. "I have to be dreaming. Matsumoto would never hurt Shiro-chan. Isshin would never do anything to help."
Suddenly, Yamamotto was behind her, and caused her to collapse over one of his arms. "You do realize that it might be best to keep her sedated for a few days?"
"I will try," the other captain sighed. "However, there is only so much sedation that I can do for her, concidering her mental condition."
"I completely understand. We do not, however, need her to blab to the young taicho that his former taicho is about the Soul Society," the general had a sad look in his eyes. "Not until we decide what to do with both of those two."
Isane was still watching the small taicho when Ichigo stepped into the room. He smiled at her. "If you don't mind, I would like to sit with him for awhile?"
Isane thought about it for a bit, then nodded her head and left the room. The orange haired shingami representive pulled the chair closer to the bed and turned it around. As he watched, Toshiro opened his eyes up. "I see that you are awake."
"I've been awake for awhile," the small boy commented, pushing himself off the bed. "What exactly is it that you want, Kurosaki?"
"To see how you are doing," the teenaged boy smirked.
"Then you can just leave," Toshiro stated in his normal tone. "I am feeling much better then I was earlier."
"I see though in your eyes that something is bothering you," Ichigo sighed.
To his surprise, Toshiro sat up and looked at him, wincing a bit as he sat on his bottom. "Do you get the feeling ever that you are missing something important, as if people are hiding things from you?"
"I am not hiding anything from you," Ichigo stated firmly.
Toshiro's eyes suddenly narrowed. "That just makes me think that you are, you know. What are you hiding?"
"I was told to do nothing, so nothing I shall do," Ichigo sighed.
"By who exactly," Toshiro mummered.
"Why do you even care to ask, it isn't as if Soul Society is in any dire need of rescue at this point in time," Ichigo smirked.
"No…" it was then that Isane came in.
"They are going to be taking Matsumoto and the ex-taicho to the captain's meeting hall in the morning. Unohana asks that you watch him tomorrow as she needs to be there, as are all the second in command, discluding myself and Hinamori Momo,"
Toshiro's sharp ears however picked up everything. "Matsumoto and an ex-taicho? You don't mean Ichimaru Gin? He was the ryoku and they believe Matsumoto had something to do with it!"
Isane suddenly pushed him back down into the bed. "It isn't what you think, Hitsugaya-Taicho."
"I don't need babysitting," Toshiro muttered.
"He's not babysitting!" Isane suddenly commented. "He's captain sitting."
This caused both males in the room to just stare at her. Realizing that she had said something rather akward, she hurried out of the room. "So… Toshiro…"
"Its captain Hitsugaya…" the boy protested, only it was half hearted compared to his normal efforts.
"Matsumoto… how do you feel about what she did to you?" came the sudden question.
"I thought I asked before not to talk about it," Toshiro's composure suddenly became dark.
"Something is bothering you though, it almost seem like you don't want to go back to sleep for some reason," Ichigo sighed.
"What I dreampt about is none of your business Kurosaki," Toshiro's eyes suddenly went wide and his body suddenly tenced as the teenager sat down next to him on the bed. Ichigo then placed a hand on each shoulder, causing the boys eyes to go wide again. He then reacted without thinking, pushing the other away. "Don't touch me!"
Ichigo landed hard on the floor, and had to rub his but where he had hit. "That hurt… Toshiro?"
He was startled to see the boy looking at his hands and trembling, then mutter out the words, "I'm sorry…"
"Toshiro," Ichigo suddenly stood up, brushing off his shingami robes.
"Don't look at me!" was the next thing out of the white haired boy's mouth. Ichigo's eyes narrowed, then, before Toshiro could react, he sat back down on the bed and quickly Toshiro into an embrace so that his arms were pressed into a position so that he would have a hard time struggling. "Kurosaki! Let go! Please!"
"I am not going to let go Toshiro. This is not like you and I'm not going to abandon you and leave you alone when you're like this. You should have figured that out by now," Ichigo stated calmly.
"Why! Why!" Toshiro stated.
"Because I care," the orange shingami continued to hold on as the boy trembled in his arms and placed his chin on top of his head.
"Why though? Why do you care!" the white haired taicho's question wasn't one that Ichigo had expected.
"I don't understand, why shouldn't I care?" the physically older boy stated.
"Because… there is no reason, and never has been, for anyone to care about me. I am a jinx to everyone I know… that's why I can't get close to people!" Toshiro's hand clenched into Ichigo's robes suddenly. "All I ever do is hurt the people I care about!"
"Like you did to me earlier?" Ichigo stated, then was greeted by silence. "I thought so. But I also guess that not many people have shown you that there are good things about yourself other then being a power house? Anyways… that dream?"
"The only thing I can think of was it had to do with what I had been thinking about before I fell asleep, that Aizen had something to do with taicho's disappearance… something that I remember about him disappearing… but I've forgotten, as if I blocked it away… because it hurt so much,"
"You know Toshiro, I know you don't like… no, feel comfortable, calling people by their first names, but if it is just the two of us, you don't have to worry about that, do you?" Ichigo stated, letting go so that the words could sink in, as he had the feeling that Toshiro would be uncomfortable with him saying this.
"Why now… of all times…" two teal eyes were glazed over. "What kind of relationship are you trying to have with me?"
"Not a bad one, I promise," Ichigo sighed. "Just get some sleep. I'll wake you if I think you're having another nightmare. If you don't get enough sleep, you'll have another emotional episode."
"I'm going to forget that this ever happened," and with that, Toshiro turned over to lie on his side facing away from Ichigo, not bothering to pull the sheets close to him, but after his eyes had closed and he finally looked to be asleep, he felt someone pull the sheets close to him. "Why?"
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