Chapter 4: What I missed.
Natsu (POV)
I stood still, shocked at the sight before me. Lucy and her big round belly were the only thing I focused on.
"You're... Pregnant." I studdered.
"Keen observation. Let me make one too... Your back!" She said sarcastically with a smile.
I took a few stepped back... I tripped on my feet and fell.
"Well your taking this allot better than I thought you would." She stated.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I expected you to burst in flames." She chuckled. "Also I expected that you'd be angry." She added.
"Angry why would... Why would I be angry?"
"Well, I am pregnant." She answered.
"But... It's mine right?" I asked.
"Do you even have to ask? Natsu I'm alittle hurt... We promised." Lucy walked over and knelt down in front of me.
"I'm sorry it's just... I missed it. I missed seven months of you... And this." I spoke gesturing to her belly.
"It's okay you didn't know. Could we maybe sit on the bed it's alittle uncomfortable down here." She said.
"Yeah, let me help you." I stood and helped Lucy up.
We sat on the bed and Lucy sighed. "So why did you come back so early?" She asked.
"I thought you were in trouble." I answered.
"What made you think that?"
"I uh... I had a bad feeling." I lied.
"Natsu, I know your lying what really happened?"
"Your mother told me to come back. And now I know why." I stated.
"My mother? Yeah, she would do that." Lucy hissed and rubbed her stomach.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, the baby is just really kicking." She groaned.
"The baby is kicking?"
"Oh, right! Here." Lucy grabbed my hand and placed it onto her stomach.
I felt the soft kicks and couldn't help but smile. "Daddy's home." I said.
"I missed you so much." Lucy pulled me closer and kissed me. I sunk into it. The feel of her lips on mine was something I can never get enough of.
"I missed you too." I replied.
I wrapped my arms around Lucy's waist and cuddled with her all night not wanting to let go.
The next morning I woke up empty handed. I heard shuffling in the kitchen.
I got up and walked out into the living room. I saw Lucy in the kitchen cooking. The air smelt of eggs and sausages.
Lucy turned and she broke out in laughter in doing so he accidentally dropped the frying pan and oil splashed all over her.
"Lucy!" I ran to her as fast as I could.
"I'm fine." She giggled continuing her work.
"Fine, Lucy that's hot oil."
"It has no affect on me." She stated.
"Look..." Lucy place the pan onto another burner then she placed her hand on the burner that was on.
"Are you crazy?!" I ripped her hand off the burner and looked at it.
She was right. Her hands were perfectly fine.
"How is that..." I stumbled on my sentence.
"Guess that's what happens when your pregnant with a Fire Dragon Slayer." Lucy smiled and rubbed her belly.
I was puzzled. "That doesn't freak you out?" That's when I realized something. "How did you find out about your imunity?" I asked.
"Well acctually it happened almost three and a half maybe four weeks after you left. I went on a mission with happy and we were going through this labyrinth." She explained.
"Then there was this hallway that bursted into flames. I shielded Happy. It didn't effect me. That's acctually when I found out I was pregnant." Lucy added.
"So you mean to tell me that... You went on dangerous missions while you were pregnant." I confronted Lucy and she gulped.
"No of course not. I wouldn't do that." She said backing away.
"Okay first of all, at the time I didn't know. Secondly, I had to pay rent." Lucy argued.
I sighed... "You have a point there."
"Why didn't you seek me out. If you asked Master and the council maybe..."
"What a great idea... Hey Master and Council of Fiore I'm pregnant please help me find my baby's daddy. Yeah real solid solution."
"Well when you put it that way... You come off alittle crazy."
"That's what I was trying... Never mind. By the way nice job Happy." Lucy chuckled.
"Happy?" I asked confused.
I saw a familiar blue cat fly out from behind me. "I couldn't even sense you buddy."
"That's because while you were off 'training', Lucy and I trained as well." Happy flew and landed atop Lucy's head.
"That's right." Lucy held up one hand and Happy gave her a high five.
They looked like they became best friends while I was away.
They both giggled.
"What are you two giggling about?"
"Nothing." They answered in unison.
I walked away into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I saw the word jerk written on my forehead. There was a mustache drawn on my face and a pair of glasses as well. I washed my face swiftly.
I ran out and chased after Happy. He hid behind Lucy.
"Lucy step away from the cat."
"Lucy save me." Happy cowered.
"Nope, after all it was my idea. I'm the one who wrote jerk." She giggled.
"I never thought the day would come... My two best friends would betray me." I fakingly cried.
"Awww we made him cry." Happy said.
They looked at each other and then burst out into laughter.
"It ain't funny... I'm serious!"
"Yeah, me too." Lucy commented.
"We are no longer friends."
"Oh so that's how this is gonna go then? That's okay I've got Happy... Right Happy?" Lucy smirked.
"Right!" Happy replied.
"Happy, you traitor."
"On the contrary, Lucy feeds me willingly, hugs me, helps me, and she's kept me company for the past seven months. I think I like her more than you." Happy joked.
"Okay that's enough boys. Don't make momma have to do some scolding. I love you both... Now shut up and eat." Lucy said setting down plates of food on the table.
"Yes ma'am." I walked over to her and kissed her then took my seat.
"I love you too Lucy!" Happy hugged Lucy then sat down and started to stuff his face.
This is my family. I've missed them so much... I'll never leave them ever again.
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