"Hey Y/N!" He grins at you. You immediately feel sick.
"Hey Finn"
"How are you?"
"I'm fine. Anyway, I better get going. See ya!" You go to walk away, but he grabs your arm.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine"
"You seem keen to go somewhere"
Yeah. I need to get away from you
"Yeah. I left Dan and Liz at home"
"Who's Liz?"
"My daughter" his eyes widen.
"You have a daughter?"
"Yeah. I need to go" you shake him off you.
"Ok then. See you around!" He smiles as you run off.
Once you get inside, you chuck Dan his chocolate.
"You ok?" He looks at you.
"Saw Finn just now" you huff. Dan sits bolt upright and looks at you, still holding Lizzy.
"What happened"
"He tried to talk to me but I just ignored him" Dan relaxes slightly.
"Now. PUT ON RED DWARF!" You yell laughing.
*later that day*
"Hey Uma! Y/F/N!" You hug the two of them as they enter your house.
"Are you ready to go?"
"One second" you walk away from the front door and go into Elizabeth's room.
"Hey. Uma and Y/F/N are here" you tell Dan. He nods before walking up to you and wrapping his arms around your waist. "Have fun and be safe. I love you" he kisses your lips and let's you go. "Love you too" quietly, you walk over to Liz's cot and kiss the sleeping baby lightly on the forehead.
"Let's go!" Uma throws her hands up in the air and runs out the door.
*later that night*
"So, Y/N. How's life?" Uma looks at you from across the table.
"Good" you laugh. "Where did that come from?"
"I dunno. The conversation has died down" she shrugs, making everyone on the table laugh.
"I like you Uma!" Zoe high fives Uma.
"I like you too Zoe!"
"Thanks for tonight. It's been a while since I last went out!" You smile at all the girls at the table. Sar, Uma, Y/F/N, Lottie, Zoe, Tanya and Louise.
"It's fine. I needed some girl time too" Zoe puts her arm over your shoulders.
"Guys, the bar is closing. We need to go" Louise points and to the man who looks like he is about to close here for tonight.
You all scramble out of your chairs and walk, more like stagger, out the door and into the street.
"You girls gonna be ok getting back?" The man who has locked the door behind us asks.
"Yeah we're be fine! We're all coming to mine now!" Sar hops up and down.
"Ok then. Night!" The man nods his head then walks off.
Ten minutes later we all topple into Sar, Lottie and Y/F/N's house.
"What do yall wanna do now!!"
"Let's watch movie!!"
"I'll be right back. I need to call Dan and check up on him"
You leave the girls to get the movie and popcorn ready. Because you used to live here, you easily find your way to the bathroom.
After a few rings, Dan picks up.
"Hey" his voice sounds slightly husky.
"Oh sh*t did I wake you?"
"No i was up anyway. Liz couldn't sleep. Where are you? It's 1 am. Is something wrong?"
"I'm at Sar Lottie and Y/F/N's house. I'm staying the night. I'm just calling to let you know"
"Ok. See you tomorrow. I love you"
"I love you too!" You smile before hanging up. Then you running into the front room and jump onto the sofa between Uma and Zoe, eyes glued to the starting sequence to Divergent.
I'm sorry it's been so long since I last updated this story. I had writers block. I didn't know what to do with the story. Don't worry, I've got some idea thanks to my friends.
See ya!!
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