Ok so the day is almost over where I am so I want to give thanks to my 445 followers but there are a few ppl That are special to me.
Sebastian_is_bae10 - my dear sister. I know we've been through some shit together but you went with me and saw me go to hell and come back many many times and even if I annoy you with some things you support me either way love u sis! 😘
Katswin_Kitty448 - you gurl are like a sister to me! We Roleplay, talk shit (sometimes) talk about different bull crap together. Hell I even bug u to make covers! But you are a trustworthy friend to me. And believe me it takes a lot for me to open up to people so yah I'm glad I haz u as mah friend/sister
Ruby_does_anime - gurl chu and I r bff's irl!! I mean for fucks sake!! You helped me when I was stuck in the hospital for weeks on weeks your the one who convinced me out of suicidal thoughts!! We are also practically sisters!! We watch YouTube fuck around watch/talk about anime boys and such so yesh I'm glad I hv chu!!
chiaraDROWNED - even tho we don't RP as much anymore I'm glad I have u as my friend! You'd just text me on occasions but I love reading your stories it makes my day!!
DankBella - YES u iz my friend! You Roleplay with me every now and then but I am really thankful that I have u!!
littlegreendog - tbh you indeed are my friend even if we find the most random things to Roleplay! So yaz! U is my Roleplay buddy and friend.
darkiplierisi - yes you is my friend too even through suicidal thoughts or personal things I wish to talk about you indeed are my sista from anotha mista.
Rainbow_Sweet365 - idk how to put this buttytttttttt I AM SO THANKFUL YOU FOUND ME AND MY CHANNEL GURL IDK WHAT ELSE TO SASSAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!
Iluvkidneys- u are my very best friend des I'd probably go insane like Jeff if I weren't on this friend list of mine!
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