Harry's POV
He had really no bloody clue what was going on down on the field. To him, it looked like the players were all mindlessly and aimlessly running around and after a stupid ball but that was probably his own fault. Although he had gifted Evelina tickets to a game of her favourite football team, he had not bothered to read up the rules to prepare himself. He had never understood football. He didn't hate it per se but he just didn't get it. Thankfully, he had a fiancé, who really liked the sport and could explain everything to him when he felt stupid again. And because he was really the luckiest man on the planet, his perfect man never made fun of him for not knowing what was going on most of the time. No, he held him close the entire time and explained step by step what was happening.
"See? Now we're in possession of the ball" Louis pointed down on the field. "But we need to step up our game if we wanna score again. Their defenders are really good. Absolutely ace".
"They're mid, at best" Evelina snorted arrogantly. "We're ...".
"About to lose the ball" Louis looked pointedly at her.
"Because of your negative attitude," Evelina rolled her eyes at him.
"Oh, sorry. I'll just stop thinking negatively. That will definitely help them play better" Louis was taking the piss now and Harry just watched them interact. "Didn't know I had mind control powers".
"You don't" Evelina groaned exaggeratedly.
"No, you're right. Otherwise, you would shut up and watch the game in silence" Louis countered amusedly.
"No one watches a game in silence" Evelina shot back.
"Most definitely not you. That's for sure" Louis replied smoothly. "And now pay attention. Maybe your positive attitude will help them win, after all".
"I hate you" Evelina grumbled but focused back on the game.
"Will you two ever watch a football game like normal people?" Maeva questioned them totally unimpressed.
"You mean roaring and shouting like animalistic hooligans?" Louis cocked an eyebrow up at her. "Probably never, Love".
"That is so not what I meant" Maeva shook her head at her father.
"But isn't that how football fans stereotypically behave?" Louis touched his chin in fake thought.
"I mean, you're not wrong but still not what I meant, Dad" Maeva had to give him that.
"I know, Love" Louis pressed a kiss into her hair. "Are you having fun despite all the animalistic behaviour?".
"Yes, don't worry, Dad. It's not like I hate football" Maeva assured him with a smile.
"Good. Maybe you can help your Papa understand the game, mh?" Louis suggested sweetly but hearing Louis refer to him as their Papa still sent shivers down his whole body.
"Of course. You can count on me" Maeva started beaming. "Papa, what do you not understand?".
Swallowing his usual emotions at hearing his daughter calling him that, Harry took a hold of her hand and glanced down at the field. "Everything? Are we winning or losing?".
"So far, we can't say but we're doing a good job. Kind of. We could play a little more offensive but other than that, we're doing fine" she told him like a real expert, making Louis smile at her words.
"I'll just have to trust your words" Harry squeezed her hand.
"You can".
From then on, Maeva kept holding his hand and explained every little step to him in a quiet voice, trying not to disturb the people around them. Strangely enough, Harry hadn't known that Maeva knew this much about football because he had only pegged Evelina as the football fan alongside her father. But apparently, she knew just as much as her sister, if not more in the technical sense. She just wasn't into playing it herself for more than fun sometimes. With a smile on his face, he listened intently to everything she had to tell him, still not understanding a word about the game in itself.
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Louis watching them every so often with a warm smile on his face. Over Maeva's head, they shared a secret smile that warmed Harry's entire body. He loved this man with every single part of him and sometimes really couldn't believe his luck. Mouthing 'I love you' to Louis, Harry could watch a lovely rosy colour spread over his fiancé's face. If there was one thing he loved, it was making Louis blush.
Being distracted by his future husband's beautiful blue eyes, he didn't even notice when people started standing up because it was a half-time break now. Maeva touching his face brought him out of his love-drunk stare. Knowingly, she smirked up at him and told him what was going on. Blushingly, he stood up as well and followed his family to the food court. The girls wanted hot dogs and coke.
"Was she able to help you get a grip on the game?" Louis slung his arm around his waist, waiting in line for their hot dogs.
"She tried everything but I still don't understand a thing. I'm afraid football will always stay a mystery to me" Harry shrugged a little embarrassed. His whole family loved football and here he was, too stupid to even understand the simple rules of their favourite sport.
"That's alright, Pedal. We're happy to just have you with us and explain everything over and over again" Louis stroked some hair out of his face. "Nothing to be ashamed of, Baby".
"If you say so" Harry melted under his touch like every time.
"I won't love you less because you're a footie dyslexic, Haz" Louis rested his hand on Harry's neck, caressing him softly. "Never".
Feeling so much for this man right in his arms, Harry cupped his face with one hand and connected their lips in a sweet kiss, his other hand resting on his soulmate's delicate waist. His hand felt at home there and he wasn't questioning it. It was one of his favourite places to touch Louis all day long. His waist was simply perfect.
"Go home, Twinks".
"Arse bandits".
A group of visibly drunk, roaring and shouting middle-aged men threw a few insults into their direction but they just ignored them. Mainly because none of them cared about homophobes but also because they didn't wanna cause a scene with the girls right by their side. Why people felt the need to shout their unwanted opinion into the world without a care, Harry would never understand. He knew the world still wasn't as welcoming to many groups as it should be but this hateful behaviour was totally out of place and the people around them at least seemed to agree with his thoughts.
Deep down, homophobic slurs would always get him in some way but he shrugged it off every time, knowing there was nothing he could do. And with Louis in his arm, no one could ever break him.
"Are you alright?" Louis checked concerned, searching his face for any sign of discomfort. Harry loved him so much.
"I'm fine. What about you?" Harry caressed Louis' cheek.
"Nothing I'm not used to or didn't expect to encounter here today. Football is still very homophobic but I don't care. I love the sport. It's not the sport's fault. The fans are toxic" Louis answered him honestly. His words made Harry frown. He was too right.
"It shouldn't be like this".
"You're right but it is. There's a reason footie players are scared to come out during their career. It never ends well" Louis seemed to be thinking out loud. "It's such a shame".
"I haven't even thought about that like this. That sucks" Harry's frown deepened. He had never considered how hard this must be for queer football players. Deep in the closet and scared or unable to come out because of the very sport they love.
"It does. One of the reasons why I would never want to switch places" Louis looked thoughtful for a moment, glancing at their daughters. They were talking to themselves and hadn't noticed anything, too hungry.
"I get that" Harry got lost in thoughts of Louis in football shorts. "Too bad. You'd be a great footie player. Your thighs in those shorts would be to die for".
"You dirty, dirty boy" Louis chuckled in that certain voice of his. It sounded fond to Harry and he hoped that was it.
"Well, what can I say?!" Harry shrugged unapologetically.
"I take it as a compliment for now" Louis pinched his side. "And maybe I'm a footie player in a different universe. Who knows?! But not in this one. No, I love my life and I wouldn't change a thing".
"Me neither, Angel" Harry kissed him again, so deeply touched by his words but now he couldn't stop thinking about them in other universes. Would they always find each other?
Torn out of their moment by their hungry daughters, Harry dared to look over at the group of drunk homophobes. They were throwing them nasty glances but otherwise kept quiet. Apparently not paying them and their insults any attention had worked. This could have gone wrong but they had stayed level-headed on instinct, only needing each other to stay strong and brush their comments off. And that made Harry feel really good.
After a few more minutes, the girls finally got their food and Louis bought them something as well, knowing they'd regret it later if they didn't. With their food and drinks in hand, they walked back to their seats and ate in mostly silence. As out of place as he had felt before, he was feeling absolutely at ease now. He was sharing a beautiful moment with his family, doing something together that they all loved and he couldn't be happier. He was very lucky.
The second half of the game passed in a flash and their team actually won but according to Maeva and Louis, it has been a close call and they could have played ten times better. Evelina dared to contradict them and they all just let her have it. It was her birthday after all. She was happy about the win and that was all that really mattered today. Her happiness.
Because the game was taking place in London, they were staying in a hotel close by for the night. Hyped and cheerful, they decided to eat dinner in the hotel's restaurant. They sat down at a table by the big window and ordered almost immediately after they were seated. It was another moment where Harry felt himself zoning out and just watching his family in weird slow motion. At times, all of this still felt unreal. All his life, he had wanted a family but had given up on that dream along the way. Now he had more than he had ever wanted. He could have never dreamed up a man like Louis as his husband or daughters as perfect as Mae and Eve as his kids. Every day, he woke up and just felt lucky to be privileged enough to have them in his life and he would never take it for granted. A small part of him would forever be scared to lose this but this part also made him appreciate every single moment that he was lucky enough to share with the people he loved more than life.
"If you can do it so much better, be my guest" Evelina huffed at her dad around a forkful of pasta.
"I never said I could, Darling" Louis grinned amusedly.
"But I'm sure you could do better than them. You're a great footie player, Dad" Maeva backed him up supportively.
"She's right, Love" Harry joined their conversation now. "I've told you before that you would've been an amazing footie player".
"You're opinion doesn't count, Haz. We both know you had the wrong reasons to come to that conclusion" Louis smirked smugly at him, licking his lips to give him a heart attack.
"Those were the right reasons for me" Harry didn't back down, picturing Louis in those sexy football shorts.
"You are insufferable" Louis knew exactly what he was thinking.
"What were your reasons, Papa? I thought you don't understand football" Maeva asked him curiously, making him pale a little bit.
"Um ...".
"Uh, this could be interesting" Evelina was pure evil.
"Nothing is gonna get interesting, girls" Louis threw her an all-saying look. "Your Papa simply thought I'd look good as a footie player and he isn't wrong but it needs more than good looks".
Turning red, Harry glared at his fiancé for being a bit too honest right now but the girls simply giggled at their dad's words. "I take everything back. I hate you, Lou".
"No, you don't and we all know it" Louis winked at him. "And just so you know, I might actually still have some football shorts lying around at home. If you're interested, Baby".
Feeling his ears heating up, Harry took a sip of his drink to cool down and stop his thoughts from going to inappropriate places right now but it wasn't helping. The thought of Louis riding him in his football shorts with those thighs manifested itself in his mind.
"I might be" Harry croaked out.
"I figured" Louis looked way too collected right now.
"You two are so weird" Evelina just shook her head at her parents.
"Couples" Maeva rolled her eyes for effect.
"You'll understand when you're older" Louis chuckled at their reactions, definitely unbothered by the entire situation.
"I don't think I want to, thanks" Evelina grimaced comically.
Sharing an amused glance with his man, Harry averted his gaze back onto his food, trying to will his blush away. Finishing their meals, they paid and headed upstairs into their hotel room. He had booked a family room for them with their own big bathroom and a separate little room for the girls to sleep in. Tired from the day, they got ready for bed and the girls fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows. Kissing them goodnight, Harry climbed onto their bed and snuggled up to his stunning fiancé. He loved calling him that every chance he got. He still couldn't believe he was getting married this year. It felt like an alternative reality.
"What are you thinking about, Pedal?" Louis let his hand slide through his hair and Harry wanted to purr like a cat.
"Just us and our upcoming wedding, actually," Harry told him honestly. "Sometimes it feels like a dream".
"I feel the same, Haz. I keep catching myself thinking I made this up in my head but it's actually happening, Baby" Louis shared his thoughts with him, soothing his mind like every time.
"I'm really that lucky, huh?" Harry looked up at him fondly.
"We are that lucky, Princess" Louis flicked his nose gently. "Is there anything else going on in your brilliant mind?".
Biting down on his bottom lip, Harry decided to share that bizarre thought with him. "Earlier when you said you might have been a footie player in a different universe, it made me think about us in other universes or realities, as stupid as that is".
"That's not stupid, Haz" Louis reassured him immediately. "I've actually thought about this too. More often than not".
"I could have guessed that. We're that in sync" Harry giggled at that, feeling so stupidly in love with his man. "Do you think we ...".
"Don't worry about it, Pedal" Louis lay his finger onto his lips before kissing him lovingly, definitely knowing what Harry had wanted to ask. And because he was Harry's soulmate, Louis gave him the answer to his unspoken question anyway and made him love him that tiny bit more, if that was possible. "No matter which universe or reality. No matter what decisions we make. I'd always find you, Haz".
Louis' POV
"Table five is ready".
"On it".
Chipperly, Louis took the three plates, balancing them on his arms and carried them over to the table. Placing the plates in front of their guests, Louis offered them a polite smile before heading back behind the counter with a skip in his step. He was in a very good mood today and couldn't pinpoint why but he wasn't questioning it. Lately, he has been constantly happy and it wasn't scaring him any longer. Maybe that's why he was so unbotheredly happy. He was filled to the brim with unconditional love. It made him weightless.
Excusing himself, Louis headed out the back door to feed Coco before he was heading home to his daughters and his fiancé. That word still brought a dopey smile onto his face. Curiously, Coco tilted her head to get a good look at him, probably confused why he was smiling so disgustingly much lately. Petting her head, Louis tried to put a more neutral expression onto his face but it was in vain.
"I can't help it, girl. I just love him so much" Louis sighed out, only getting a quiet meow in return as if she was teasing him.
When Coco headed off, Louis went back inside to look for Paul and Maria, who were collecting their last remaining utensils lying around. Knowing that today would be their last day made his heart feel heavy. He would miss them miserably but he was also just happy for them. He wanted them to get everything they wanted in life. It was a bittersweet thought. Their farewell would be hard.
"There, there. I don't wanna see any sad faces around here" Paul leaned against the counter next to him.
"Sorry. I've just been thinking about tomorrow. I'm gonna miss you very much" Louis buried his hands in the pockets of his trousers.
"We're gonna miss you just as much, Louis. But we're not gone. We'll stay in contact and visit each other, yeah?" Paul nudged his arm, offering him a crooked smile.
"Good. Now go and get changed. You have a family waiting for you at home" Paul sent him off neutrally but his voice was betraying him. He was feeling just as emotional as Louis.
"Fine. I go" Louis flicked his chin before rushing off.
Quickly, he got changed into his normal clothes and tried to brush off this sudden melancholic feeling. But when Maria was waiting for him by the door, he felt his throat closing up the tiniest bit. This was not even goodbye. Tomorrow was gonna be one hell of a day.
"Louis" she opened her arms for him. Letting out a shaky breath, he fell into her arms. "You have to visit us with your family in Italy".
"We will" Louis tried to keep it together. If he cried now, he would not get through tomorrow without an emotional breakdown.
"Relax and have a wonderful evening, okay?" Maria cupped his face, referring to his and Harry's four months anniversary today. She knew he wanted to spend some special alone time with him later when the girls were sleeping. Maybe even cook for him or take a bath together or whatever. Something quiet but special.
Willing back his uncalled tears, Louis hugged her again. "Any ideas? I haven't planned anything. I wanna go big for six months".
"Of course" Maria rolled her eyes. Louis just knew it. "Anything will be fine with him. He loves you, Louis. Just be together".
"I'm gonna miss your life advice, M" Louis shuddered out.
"I'm only one call away. Even from the distance, I can kick your ass" Maria chuckled into his neck.
"Good" Louis felt himself relax at the prospect of that.
"Now get home safely. Your hubby is waiting" Maria slapped his bum lightly to make him finally leave the restaurant.
"I love you" Louis pecked her cheek a tad bit longer than usual.
"I love you too".
With another slap to the bum, Louis was kicked out of the small restaurant, hearing Maria and Paul laughing at him. Shaking his head to himself, Louis made his way home and suppressed the thought of them leaving tomorrow for now. He wanted to enjoy this evening with his fiancé. In his head, he went over different options for tonight. He could prepare them some dessert, that they could eat in the bathtub. Or he could offer Harry a message. He's been a bit tense lately due to his back hurting every now and then. He gave an ace massage, if he said so himself. Or they could simply cuddle on the couch and drink wine after the girls were in bed and enjoy each other's company over a good movie. Whatever they might do, he only really cared about falling asleep later tonight with his beautifully perfect fiancé in his arm.
Unlocking his door, Louis stopped in his tracks. His apartment was pitch black except for a trail of bright fake candles on the floor. A little confused, Louis stepped inside and locked the door. Taking off his shoes, Louis blindly followed the trail of candles towards his bedroom. Opening his door, Louis was met with even more candles and a sweet smell. He wasn't sure if it was scented actual candles or fragrance oil but he didn't care because in the middle of all of this was his breathtaking fiancé. In the dimly lit room, Harry was lying on the bed and took Louis' breath away. He was wearing a silky red robe and looked out of this world. Louis couldn't make out what he was wearing underneath, or if he was wearing something underneath, but he could see some insecurities in his eyes.
"Haz. Wow," Louis breathed out in awe, closing the door behind him and walking towards his bed. "What is all this?".
"It's our day and I wanted to surprise you" Harry replied a bit bashful, his posture giving away that he was scared of something.
"It worked. This is beautiful. You are beautiful" Louis climbed onto the bed, crawling over to him and making Harry blush with his words. "Where is everyone else? Did you kick them out for this?".
"Yes," Harry blushed even more in the dim light of the candles. "Mae and Eve are with your mum. She offered to take them".
"Of course, she did" Louis didn't know why Harry was so on edge when all he did was be the best fiancé ever.
"And Zayn and Liam are having a game night with Niall and Sean. Don't ask. I don't even know myself" Harry let him know, still not completely meeting his eyes and hiding behind his robe.
"But can I ask why you're so tense?" Louis tilted his head aside, kneeling right in front of him. "I can't see why you'd be scared of my reaction. What you did here is amazing and ...".
"That's not why I'm nervous" Harry brought out, fiddling with the hem of his robe. Like this, Louis caught a glimpse of something underneath it and it made his heart jump. "I um ... I've thought about this surprise for a while and wasn't sure if it's a good idea because ... I wasn't sure how you ... If I could ... I haven't told you that I like ... I've never worn any of t ... I'm scared you'd be grossed out when you see this and I know it's stupid but I can't help it".
"Baby" Louis took a hold of his hand and lifted his chin up. "I wish I could take your fears away. It's just me. There's nothing to be ...".
"All the more reasons to be scared, Lou" Harry cut him off anxiously, avoiding his eyes somehow. "I love you and I value your opinion. I'm ... I wanted to look pretty for you tonight".
Feeling his heart squeeze at his words, Louis cupped Harry's face and made them lock eyes. "Baby, you look very pretty tonight. You took my breath away the second I walked in".
"Really?" Harry breathed out in sheer disbelief.
"Really. Pedal, you always look beautiful to me but tonight, you've outdone yourself. You look stunning. Red looks really good on you" Louis looked deep into his eyes to get his message across.
"I chose red because it's your favourite colour" Harry blushed all over again but this time, he didn't look away.
"Thank you, Love" Louis pecked his lips overwhelmed. "Do you want me to put something else on for you?".
"No, you don't have to. I'd like for you to get out of your clothes pretty soon" Harry shook his head cheekily, biting his bottom lip. "But first, I wanna show you the rest of my outfit if you want".
"I'd love to see all of you" Louis assured him directly.
"Okay," Harry was visibly shaking with nerves. "I guess we have to stand up for that".
Biting his tongue, Louis stood up from the bed and got rid of his sweater in the process, wanting to make his angel feel more comfortable. Eyeing his actions, Harry stood up from the bed as well, tugging his robe down almost panicky. Seemingly brazing himself, Harry toyed with the bow of his robe, opening it to reveal the rest of his breathtaking outfit. All in red.
"Haz" Louis breathed out, his throat feeling dry at the sight of Harry in lace panties paired with lace top stockings. He looked like a dream and he was his. Fuck, Louis couldn't believe it.
"Lou?" Harry tilted his head to the side when Louis kept simply staring at him with his jaw on the floor, insecurities coming back.
Tentatively, Louis stepped closer to him, admiring him in his full beauty. "I'm not sure if I wanna cherish and kiss every single part of you or fuck you senseless. Haz, you look beautiful".
Blushing prettily, Harry averted his gaze to the floor but Louis could still see him preening under the compliment. "How about a little bit of both? I really want you to touch me right now, Lou. I'm craving it more than anything".
Louis knew what that meant. He was still feeling insecure about this and needed reassurance. In pure awe, Louis closed the last distance between them and cupped his face tenderly. Looking deeply into his eyes, Louis let their lips moult together in a sensual kiss. Going lax under his touch, Harry took a hold of his waist and pulled him impossibly closer into his body.
"You're the prettiest man I've ever seen, Haz" Louis broke away from their kiss but stayed close to Harry's lips. "I feel honoured that you dressed up for me tonight. You really didn't have to".
"I wanted to" Harry was quick to tell him, his eyes fixed on Louis' face. "I've always been curious how it might feel to wear something this pretty but I've never been comfortable enough to try it out. Doing this now felt like something I could try out finally but I've been scared to see your reaction. I wasn't sure if it would even look good on me or if I could muster up the courage to let you see me like this. I didn't wanna scare you off with this ...".
"Hey, none of that" Louis had to stop his rambling or he might start crying. "You could never scare me off, especially not with looking like a fucking dream. Have you gotten any idea how good you look? Fuck, a part of me wants to ravish you, Babe".
"What's stopping you?" Harry had the audacity to ask with a challenge behind his words. The cheekiness could not cover up the emotions swimming in his eyes though. "I'm all yours".
"Do you know how beautiful you are, Haz?" Louis placed his hands on Harry's neck, needing to clarify this once and for all.
"When you look at me like this, I feel like the most beautiful person on the planet" Harry confessed shyly, all cheekiness gone.
"Because you are, Baby" Louis caressed his neck softly.
"No, that's you, Lou" Harry contradicted him poutily.
Feeling a blush creeping up his face, Louis cleared his throat. "How about a tie, mh? We're never gonna agree on this".
"For now, I can live with that" Harry grinned cheekily at him, taking a hold of the waistband of his trousers. "But only if you finally get out of these pants and put your hands on me".
"That can be arranged" Louis felt his throat going dry again.
"Let me" Harry kissed him passionately while simultaneously opening his pants and pushing them down. Stepping out of his pants, he let himself be guided back onto the bed.
"Beautiful" Louis murmured against his skin when he started kissing down Harry's neck, sucking a Hickey into the flesh.
"Louis" Harry moaned out, squirming under his touch.
Letting his hands trail down Harry's body tenderly, Louis let his lips wander all over Harry's exposed chest. Hovering so closely over him, Louis could feel Harry's erection against his naked thigh, so he pressed down to create some friction. It earned him a beautifully broken moan and Harry rutting up against him needily without a shame. Having mercy on him, Louis travelled further down and mouthed over Harry's clothed dick, the lace feeling nice on his lips and tongue.
"Please, Lou" Harry begged for anything desperately.
Trying to compose himself, Louis looked up at him and leaned closer to his face. Kissing him deeply, Louis slid the robe off of Harry's body as good as possible before moving down to his panties again. Teasingly slow, he pulled the panties down but left the stockings on. Harry looked way too beautifully sinful in those to take them off. No, he needed to fuck him in them.
When he wanted to lean down to kiss Harry's inner thighs, his gaze fell onto his rim and a moan escaped his lips. "Haz!".
"Surprise?" Harry sounded suddenly insecure again.
"A heavenly surprise" Louis touched the glittery red buttplug and twisted it lightly, making Harry squirm. "Have you been playing with yourself while I was at work?".
"I only wanted to be ready for you when you come home. It's our day and I want you in every way I can get you" Harry admitted around another moan, driving him absolutely crazy.
"You dirty, little minx" Louis pressed the plug deeper into his fiancé while connecting their lips in a sloppy kiss. "Tell me what you pictured when you fingered yourself earlier. What do you want?".
"You. All of you" Harry panted into the kiss, rocking down on the plug. "You inside of me. Me inside of you. All while wearing red".
Kissing him harder, Louis felt like he might explode from just his words and the images in his mind. "How about I fuck you first to release both of us from this pent-up lust, mh? After that, you can fuck me all you want, Darling".
"Yes, please, fuck me, Lou" Harry practically purred at that suggestion, licking into his mouth. "Take me apart, Fiancé".
Willing himself not to come from just that word, Louis kissed him again before grabbing the lube from the bedside table. They really needed a quick one just for release right now because they were both on the verge of exploding any second from the simple tension. Stripping out of his boxers, Louis lubed his dick up with Harry watching his every move. Pushing the plug deeper inside again, Louis had mercy on him and pulled it out only to replace it directly with his dick, making Harry moan out loud in pleasure.
"Fuck, you look so good like this" Louis thrusted into him at a fast pace, admiring how Harry's nails matched his stockings. "My beautiful pedal. My stunning princess. Mine, mine, mine".
"Yours, all yours, Angel" Harry met his thrusts desperately.
Intertwining their hands next to Harry's head, Louis sped up his movements and pushed them over the edge only a few minutes later. Panting heavily, Louis lay down on top of Harry and simply admired his face. Moments like this always made him feel so lucky to have Harry in his life. To have Harry love him back.
Pressing a kiss onto his sweaty chest, Louis gazed at the love of his life. "It's up to you what we do next. We have all night".
Tracing with his finger over Louis' jawline, Harry looked at him with so much love in his eyes. "How about we make out for a while to get back on track and then you stay right there on top of me and ride me? I love to have you like this".
"Sounds like a great plan. Any more specific plans for the night?" Louis rested his arms on Harry's chest, simply looking at him.
"Afterwards, we could go in the kitchen and eat the dessert I made for us to gain back some energy. Then we could make use of the otherwise empty flat, don't you think? You haven't fucked me against that partition wall yet and I'd really love to fuck you on your balcony. Can you picture it? You leaning against the railing, looking at the clear sky while I fuck you from behind. Does that sound like something you'd want?" Harry told him his plan dirtily, making Louis' dick twitch in interest. His man was a really sexy minx.
"As long as we take a bath after that. Sounds like we're gonna be very dirty and exhausted later" Louis proposed affectedly.
"Whatever you want, Angel" Harry smiled prettily at him.
"I only want you, Pedal" Louis brushed their lips together.
"And you're all I want, Lou".
So, this was the last chapter. Only the epilogue is left now and then this story is done. I'm gonna miss these boys.
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