Chapter 1: I'm leaving...
No matter how close I get its never enough. So close yet so far... I'm so tired of this. I can never have the one thing I desire the most.
"Natsu are you coming?" A voice asked.
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Lucy she had a smile on her face.
"Coming... coming where?" I asked.
"I don't know you tell me. Your the one who wanted to talk to me alone remember?" She asked.
"Oh, right."
Lucy and I exited the guild. I led Lucy back to my place. I opened the front door with a kick and Lucy chuckled.
"Sit." I said pointing to the couch.
Lucy plopped down onto the couch with a sigh. "So... What's up."
I took a breath and sat down beside her.
"I've been thinking lately..."
Lucy nodded her head. "About?"
"I'm gonna be gone for a while."
"What?!" She exclaimed.
"Just for a while... I'm going to train more. I want to get stronger."
"But you are already strong." She stated.
"I'm not strong enough. Luce I don't want E.N.D. to control me. I want to be able to fight against him."
"Are you crazy. Fighting E.N.D. is fighting yourself!" She snapped.
"I know... But I have to. To protect the guild and to protect you."
"I'll come with you." She stated.
"Lucy you've been the best partner really... But I think it's time you find another. It's for the best... You'll be better off that way."
"I'll be better off... Or you'll be better off. Natsu I know I'm weak but I never thought you of all people would do this." Lucy started to tear up.
"Lucy that's not... I'm the weak one here... I'm leaving to protect you and everyone else... I'm tired of not being strong enough to protect my friends."
"What about me Natsu? I'm tired of being the damsel in distress. I'm tired of being the trump card the enemy pulls to distract you and the others. I'm tired of depending on you guys." Lucy cried.
"I look at myself and I am disgusted by how weak I am... Sometimes I feel that you'd be better off if you never met me. Things would of been better if I just stayed invisible." She stood up and walked away.
"LUCY!" I scolded.
Lucy stopped in her tracks and turned.
"I don't want to ever hear those words come from you again. I don't regret meeting you. As for you being weak... That is far from the truth. Your spirit is intoxicating... Just having you near me makes me stronger."
"Being there for the ones you care about is the strongest power there is. It's called love." I stated.
"Yeah... Well apparently love just isn't good enough. You've helped me see that. Goodbye Natsu. Good luck with your training." Lucy left me in silence.
"What did I just do?" I rubbed my head.
I didn't think she would take it this badly. 'What did she mean...'
"Love just isn't good enough. You've helped me see that. Goodbye Natsu."
My head hurts... My heart hurts.
'Is this the feeling of giving up?
Is this the end now that I've given up?
What exactly have I given up on?'
My head filled with these questions. I shook my head clear of those thoughts.
I will never give up...
"I shouldn't leave this way. I need to talk to Lucy. Maybe I should take her with me... No that defeats the purpose."
I will go talk to Lucy tommorrow and apologize.
Lucy (POV)
'I can't believe I just did that. Natsu meant what he said. It's understandable that he would train to get stronger. Why did I blow the whole situation out of proportion. Why did I make it about myself?'
'What is wrong with me?'
'Is it because I love him that I acted that way?'
I ran home as fast as my legs would let me. When I got into my apartment I went straight to my room. I curled up in a ball and wept all night.
The next morning I woke up barely able to see clearly. My eyes were red a puffy. I heard a faint knocking on my window. There outside of my window I saw Natsu.
I walked over to my window and locked it. Then I closed the curtains.
I was happy to see him but a part of me wasn't. I heard my front door open. I turned to see Natsu with a frown on his face.
"Get out!" I screamed.
"Lucy please... Let me..."
I interrupted his plea. "Natsu leave... I already said good bye. I'm not going to say it again." I pushed him towards the door but he didn't seem to move an inch.
"Lucy why are you acting this way?" He asked.
"Acting what way? You mean wanting a person who wasn't invited out of my house? I'd call that perfectly rational." I barked.
"Lucy please..."
"No Natsu. I can't I just can't..."
"You can't what?" He asked pushing back.
"I'm done... With Fairytail, with magic, and with you. I'm done. I'm... Giving up. I'm giving it all up."
"What do you mean?!" Natsu looked at me with anger. He pushed me and forced me to sit on the couch.
"If your going to give up so will I. I'm quitting Fairytail... And I'm going home." I said.
Natsu pulled me closely. "Your such an idiot. This is your home." He sighed.
"Natsu?" I asked him.
"I'm sorry Luce... For making such a selfish decision. I thought it was for the best but in reality I was wrong." Natsu started to choke up.
I felt a warm wetness on my shoulder.
'Natsu's crying!!!'
"We're stronger together Luce. I know that now. But I need this. I need to do this so that when I come back not only will I be stronger but we can be stronger." He said.
I rubbed Natsu's back and I started to well up. I chuckled slightly pushing him away.
"Natsu I understand." I nodded.
"Lucy, I love you." Natsu said.
I couldn't believe it.
'He loves me.'
I did what anyone would do in this situation and I kissed him. I poured all of my love into this kiss. At first he was startled but then he kissed back.
We pulled away for air. Natsu looked confused and he shook his head.
"I love you too." I smiled.
Natsu (POV)
It took me a moment to let it sink it and I smiled.
"Natsu when are you planning on leaving?" She asked.
"Two." I answered.
"Good then we have time." She stated.
"Time for what?" I asked slightly puzzled.
"To say goodbye." She answered before capturing my lips.
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