Chapter 08
"Action HAS to be taken! We're all close to Ahn and Yui, but that doesn't mean that we can just ignore the fact that they have gotten to know something that no candidate is allowed to know yet!" Chan spoke, looking at the conflicted faces of BTS, NCT, BlackPink, and the rest of his group's members.
Right after the eventful lunch break at school, Lucas and Minho called up their own group's leader, and informed them of what had happened. This had resulted in a meeting of Stray Kidz, BTS, NCT and BlackPink at BlackPink's luxurious mansion to discuss what to do next.
"I agree, we can't do that, but we can't exactly wipe their memories of this particular event. It's not ethically correct. We've known both of them for such a long time, we can't just betray them like this." Lisa quietly said, keeping her head down.
"Ethically correct does not matter! We took an oath when we joined BlackPink and took over the place of our ancestors, and we'd be violating the rules of that oath if we let this slide!" Jennie exclaimed, looking at Lisa in disbelief.
"Correct" Namjoon sighed.
"But Lisa noona is also correct! We don't exactly know what happened! And we may be overlooking one tiny detail that someone may have forgotten to mention! A few members of Stray Kidz were there when this happened, right?" Jeno asked as Changbin, Minho, Han and Seungmin lowered their heads.
"So," He continued, "none of them know Ahn and Yui as well as BTS and us know. It's possible that all of this is another the girls' pranks gone wrong. If we could just go over the details of what happened once more, perhaps, it would be easier for all of us to decide the course of action we need to take." Jeno finished and sat down into his seat.
"Dude, you sounded soooooooo professional!" Jaemin whispered into Jeno's ear.
"I know. I need to get out of this political business, just look at what it's doing to me!" Jeno whined, rubbing his arms rapidly as though he was cleaning them.
"Yes, Jeno, we all feel that way" Lisa spoke to herself as she rolled her eyes.
"Wait, I didn't whisper that?" Jeno asked, slamming his hands on the table.
"Yeah, you didn't. We all heard you loud and clear." Taeyong spoke, trying his best to stop himself from laughing at his fellow member's embarrassment.
"Moving away from Jeno and his weird thoughts about politics, I think that he's got a solid idea. It's perfect, actually. Seungmin, you were there. Could you go over this?" Rosé asked, clearly annoyed.
"Yes, uh, let me just, um, yeah" Seungmin whispered as he frantically got up from his seat and moved to the front of the room where everyone could see him.
"Okay, so, it all started in class. I was promoting or advertising BlackPink like you guys told me to. I made sure that it wasn't too obvious. Yet somehow, Yui figured it out. Right after I was done, she leaned forward asked me why I was doing that. I just shook my head, and she shut up. Later, during the lunch break, she again asked me. I told her that I'd tell her after school, seeing as that was enough time for me to come up with an excuse or completely deny her theory. I thought that was the end of it.
But then Changbin hyung came and sat down in front of us asking how our day was. Ahn came up from behind and said that it was boring. So Changbin hyung, being all Changbin as he could be, said that what else could we expect when. Minho hyung luckily stopped him right then and there and whispered in his ear saying that he should shut up because no candidate should know what he was about to speak and Ahn and Yui were sitting right there.
And Changbin hyung, before you try to say that you weren't going to say what we all thought you were going to, I already verified that you were going to say when I looked into your mind right after Minho hyung stopped you.
Anyway, Hyunjin came, and he and Yui got into another one of their fights, which ended in Hyunjin stomping out of the cafeteria. After that, we were all laughing when Ahn asked Yui something and Yui immediately shut up. I looked into Yui's mind, since I knew something was up. And sure enough, she had heard Minho hyung tell Changbin hyung to shut the fuck up, and she was wondering about why Minho didn't let him speak, and what Changbin was going to say. So I asked Minho hyung about what he told them, which sent Yui into full on panic mode. You all know how paranoid she is. By now Lucas hyung and Jisung came over and asked us about whatever had happened. So I telepathically told Jisung everything. Jisung then explained it to Lucas hyung and then the two walked away.
At this point, Yui was having a mental breakdown and ran out of the room. Ahn followed her, and just before leaving, she gave the four of us - Minho hyung, Changbin hyung, Han and me - a look saying that she knew everything. Like everything. You should have seen it. And well, that's it. We called Channie hyung and Taeyong hyung after that." Seungmin calmly said and went back down to his seat and sat down.
"A look. You guys are judging by one look of Ahn's? That way that girl can trick you into thinking that she has a third ability that she's been hiding from everyone. No way she knows anything." Jaemin snorted, as more members from NCT agreed with him.
"Nevertheless, we should check the girls' memories of the event. If anything significant comes up, we'll have the memory manipulators erase those details." Jisoo concluded.
"Yeah, but no way will the girls agree to that without getting suspicious." Jungkook argued.
"I agree, and it's not as if any telepath can go through anyone's memories without physical touch." Jisung agreed.
"What if, we don't, let the girls know? We could wait for them to fall asleep, and well, then we could have the telepaths and memory manipulators come into BTS' and NCT's mansions to go through their memories as they sleep." Rosé suggested.
"Good luck getting Yui to sleep! Cause no way will that girl ever sleep in you guys' house!" Hyunjin muttered, being louder than he wanted to be.
"WHAT?!" all the BTS members shouted at the same time.
"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?!" Jungkook thundered.
"Oh riiiiiiiiight, I forgot that Yui never told you people." Hyunjin calmly spoke and conveniently shut up.
"How about you people slip sedatives into their food for good measure?" Lisa awkwardly asked, not wanting to get into details of whatever was going on.
"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Jin roared, outraged.
"We'll do it. WE'LL DO IT JIN-HYUNG. If whatever Hyunjin said is true - AND WE'VE NOT GOTTEN TO THE END OF THAT YOUNG MAN - we might have no choice but to do that." Namjoon soothed.
"Felix and Ten can go to BTS, Seungmin will go to NCT. Jisung and Hendery will help Seungmin while Namjoon will help Felix and Ten. Any objections?" Jisoo decided as she kept her elbows on the table, intertwining her hands together as she sat up straighter.
"Yes. Why does Seungmin need to come and Ten need to go? We're all enough on our own" Hendery questioned.
"We don't trust you enough to not fool around" Rosé replied. "So it's decided then?"
The three leaders voiced their approval and started to file out of the room, being followed by the rest of their members.
"Hey Yi-Yi! We're home!" Jin yelled as he entered BTS' apartment. When he didn't get a reply, all the members exchanged a look of horror, fearing the worst.
Jin slowly walked up to Yui's room, peeking through the door. He let out a sigh of relief as he saw her sitting on her bed, her knees touching her chest and her arms wrapped around her feet, as she rocked back and forth, sobbing softly.
Jin immediately opened the door and ran in. He gently sat on her bed and wrapped his arms around her small figure. Her body immediately stiffened when he made contact, but she slowly relaxed in his embrace as she climbed into his lap and cried into his chest. The rest of the boys were either standing in her room or door frame, feeling heart broken as they saw her cry. Even Yeontan started whimpering in Taehyung's embrace.
"Yi-Yi" Jin softly spoke as he felt her sobs quiet down. She softly hummed in response, still burying her face in the folds of his shirt. "What happened?" he gently asked.
"I think I heard something I shouldn't have. I didn't mean to, I just did. And now I think I'm in deep trouble" Yui replied, her voice muffled from Jin's clothes, as she softly sobbed again.
"It doesn't matter sweetheart. As long as we're here for you, you'll never be in trouble or danger. We're here to protect you from all of that, aren't we?" he softly replied as he gently caressed Yui's hair.
"I suppose you're right. So. Where were all of you?" she mumbled, pulling away from Jin for a moment, before placing her cheek on his chest, so that she could face the others.
"I met up with Lisa. I wanted to irritate someone, and since you weren't here..." Jungkook answered, flashing his phone out to show Yui a photo that he had taken earlier in the day.
"You both look so adorable together! How are you not dating?" Yui squealed after looking at their adorable picture. (A/N: I know that like, this isn't true, and most ARMYs have stopped shipping them, but me and my old fashioned heart still ships them! Tho u should remember that my opinion does not matter, and all of this may have nothing to do with the original idols' personality or love life)
"I think you're getting ahead of yourself" Jungkook nervously laughed as all the members snapped their heads towards him.
"Yeah, that, and I'm definitely getting a girlfriend before him!" Jimin exclaimed.
"Where were you?" Yui questioned.
"Me and Tae went out to the park with Yeontan" her smiled.
"I went to my official office, you know the one in the clouds, to sort out my papers" Namjoon answered.
"Hobi and I went grocery shopping." Yoongi spoke.
"I met up with all the members in NCT that have healing powers and asked them about your foot injury. So now I know how to heal it." Jin smiled.
"Really?!" Yui practically shouted.
"Yes, if you want, I could heal it right now, it'll take just two minutes." he suggested, to which Yui replied by nodding her head eagerly. Yui climbed out of his lap and back into her bed. Jin got up from the bed and adjusted a few pillows under Yui's injured foot. He then moved two steps back, and thrust his hands forward in Yui's direction. A small cloud appeared on top of her foot and started raining. Yui's skin absorbed the water, a weird glow emitting from where the rainwater had fallen. The cloud vanished, taking the weird glow away with it.
"That was it?" Yui asked.
"Yup. I told you it would take two minutes. You can walk around now." he flashed a smile. Yui jumped out of the bed and ran towards Jungkook and punched him in the stomach.
"OWWWW" Jungkook whined, rubbing his stomach. "What was that for?"
"I felt like hitting you. But good news, I can walk without taking those awful elixirs!" Yui smiled as the room erupted in laughter.
"People. This may be nice, but I'm hungry" Yoongi complained.
"So dinner time?" Jin asked.
The boys exchanged a knowing look before replying, "Dinner Time"
Any thoughts on how Yui might react to the sedative? I mean, that girl goes crazy when she drinks coffee with sugar, so just imagine
Stay safe, healthy and well-slept
Cora :)
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