Through the years
•Dan's POV•
It's a 3am. Y/N sad she'd be back by 12 latest. She hasn't responded to my texts. I'm sure she's fine, she's probably staying with Uma for the night and has forgotten to tell me. I'm sure she's fine!
It's the next day. Y/N still hasn't been answering any of my texts or calls. I'm starting to get a little anxious. But I still think shes fine.
It's been two days since she left. I've not stopped worrying now. Ive called Phil, but he's convinced that she's fine, just forgot to charge her phone or something. He said that Y/F/N told him Y/N used to go out like this when she was in her teens with Finn, so no need to worry. That didn't stop me though.
It's been a week since Y/N left. Everyone is slowly beginning to worry. I've called the police, wanting to get them to find her. It's been to long since I last saw her. I'm scared.
It's been a month since Y/N has left. The police are still looking. They haven't found anything yet. I'm so scared. It's Lizzy's first birthday in a few days. She can't miss that. Ah wouldn't. She wouldn't miss her daughters first birthday. That's not like her.
It's been half a year since Y/N went missing. She missed Lizzy's birthday. She missed Mine. She missed her own. The police still haven't found anything. They gave up a month ago, saying that she probably ran away. But she wouldn't, would she??
It's been a year since Y/N left. Lizzy is starting to get big. People are slowly getting over her. Except Y/F/N. and me. She has the worst timing to leave me too. I had just bought the ring any everything.
It's been three years since Y/N left. I leave the house less than I did before. Lizzy has started to talk. He first word was Mama. I cried a lot that night. I still don't believe that she ran away, but everyone has moved on now. No one says her name, in fear of setting me off. I've become a lot more sensitive since she left. I lash out at everyone. Everyone except Phil, Y/F/N and little baby Lizzy. I've pushed everyone away.
It's been eight years since Y/N left. Lizzy goes to school now. She's a big eight year old. I'm so proud. She looks so much like Y/N it hurts. Every so often she'll ask about who her mother is. I don't say much. Just that she was a wonderful, beautiful woman that didn't run away. Then Lizzy will ask where is she. I jut reply, I don't know. But wherever she is, she didn't have a choice to leave. If she had a choice she wouldn't have gone. She wouldn't have left us.
I've slowly pushed all those I was close to away from me. I barely talk to Phil. I think him and Sarah have stared dating, I don't know. I haven't spoken to him in a good few years. I never leave the house, I just get food delivered. I will occasionally post a YouTube video. Y/N's fans have slowly moved on from her, since her account hasn't been used in so long. I don't really let Lizzy leave me. I'm scared she'll be taken from me like Y/N. she's only allowed to go to school, then come home. All my 'friends' think I'm going insane. But I'm not. Y/N was taken from me by that Uma girl, who disappeared along with Y/N.
Every night, I sit in my bedroom, after Elizabeth goes to bed, and hold the ring I bought close to my chest, muttering the same thing over and over again.
"You will come back to me. And when you do, you'll never leave my side again"
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