"Giyuu!" I shrieked as he threw me on his shoulder.
"Giyuu, put me down!" I said throwing punches on his back, but in vain.
As I was throwing a tantrum, people around us glanced at the commotion giving dirty looks. Of course, I totally forgot we were out in public as my only goal was to escape Giyuu's grasp. Giyuu noticed all the stares, but ignored them as he always does. He wasn't embarrassed or anything because he was a hashira, a greatly respected one. No one dared to question his doings.
"Giyuu this isn't necessary!" I pouted as I tilted my head to see the back of his head. He didn't respond and kept walking.
What did I expect.
I turned back around, but regretted it immediately. Heat rose to my face to my ears as I witnessed all the stares people gave us. I covered my face in embarrassment, muttering gibberish.
Giyuu noticed this and thought for a moment. He didn't know what he did wrong. He just wanted to help you. Had be made a mistake? He glanced at your uncomfortable figure and decided to put you down.
When I felt the ground beneath my feet, I backed away from him quickly so he had no chance to pick you up again. I pursed my lips and crossed my arms like a child.
"That really wasn't necessary Giyuu, I'm fine it's just a sprain." I said.
He raised an eyebrow not fully convinced.
He had heard you say this all day, but he didn't miss your faint hisses and grunts. He knew that it was hurting, but decided not to do anything until he had enough and carried you.
Although you said you were fine, your lower part was in intense pain. You thought you could endure it and not trouble Giyuu, but that didn't go as planned. Giyuu never misses anything when it comes to you. Its like he has eyes everywhere, watching everything you do.
You tried your best to convince him that you were okay, but he didn't trust you. You were always the one to isolate your feelings and pain so others won't suffer with you. What you didn't know was that It was quite the contrary. Seeing you like this broke Giyuu's heart.
"Y/N-chan, you're hurting." He frowned as he pointed to your legs.
"Don't worry, I can walk myself. Besides, it's only a couple more miles." I said reassuringly.
His frown only grew deeper as I sighed.
"I'm fine! Seriously! Look!" I said annoyed that he wouldn't listen.
I tried walking to show him that I was fine, but my sandal got stuck in a crack of the pavement, causing me to trip.
Before landing on the ground, a hand around my waist prevented me from falling further.
Giyuu pulled me closer to inspect me.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked frantically.
I hissed as my ankle started to hurt.
"I-Im fine, I can still walk!" I said trying to pull away from his tight embrace.
"Y/N-chan. Stop this nonsense!" He raised his voice, irritated.
I looked down upon hearing him raise his voice.
He'd usually never raise his voice around me considering I was sensitive. When he does, it would come as a shock to me. I wanted to dig myself in a hole and never come out.
I started whimpering as Giyuu spurted more words, scolding me.
He sighed as he grabbed the back of my head, shoving it into his chest.
"I'm sorry...I was just worried." he said softly.
At that, tears were now flowing down my tinted cheeks.
He caressed my head soothingly, whispering 'sorry' here and there. I continued to cry as Giyuu tried to comfort me.
Finally, I had stopped my irrelevant sobs and faced Giyuu.
"I-Im sorry, I just don't want you worrying about me, you had a long day and all..." I said in a small voice.
He sighed, "Hey..You know nothings gonna stop me from worrying about you. Reality is, you're more important than my well being. I wouldn't know what to do if you weren't here."
He kissed my head as I grew hot.
"G-Giyuu.." I was a mess at this point.
"I heard theres a new hot spring a couple minutes from our house, wanna check it out?" He said with a smirk.
"Mm!" I nodded enthusiastically.
the cringe. 😳
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