BTS: Intro
Jeon Jungkook
Age: 19
Ability(s): Shadow Master/Shade, Martial Artist
Political Group: BTS
Blood Status: Pure-Blood Magical Being
Kim Taehyung
Age: 20
Ability(s): Aerokinesis (Controlling Air), Pure Power Source*
Political Group: BTS
Blood Status: Half-Blood Magical Being (Half magical being, Half Humanoid alien)
Park Jimin
Age: 20
Ability(s): Hydrokinesis (Controlling Water), Fake Innocence
Political Group: BTS
Blood Status: Half-Blood Magical Being (Half magical being, Half human)
Kim Namjoon
Age: 23
Ability(s): Telepathy, Superhuman Intelligence
Political Group: BTS (leader)
Blood Status: Mostly Magical Being (Got a blood donation from a human once when he was injured)
Jung Hoseok
Age: 23
Ability(s): Light Control, Shapeshifting
Political Group: BTS
Blood Status: No one knows for sure as he was found living with a human family but upon taking a DNA test, it was seen that he had blood leading back to Kang Ju-Won, founder of BTS and one of the big three warriors
Min Yoongi
Age: 24
Ability(s): Invisibility, Lie Detection
Political Group: BTS
Blood Status: Pure-Blood Magical Being
Kim Seokjin
Age: 25
Ability(s): Healing Powers, Weather control
Political Group: BTS
Blood Status: Half-Blood Magical Being (Half Magical Being, Half Human)
*Pure Power Source: Basically it means that our dear Tae has a lot of energy and magic coursing through him. So if he wanted to kill someone or fire a spell or something of that sort, he could just point his finger at that person and concentrate, and a golden tube of power would shoot out of his finger, hurting or helping that person any way Taehyung would want to.
Firstly, happy birthday to Yoongi!! I'm so proud of how far he has come!
Moving aside from that, here's the guide to everyone's powers that I promised you. I've even updated Yui and Ahn's profiles at the start, showing their powers. The next guide I'll give you will be of NCT.
The fact that it's 2:34 a.m. right now and I have srsly nothing better to do right now makes me want to laugh. On serious note, go to sleep bbys! I know most of u r supposed to be sleeping right now (I know I am) Stay safe, happy and healthy.
Cora :)
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