"I get what you mean. When Harry told me about it, I was blown away and so impressed. It made me realise once more how great he is at his job. Literally the best" Josh was praising Harry again after Sean had started to tell them about something that had gone down at the hospital three years ago to change the subject.
"Thanks" Harry blushed deeply, avoiding everyone's eyes on him. "But this was all Sean's merit. I wasn't that involved".
"Bullshit. He couldn't have done it without you, Babe" Josh smiled sugar-sweetly at his boyfriend, almost sitting on his lap.
"Technically ...".
"Our H is amazing, isn't he?" Niall cut Sean off with a wild look on his face, making Louis frown at this exchange. "Can you help me with the cake, Sean? I think it's time".
And just like that, Sean and Niall stood up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen but Josh and Harry didn't seem to care. They were lost in each other, so bloody touchy the entire time and it was sickening. He could feel Zayn and Liam side-eyeing him in concern but he ignored them and took out his phone to check on his daughters. And if it was a distraction, no one needed to actually know that. He wouldn't admit it anyway. Never.
Thankfully, Sean and Niall came back rather soon with the cake and the conversation picked up where it was left off. Politely, they asked Josh about his workplace and he told them about his work as the charge nurse in the hospital's ENT ward. But that only led them back to Josh praising Harry for his excellent work at the hospital back in the day, which was getting pretty annoying by now. Additionally, Louis took notice of the fact that Josh kept indirectly dismissing Sean's work by worshipping Harry's every move. But neither Josh nor Harry seemed to care at this point.
"Enough about me. Harry told me you're a chef, is that right?" Josh finally stopped talking about them and addressed Niall.
"Yes, at Horan's Wonderland. My parents own that place and after I came back from Spain, I took over the new chef's position because the old one wanted to retire" Niall told him informatively.
"Oh, you lived in Spain?" Josh hooked apparently interested.
"I was born in Spain actually but my parents moved to England when I was barely a year old" Niall corrected him unfazed. "I went to culinary school and graduated with twenty-one. Shortly before my twenty-second birthday, I moved back to Spain to work in my Uncle's restaurant to gain experience and learn all the little secrets of our Spanish meals. It was an amazing time but I always wanted to move back, so that's what I did. At twenty-nine, I came back and started working here. I found this place thanks to Louis and now we're all here".
"You helped them with this?" Josh looked at him for literally the first time all afternoon but his eyes weren't kind on him.
"I did. We've been living here for a while and knew that a few apartments and the second penthouse were still up for rent. So, when Niall came by the restaurant and mentioned looking for a place, I told him about this. The rest is history" Louis recalled their past, trying to be civil towards Josh even if he wasn't doing the same for whatever reason.
"You work at a restaurant as well?" Josh checked surprised. Louis only nodded in confirmation. "So, you're a chef like Niall?".
"No, I'm not. I'm ju ..." Louis winced when Zayn rammed his left elbow into his ribs, causing Louis to swallow the 'just' and repeat his answer. "I'm a waiter at Piccola Stella".
"I've never heard of that" Josh feigned innocence but Louis could see right through him. This was a clear jab at his simple life.
"It's a small Italian restaurant near the market square," Louis told him through gritted teeth. He didn't need someone like Josh to make him feel like shit because of his job, his career, his income.
"My parents are close friends with the owner couple. They're great people and the food is fantastic. I really need to talk to that chef and lure secrets out of him" Niall jumped in with an unusually strained voice, his eyes showing so much sympathy towards Louis.
"Her" Louis faced Niall now to block Josh out. "Our brilliant chef is a woman, Niall. And her name is Solea. Magnificent woman".
"How do I not know that? I've been over at yours just yesterday" Niall gaped at him in mere shock.
"You haven't been in the kitchen. You were simply annoying me" Louis reminded him cheekily.
"Fair point".
"And are you two also waiters?" Josh interrupted their moment to address Zayn and Liam now, his tone a bit challenging.
"No, I work at a pharmacy" Liam let him know ever-so-friendly.
"And I am an artist" Zayn stated strongly, his jaw tight.
"An artist? In which way?" Josh tilted his head aside in curiosity.
"He paints" Harry inserted himself back into the conversation. "His paintings are wonderful and deserve way more appreciation".
"So, you're not living from it?" Josh double-checked intrusively.
"It's difficult to make a living with it" Zayn looked about ready to jump up and kill Josh right where he sat way too close to Harry.
"Then how do you afford this place? If I got it right, you're living with your two friends, right? Are their incomes enough for three people?" Josh dared to ask in a fake-innocent voice, making it look like he was actually just curious and not impolite and nosy.
"Five people but yes, it works" Zayn glared at him with fire behind his eyes. "I have a part-time job as a bartender at John's bar".
Barely visible, Josh smirked strangely before he schooled his features into feigned innocence again. "Five people? How so?".
"That's really none of your business" Zayn lost his cool.
"Joey, it's fine" Louis rested his hands on his shoulders to calm him down before he would cause a scene and ruined this newfound friendship. "Excuse him. He had a tough weekend and is on edge".
"He's excused. I can only imagine how stressful and tiring working at a bar can be" Josh leaned more into Harry's side.
Having to forcefully hold Zayn back by now, Louis plastered a huge smile on his face. "Very tiring. People can be pricks".
"Oh, yeah?" Josh cocked an eyebrow up in a silent challenge. Louis had no idea why Harry was being so silent right now or why he was even dating this disrespectful guy, to being with.
"Yeah, definitely. Huge pricks. Impolite, intrusive, cocky, fake, know no boundaries. That's the worst. When they just don't know when to stop" Louis didn't back down.
He was sure by now Harry had caught on. There was no way he didn't understand what was happening between Josh and him right in front of his eyes. He had to be able to pick up on the weird mood around him and his nosy boyfriend, right?
"That bad? I'm sorry. It shouldn't be like that. People should treat each other with respect and kindness" Harry frowned sadly.
Sharing a quick glance with the four other guys, Louis had to physically refrain from rolling his eyes. Everyone in the room knew Louis hadn't been talking about the customers at the bar. Everyone except for oblivious Harry, who still had Josh in his arms and didn't get what was happening, didn't get that this guy was crossing any line in the book and overstaying his welcome.
"You're totally right. They should" Josh smiled up at Harry and Louis wanted to puke so badly and he knew he wasn't alone with that urge. Josh didn't even hide his fakeness anymore. But why?
"I'm lucky my friends treat others with kindness all the time. I need kind people around me" Harry appeared to be thinking out loud.
"You deserve all the kindness in the world" Josh purred sweetly.
"Seriously?" Niall groaned under his breath.
"Did I ever tell you how Niall and I met?" Harry startled all five of them with his sudden attention on them. "A pure act of kindness".
"I don't think you did, Love. But please, tell me. I'm sure your new friends are dying to know as well" Josh played with Harry's short hair.
"Niall and I met in primary school. In second grade. I was in first grade for all of a week before I skipped first grade and was sent to second grade straight away. That's where I met Niall" Harry started to tell them their story. Just this tiny bit made Louis feel proud of Harry but bad about himself. Harry was a genius.
"Most of the other kids in my class weren't nice to him because he was new and a year younger. They excluded him and made him feel small and bad about himself. It broke my heart, so I stepped up and took him under my wing. I made sure they'd treat him right and acknowledged his abilities" Niall continued fondly.
"And they did from then on. Niall always made sure of it and that went on until we graduated high school" Harry smiled at his best friend. "But sadly our ways parted after high school. He went to culinary school while I started studying medicine but we still kept in touch. Even when Aidan came around and Niall ...".
"Ey, he was my boyfriend, H" Niall tried to sound stern but cracked up laughing. "Surely I wanted to see him regularly".
"But who would have thought you'd stick with the same partner for four whole years. Your dating history said ...".
"You can't compare high school dating to actual real-life dating when you didn't even ...".
"I had Sean for three years. Is that nothing?".
"No, because you two were never in love. It doesn't matter if you knew that or not. And by the way, ...".
"Not everyone can have multiple partners during high school or in Spain. And not everyone was stupid enough to end a four-year...".
"Our feelings weren't the same and long-distance would have ...".
"You don't know that, Nialler. You never tried and just ...".
"At least I ...".
"Are you two fighting or joking? What the hell is going on?" Josh interrupted their silly banter absolutely befuddled.
"It's just their usual banter, Josh. They're trying to outdo each other but it always results in the same mess" Sean chuckled at his confusion, grinning at Niall and Harry, who had stopped now.
"But where's the point?" Josh still didn't get it.
"There is no point" Louis shrugged non-committally.
"But why would you bring up your past with Sean for example just to bicker about it? Or that Aidan guy?" Josh looked pretty lost.
"Because they're idiots?" Zayn retorted smugly.
"Harry is definitely too smart to be an id ...".
"Calm down. It was a joke" Liam didn't let him finish his reply.
"It's not funny to insult your friends and call them idiots only because they're way smarter than you in real life" Josh huffed.
"It's really not that deep. Lighten up" Niall flashed him the peace sign but Josh's face didn't soften at all.
"As fun as it is to explain this simple joke over and over again, I really have to go and pick up my daughters from my Mum's place" Louis clapped into his hands, standing up from the couch. "It was really nice to meet you, Josh. I'm sure we'll see each other again, considering you two are literally attached by the hip".
"I'm sure we will, Louis" Josh was definitely biting back a sly comment because Harry was hugging him to his side.
"Till next time, lads. Joey, didn't you want to ...?".
"Right, I did" Zayn jumped up from the couch. "Thanks, Tommy".
"I'm afraid I have to leave as well" Liam rose up from the couch slowly, joining his friends. "I'm gonna start dinner for the girls".
"You're the best, Lima" Louis pressed a loud and wet kiss onto Liam's cheek before skipping over to the elevator.
"Get a room!" Niall cackled at their antics like a maniac.
"Is being worked on" Louis flipped him off without looking back.
"Bye, guys!" Sean called after them more normally.
"Bye, losers".
And with that, the elevator doors closed and they were gone. This afternoon was something Louis wanted to simply forget.
While Liam and Zayn went straight back home to start on dinner, Louis jumped into his car and drove to his mother's place. He just knew Zayn would directly disappear into his room and paint his anger away. Josh had really made it obvious what he was really thinking about all of them and their mundane lives. He was exactly the kind of person that Louis was used to and had expected to be in Harry's inner circle from the start but it still hurt.
"Hey, Mum" Louis hugged his mother as soon as she opened the door for him. "How are you?".
"I'm good, Buttercup" Jasmine caressed his back, a certain and very familiar edge to her assuring tone of voice. "How are you?".
"Have been better. Today was exhausting" Louis sighed into her shoulder. "Where are the girls?".
"In the garden with Zoey. Don't worry about them. Tell me what's bothering you, Sweetheart?" Jasmine led him over to the couch.
"Nothing's really bothering me" Louis sat down tiredly, throwing a quick glance outside to see his girls playing with Zayn's mother.
"Is this about meeting Josh today?" Jasmine hooked knowingly, taking Louis by surprise. He hasn't mentioned Josh to his mother. "The girls told me about him. And they mentioned Harry".
"I don't know what they told you but ...".
"Nothing too major, Darling" she assured him gently. "Just that he is really nice and spends a lot of time with you and your friends".
"Because he is a friend and that's what friends do" Louis pointed out because he just knew where his mother was going with this.
"And friends meet their new friend's unlikeable new boyfriend" she tilted her head aside to get a better look at him.
"I never said Josh is unlikeable" Louis frowned bewildered.
"No, but your daughters called him that" Jasmine revealed to him.
"Really?" Louis was taken aback by that information.
"Yes, they told me how you met Harry in the park with that Josh guy and how Josh ignored them and dragged Harry away. They didn't like him, got bad vibes from him" Jasmine recalled what the girls had told her earlier, shocking Louis totally. "Are they right?".
Letting out a defeated sigh, Louis rubbed his hands over his face. "I'm afraid, they are. I'd love to say Josh is actually nice or at least alright but he was simply annoying today. Very condescending".
"In which way?" Jasmine hooked alarmed.
"It was almost patronizing but apparently subtle enough that Harry didn't catch on somehow. Josh kept asking intrusive questions and was rude towards Sean and me and Zayn but in a way that he could pass off as curious and not impolite" Louis tried to find the right words to describe Josh's behaviour. "He praised Harry all afternoon but kept downplaying Sean's involvement in their achievements. On top of that, he made Zayn feel bad for his struggles as an artist and his job at the bar. Zayn would have punched him if I had let him but I couldn't do this to Harry".
"That sounds horrible. Why is someone as nice as Harry with that guy?" Jasmine didn't understand what was going on.
"Mum, you work at the hospital. You know how big-headed most doctors can be because of their position and income and power and ... When you're part of those social circles you start to look down on people below your level. It happens naturally. Maybe he is nice most of the time but that doesn't mean that he doesn't agree with Josh. Harry might just be better at covering it up while Josh is brutally honest. He lets everyone feel that he is better than them just because he is the charge nurse and we are nothing" Louis got lost in his own depressing thoughts, feeling really down after today.
"Don't say something like that. You're not nothing, Louis" Jasmine grabbed both of his hands, her eyes serious. "Yes, I admit, some doctors can be condescending assholes because they feel like they are better than anyone who makes less money than them. But not every doctor is like that. Not every rich person is spoiled and mean and patronizing, Louis. Sean seems alright and from what I've heard, Harry sounds lovely. I don't think he cares about your money or jobs or if you finished university or not, Louis".
"He should" Louis shrugged to stop himself from crying. "He is a freaking genius and deserves to be surrounded by equally as smart and amazing people. He should think highly of himself".
"But you shouldn't think lowly of yourself, Louis. Not everyone needs a doctor's title to have a good life ...".
"I know that" Louis cut her off tensely. "But people like him belong with people like Josh and not like me or the boys. Our worlds don't match and he will realise that soon enough".
"Is that why you're denying your feelings for him?".
"Dad, you're here!" Evelina burst into the house and jumped right at them without a second thought, saving Louis' dignity.
While Maeva and Zoey came inside a bit more civilized than his wild daughter, Jasmine threw him a look that screamed they were not done with this conversation yet. But Louis was done with it. There was no need to talk it over again and again. The outcome wouldn't change. He and Harry belonged in two totally different worlds and would remain casual friends for as long as Harry would endure him in his life. No matter how Louis felt about him, he was fine with this. A new friend was more than enough.
Hugging both of his daughters to his chest, Louis felt a content smile growing on his face and all his worries were forgotten. Josh was forgotten. Harry was forgotten. "Yes, I'm here. Always".
With heavy limbs and a pounding head, Louis dragged himself home after an exhausting shift at the restaurant. For a Monday, the restaurant has been packed and it wasn't even late in the evening yet. When Louis had left the place, Steve had just sat down with his friends at their usual table on a Monday. It was their regulars' table. Normally, they were the only ones occupying the place regularly on Mondays but today just as they had opened the doors, a group of twenty people had come in for a company's lunch break.
As soon as they've been gone, another group had come in and after that, a third group. Of course, that was good for business but around that time of day, no one apart from Louis and Maria was normally present. They had been able to call Alec in earlier for backup but with the usual couples or little friend groups coming in like every day, it has been one hell of a day and it was barely six thirty in the evening.
Unlocking his front door, Louis kicked his shoes off and peeled himself out of his jacket. Spotting his sister in the living room, he made his way over there and found the silence in the apartment very suspicious. Had his sister drugged his daughters?
"Before you even ask, they're in their room, occupying themselves and being little angels" his oldest younger sister Sophia informed him before he could utter out one single word. "They are ten years old. They can be on their own without you panicking, dear brother".
"Excuse me for being a caring parent. I just stop" Louis plopped down next to her on the couch, glancing at the magazine in her hand. "Planning your wedding while babysitting my angels?".
"Of course. They even helped me pick out flowers. They're so grown up. I feel like time is running so fast lately" Sophia put the magazine down to give him his undivided attention.
"Tell me about it. Sometimes I forget they're ten already and still worry about them all day long, even though I don't need to" Louis let his head fall on the back of the couch. "I don't know how to stop it. I'm so used to ...".
"Having to watch them all the time?" Sophia guessed, copying her brother's position on the couch. "You never needed to watch them like a hawk but I understand why you did. Leaving them out of sight for too long after everything they've been through is probably pretty terrifying, am I right?".
"It scares me shitless" Louis admitted without a problem. "They lost both of their mums and are stuck with me. I'm all they have left of their biological family and it saddens me to think about what they had to endure already at their age. So much loss and grief and ...".
"Judgement" Sophia understood sympathetically.
"And change. So much change" Louis closed his eyes for a quick second to sort out his thoughts. "From living with two mums to only having one mum and dealing with the loss of their second mum. Then they lose that mum as well and are given to me and their godfathers. They had to settle into a totally new place and adjust to living with me and constantly being with other people because I'm working and can't always be there. And next year they're already done with primary school and will start secondary school".
"They are tough and pretty strong. They'll be fine, Louis" Sophia grabbed his hand and squeezed it in assurance. "And change isn't always a bad thing. You can't shield them from the world only because this world wasn't always kind to them. They know how hard it can be but they also know how lucky they are to have you. They love you and want you to be happy as well and live your own life. You can't stop their lives from changing, Louis".
"But I can try to make it easier" Louis insisted stubbornly.
"Of course, you can. But don't forget about yourself, okay? You have your own life and deserve happiness outside of being a loving father to these wonderful girls" Sophia caressed his hand softly.
"Anything in particular, you're referring to?" Louis just knew she was talking about a certain doctor living upstairs.
"Come on, Louis. Stop pretending like you don't know who she is talking about. She's your sister. You know she is smart enough to see right through you" Liam piped in as he walked into the kitchen as if he had been part of this conversation the entire time.
"And smart enough to know when you should shut up" Sophia let her eyes roam over Louis' tense body, having mercy on him.
"Why? Everyone knows your brother has a big crush on Harry and denying it won't change that" Liam teased him with a glass of water in hand, leaning against the wall by the kitchen door.
"I don't ...".
"Can you stop it?!" Louis lost it right there, trying not to alert his daughters but he was fed up. "I don't have a stupid crush on him, okay?! Can you all just give it a rest? I know you think it's funny to bring this up any chance you get because there was some stupid attraction between Harry and me when we met but can you drop it? Out of respect? He has a bloody boyfriend, remember?!".
"Louis, I ...".
"No, don't" Louis stopped whatever Liam was trying to say. "All of you need to stop. Harry and I are barely friends and this odd attraction we had was simply that, okay? Nothing more. It doesn't matter because he has a boyfriend and even if not, Harry and I are not suitable for each other. We're from totally different worlds and that we're kind of friends is more than enough. There is nothing between us, okay? No attraction and no crushes. Nothing. He's with Josh and you need to accept that".
Exchanging a quick glance with Sophia, Liam swallowed visibly and nodded hesitantly. "You're right. I'm sorry, Louis. I won't ever mention it again. I promise. If you say you don't have feelings for him, I believe you. You're my best friend and I only want ...".
"What's best for me, I know" Louis offered him a peaceful smile. "My family is what's best for me. You lot and my girls".
"And I'm always here" Liam returned the smile relieved.
"Me too" Sophia squeezed his hand again, signalling Liam to better leave. "I won't ask about Harry or who Josh is, I promise".
"Thank you, Soph" Louis settled back onto the couch in a more relaxed manner now, seeing Liam disappear into his bedroom. "Let's put this behind us and tell me how's your hubby-to-be".
"TJ is very excited, can barely wait. He's worse than me with the pre-wedding jitters" Sophia told him with a huge smile on her face.
"But that's a good thing" Louis nudged her side lightly.
Somehow Louis coaxed her into telling him everything they had planned out so far, which was a lot considering the wedding day was fairly close. He was really happy for his sister. TJ, or Tyler John, was a great guy and treated her like a queen every day of their life together. It would be a small wedding in mid-September but with all of their family and friends. The perfect wedding.
At some point, Maeva and Evelina joined them for a while before they all ate dinner together and went to bed afterwards. He kissed them goodnight and said goodbye to his sister before heading to bed himself. The day had tired him out.
When he was trying to sleep, thoughts of his own imaginary wedding were circling around in his head and kept him awake for another hour. With everything in him, Louis pushed these images away and forced sleep to come over him but in his dreams, he was haunted by scenarios he would never dare to voice out loud. Awake he would never dare to dream about a wedding for himself. It was a dream deeply buried at the bottom of his heart, something he knew he would never get.
Josh ... so, yeah ...
Anyway, Louis is fed up with people asking about Harry. Do you get it?
And just as a disclaimer or a warning: There might be quite a few scenes and conversations in the future about the whole doctor thing and 'only being a waiter'. I don't want you to think I hate all doctors but I work in a hospital and just yesterday I was reminded why I sometimes hate all of them. Also, I have friends who have a family restaurant, so Louis' inner struggles come from a mix of experiences here. A fair warning
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