"Eve, be careful" Louis scolded his daughter when she skated over the rink like a maniac, not caring about anyone around her.
"I know what I'm doing, Dad" Evelina waved him off dismissively.
"She's gonna be a nightmare as a teenager" Louis shook his head disbelievingly, looking after her disappearing figure.
"That really isn't news, Lou" Harry noted amusedly. "It's been crystal clear for a long time. She's gonna keep you on your toes".
"Us, Baby" Louis turned back around to his boyfriend, who was barely moving away from the railing of the ice-skating rink in the park. "She won't spare you just because you cook for her".
"That's unfair" Harry pouted dramatically, his cheeks bright red.
"I don't think she cares" Louis chuckled endeared.
Before Harry could reply, Maeva skated over to them skilfully and stopped right in front of Harry, not even looking at her dad. "Will you skate with me, Hazzy? I make sure you don't fall".
"Sure, Darling. But can we keep it slow?" Harry took her hand.
"Of course" Maeva assured him, starting to lead him away from the railing. "Come on, Hazzy".
"What about me?" Louis propped his hands up on his hips.
"You don't need my help, Dad" Maeva rolled her eyes at him.
"Lovely" Louis crossed his arms over his chest, acting offended but in reality, he was inwardly dying over Maeva and Harry skating together. His daughters had really accepted Harry as a part of their family without thinking twice. It warmed his heart.
"We're not here for you to swoon over your boyfriend" Evelina tore him out of his thoughts, standing by his side out of nowhere.
"I wasn't ...".
"Oh, please" Evelina snorted unconvinced. "You always do that and I get it, okay? You two love each other but do you have to stare at each other all the time? I don't know anyone else who does that. Zayn and Liam are not doing that, neither are Luke and Cody".
"Àmbar and Aria?" Louis pulled a funny face, making her laugh.
"Maybe but not that like that. Is it because you wanna marry him?" Evelina asked him curiously.
"No? I'm not sure, to be honest. I've never done that before but with him, I always find myself looking at him and being mesmerized by his everything. I don't know why" Louis told her honestly. "And I do wanna marry him one day but can we stop mentioning that all the time? It's only been a month".
"So?" Evelina looked unwaveringly at him, making him squirm.
"That's too early to get married" Louis responded dumbly. "All my life, I thought I'd never get married but now he's here and I want it".
"Then do it" Evelina was definitely trying to kill him.
"I can't just marry him like this, Eve" Louis wailed childishly.
"Why not?" Evelina questioned stubbornly.
"Because ..." Louis trailed off, not sure what to answer his nosy daughter. "Proposing after one year is considered early. After a month, it's madness. And I don't even know if he ever wants to get married. We haven't talked about that".
"Does it matter what other people consider early? Every situation is unique. They don't know what you've already been through and what you feel. The people that matter all think you'll get married before you even reach six months" Evelina sounded way too grown-up right now, making him question why they were even talking about this. "And by the way, he definitely wants to marry you. It's obvious. He stares at you the same way, Dad".
"You think so?" Louis' heart was racing like crazy.
"I know so" Evelina nodded smilingly. "And I know Mae and I tend to tease you a lot when Hazzy is around and we joked about this topic before but we were only trying to help you because we see how happy he makes you. And if you really wanna marry him, then we have your back. We love him. He's family, Dad".
Overwhelmed by her heart-warming words, Louis pulled her into a tight hug. "Thank you, Eve. I think I needed to hear that".
"So you're gonna do it?" Evelina hooked with a huge grin.
"Patience, my darling" Louis tapped her nose. "Up for around?".
"If you can keep up" Evelina winked at him before sprinting off.
"Menace" Louis muttered to himself, quickly skating after her.
Racing after her, Louis had to skate around so many people that he feared he might cause an accident sooner or later. Focused on his daughter, he also passed Harry and Maeva, winking at them.
"Got ya" Louis managed to squeeze Evelina's waist when he skated past her, laughing maliciously. He was enjoying himself.
"Let's see who gets the last laugh" Evelina sped up determinedly.
The rink wasn't huge, so their little race ended in circle after circle around the rink. Every time they passed Harry and Maeva, they got a comment or some encouragement thrown at them. In the end, Evelina had the upper hand because she was younger and her stamina was way better than Louis' stamina. In a matter of seconds, he started slacking and Evelina bypassed him with a big, triumphant grin on her excited face. And maybe losing was worth it.
"Are you done now?" Maeva stopped right next to her father.
"You can bet on it and I won" Evelina answered instead.
"Hazzy and I are hungry" Maeva let them know randomly.
"Then maybe it's time to go home, ladies. Anyone fancy some pasta?" Louis was ready to call it a day and fall down on his couch.
"Me, me, me" Evelina chanted loudly.
"So, you're finally gonna make me your ace pasta dish, huh?" Harry smirked at him, his curls falling out of his beanie.
"Wipe that smirk off your face or you won't get anything" Louis glared playfully at him, slapping his arm.
"I think that smirks get me everything I want" Harry's smirk intensified smugly, his eyes sparkling mischievously.
"You are insufferable, Harold" Louis rolled his eyes at him, turning his back to his boyfriend and grabbing his daughters' hands.
"You love it" Harry squeezed his bum, making him yelp, before he skated past them, a lot steadier on his feet than earlier.
With flaming cheeks, Louis skated towards the exit with the girls and got rid of the skates. Hand in hand, the four of them headed home and straight into the elevator. Arriving on their floor, the girls were clinging to him, so Harry unlocked the door and let them all in. The apartment was empty and silent because Zayn and Liam weren't home. Sending the girls off to get changed and cleaned up, Louis walked right into the kitchen to get started on the pasta.
"Are you sure you wanna cook, Lou?" Harry leaned in the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. "I can do it".
"Piss off and let me cook in peace. I know what I'm doing" Louis huffed irritatedly, fumbling with the stove and the noodles.
"Looks like it" Harry walked over to him, wrapping his arms around his middle from behind. "I appreciate you doing this for us. It's nice. I feel honoured to get to taste your food, Lou".
"Are you taking the piss right now? I can't tell" Louis glanced at Harry over his shoulder, squinting at his face to find answers.
"I'm being serious" Harry huffed but ended up laughing, hiding his face in Louis' neck, which wasn't helping his concentration.
"I hate you" Louis pushed Harry's hands off of him, marching over to another cupboard. "Can you go and make sure that the girls are doing what they're supposed to do? Eve has the tendency to do the opposite just like her father".
"On it" Harry kissed his cheek before he left the kitchen.
Smiling at the domesticity of them, Louis went back to his noodles and the sauce. While he was cooking his best pasta dish, he could hear Harry and the girls in the bathroom. Only a second later, they emerged and came over to him to get the dishes. Exemplarily, they set the table and Harry was left with no task. Pouting like a baby, he flopped down in a chair at the dining table. Rolling his eyes at his antics, Louis brought the meal over to the table and called out for the girls. Hungrily, they sat down as well and started to eat. Appreciative hums were the only sounds heard at the table.
"Lou, this is really good" Harry moaned around another fork full of his noodles. "You were right. This is an ace pasta dish".
"Thanks, Haz" Louis blushed at the compliment.
"Maybe all hope isn't lost on you yet" Harry giggled into his food and almost choked on his next bite, looking pretty doing so.
"I really don't know why I love you" Louis rolled his eyes at him yet again. It felt like he was doing this a lot lately but always fondly.
"Because I'm pretty?" Harry flashed him his perfect teeth.
"I take it".
"You are insufferable".
"You love it though".
"You can't prove that".
"And they say we're childish" Evelina rolled her eyes at them.
"We are not childish, young lady" Louis huffed offended.
"Keep telling yourself that, Dad" Evelina winked at him.
"Insufferable. Both of you".
When they were all done bickering and eating, Harry took care of the dishes while Louis let his evil daughters choose a movie for them. It ended up being a winter-themed movie that surprisingly wasn't necessarily a Christmas movie anymore but also wasn't a fairytale for once. Comfortably, they settled down on the couch and waited for Harry, who joined them a few minutes later. Snuggled up under a blanket with his two girls and his boy in his arms, Louis felt like the happiest man alive. He wouldn't wanna be anywhere else because he wanted this right here for the rest of his life.
Distantly, Louis could hear the sound of the loud booming music upstairs and he pictured his friends jumping and dancing around or lurking in the corners of the penthouse with drinks in their hands. Smiling at the thought, Louis squeezed both of his daughters, who were snuggled up to his chest but they didn't even react. They were heavily focused on the New Year's Eve show playing on the big TV screen. He had promised them that they could stay up till midnight this year but he just knew the chances were high that they would fall asleep earlier and that was alright. He would just wake them up for a few minutes and carry them to bed afterwards. A perfect night.
The sound of a key inside the lock of the front door made Louis' head snap towards it in confusion. When the door opened and his boyfriend stepped into his view, Louis' confusion grew even more. "Haz? What are you doing here? Why aren't you upstairs?".
"Because I should be here?!" Harry kicked off his shoes before making his way over to them with a warm smile on his pretty face.
"You should be upstairs with our friends. You're hosting the party and can't just ...".
"Technically, Sean and Niall are hosting the party and coaxed me into helping them like last year but this year is different. I'm very different" Harry corrected him, sitting down on the couch next to Evelina, who didn't even look up. "I felt alone and utterly out of place. Everyone had someone and I kept to myself. Seeing Zayn with Liam, Luke with Cody and even Sean and Niall made me realise where I wanted to be, so I left. Because I wanna be right here with you. All three of you".
"I'm very happy that you're here, Haz" Louis smiled at him dopey.
Grinning from ear to ear, Harry pecked his lips quickly over Evelina's head. "I'm glad, Lou".
"And how's the party going? It's been a couple of years since I've been to one" Louis glanced down at his girls, who were still just watching the show totally unbothered and unchanged.
"Loud" Harry cackled cutely. "More crowded than I expected, to be honest. For saying he doesn't know people, Niall has a lot of people he knows from somewhere up there".
"I think he means actual friends and not just acquaintances. That's a huge difference, Harold" Louis threw him a funny look.
"I know that, Lewis" Harry huffed fakely mad.
"Just making sure" Louis winked exaggeratedly at him.
"I wanna kiss you stupid right now but that's not very appropriate at the moment" Harry just looked intensively at him.
"Patience, Princess. You can kiss me as stupid as you want later" Louis teased him to cover up how much that single sentence was actually affecting him. He wanted to be kissed stupid for hours.
"Careful. I might take you up on that offer" Harry's cheeks were flaming red, which was doing things to Louis' heart.
"I can't wait for it".
"Oh, by the way. Zayn and Liam asked me to tell you that they won't come back tonight. They're gonna crash in the guest room because they don't wanna bother w ... I don't even know" Harry informed him but he got distracted when Evelina cuddled up to him wordlessly, her eyes still fixed on the screen.
"Be prepared to change the sheets as soon as they're gone" Louis smirked nastily because he knew his best friends but his heart melted at the sight of Harry and Evelina. That's everything he ever wanted and he had it. Sometimes, it still felt surreal.
"Why?" Evelina hooked nosily without looking up.
"Because they're gonna eat in bed all night and get Harry's sheets dirty, which isn't nice" Louis answered her, earning a cute chuckle from Harry, who tried to stifle his upcoming laughter.
"But it's forbidden to eat in bed" Evelina looked up at him for the first time this evening, a frown prominent on her face.
"Miss Brown said breaking the rules means punishment. Did they forget about it being forbidden?" Evelina's frown deepened.
Biting down his initial comment, Louis schooled his features into something more neutral. "Punishment isn't always the right way, Love. Not if the deed isn't so bad and eating in bed doesn't require a harsh punishment, only a light telling-off tomorrow".
"Okay, I see. But it's still forbidden" Evelina tried to make sense of this situation. "And they know it. They're smart".
"But even smart people do wrong things, Sweetheart. Maybe they forgot or chose that it was worth the telling-off. Maybe they clean up after themselves. Then I won't be mad at them" Harry noted softly, erasing her frown with his words.
"Good. I hope they clean up your sheets. I don't want you to be mad at my uncles" Evelina visibly relaxed and Louis was trying really hard not to laugh at the entire situation. How a simple joke could backfire and open up this discussion was beyond him.
"I could never" Harry assured her gently.
"Maybe you should remind them tomorrow that it's wrong to eat in bed. They might listen to you, Darling" Louis couldn't help himself.
"I will. I promise, Dad" Evelina grinned at him before turning her attention back to the show that her sister was still watching.
Over her head, Louis and Harry exchanged an amused look and had a hard time containing their laughter. Sometimes she could still be so young and doe-eyed that it made Louis forget for a moment how cheeky and clever and bold she could be. After all, she had been the one to tease him endlessly and suggested marrying Harry as if it was that simple. She was a little menace.
"What are they watching?" Harry willed down his remaining amusement and studied the TV screen curiously.
"Some New Year's Eve concert that they're broadcasting live from London. Cuatro Hearts is said to perform soon. I'm surprised you don't know that" Louis let him know with a teasing edge to his voice and Harry was definitely catching on.
"I'm not that big of a fan. Thank you very much" he huffed poutily.
"Stop lying, Baby. I see right through you" Louis pinched his cheek to annoy him further, gaining Maeva's attention now.
Pouting like a massive child, Harry slapped his hand away. "I hate you so much, Lou".
"Too bad because I love you very much, Curly" Louis shrugged dramatically, facing the screen now but not watching. Only waiting.
Despite a whole child lying between them, Harry reached his hand out and touched Louis' chin tenderly, making Louis face him again. Seeing Harry's love-filled eyes punched all of the air out of his lungs, causing him to feel breathless. "I love you too, Angel Eyes. I could never hate you".
"Angel Eyes?" Louis croaked out, mildly aware of his daughter watching them silently.
"It just came to me. You're my angel, Lou. And I get lost in your eyes every time you look at me. They're just so blue and absolutely mesmerizing" Harry sighed dreamily, caressing Louis' jaw.
"You're gonna be the death of me, Haz" Louis blurted out because his brain wasn't working anymore. Harry's words had effectively melted his brain and given him a minor heart attack.
"I hope not" Harry chuckled adorably. "I can't live without you".
Every cell in Louis' body was dying to touch Harry in some way. To cuddle him and kiss him and shower him in his love but they weren't alone right now, which didn't stop his mouth from talking. "Dang it. I love you so much, Baby. I really wanna kiss you".
"I wanna kiss you just as much" Harry tapped his nose, pecking his lips shortly. "And I love you just as much, Blue".
"My princess" Louis gazed at his boyfriend absolutely in love.
"My angel" Harry mirrored his love-drunk expression.
"Saps" Evelina muttered under her breath with a smile on her lips.
Remembering again that they weren't alone, Louis tore his gaze away from Harry and glanced at his daughters. Evelina was still focused on the screen but Maeva was looking at them intently. When she noticed his gaze on her, Maeva pretended that she hasn't been watching them but Louis could see a huge smile on her face and decided to leave that uncommented. He understood.
From then on, the four of them watched the show in mostly silence until Cuatro Hearts came on. During their performance, the girls and Harry sang along to every song and Louis was left watching them. It reminded him of the concert but somehow this here tonight was even better. It felt like more. It felt like this was everything all of them ever wanted and it meant the world to them.
Shortly after the performance was over and one hour to midnight, the girls fell asleep on either side of them on the couch. While Eve was snuggled into Harry's side, Mae was cuddled up to Louis, who was resting partly against his boyfriend. Taking in the moment, Louis craned his head up to look at Harry, who was already looking at him lovingly. In less than a second, they closed the gap between them and shared a few love-filled kisses until their necks hurt from the weird angle. Resting his head on Harry's shoulder and feeling him lay his head down on top of Louis' head, Louis let out a long and happy sigh. He felt totally at ease.
Like this, they watched the show together until it was five minutes to midnight. Gently, they woke up the girls and fetched everyone something to drink. It ended up being apple juice for all of them.
"Happy new year!".
The fireworks exploded in the sky on the screen and outside. On the balcony, they all cheered and clinked their glasses together, taking a big sip before falling into each other's arms. After pressing soft kisses into his daughters' hair, Louis cupped Harry's face and kissed him for a long moment. He couldn't start the new year without kissing the love of his life properly with his girls cheering and clapping along. Everything felt absolutely right.
Breaking away from the kiss, the four of them huddled up together and snapped a few pictures, that the girls immediately sent to their grandmother and their uncles and even to some of their friends. Taking out his own phone to send new year's eve wishes to his friends, Louis was bombarded with their pictures as well. Looking through them, he couldn't stop smiling goofily. His heart felt so stupidly warm and full. Especially when Harry hugged him from behind and rested his chin on his shoulder to get a good look at the pictures. Snuggling further into him, Louis never wanted this to end.
The cold January air forced them back inside a few minutes later. As soon as the balcony door was closed, Louis could see how the girls were fighting against sleep taking them again. Exchanging a silent look with Harry, they each picked up one of the girls and carried them into their individual bedrooms. Quickly, Louis helped Maeva into her pyjamas and tucked her into bed with a soft kiss, letting her hug him tightly for as long as she wanted to.
"Marry him, Daddy" Maeva murmured half asleep.
"I will" Louis pecked her forehead again, feeling her let go of him. "I definitely will, Darling".
"Good" and with that, her breathing evened out and she was out like a light.
Tiptoeing out of her room, Louis was met with a waiting Harry. "Eve is fast asleep. I wish I could fall asleep like that".
"Me too, Haz. It truly is a miracle" Louis agreed with him easily.
Definitely tired himself, Louis started to clean up the living room table with Harry. While Louis took care of the dirty dishes, his perfect boyfriend got rid of the trash and cleaned the couch. When Louis was done, he was about to join Harry but stopped in his tracks when he saw him frowning down at his phone.
"Everything alright, Love?" Louis asked worriedly.
Looking up at him, Harry looked conflicted and a bit pained. "Yeah, everything's fine, Lou".
"Okay, what is it? Did Josh text you or something?" Louis didn't buy his poor act. His boyfriend couldn't lie to save his life.
"No! God, no. Josh didn't text me. Just someone else and I didn't expect that at all. Looks like a drunken text to me. Nothing worth mentioning at ..." Harry waved the matter off definitely bothered by something but ended up squeaking weirdly out of nowhere, throwing his phone away as if it had burned him, his cheeks red.
"What is going on? Why are you acting like that, Love? What did they do? Do I have to remind someone that boundaries exist over the phone too?" Louis approached the couch now, picking Harry's phone up from the floor and offering it to him but he didn't take it.
"Maybe" Harry mumbled quietly, not looking at him. "Probably".
Hearing that, Louis frowned in worry, the phone burning in his hand. "Babe, do you ... can I check your phone when you don't want to tell me what happened?".
"Yes," Harry croaked out, clearing his throat right after. "I mean, you can but I don't want you to take this the wrong way or get mad or mistrust me when I didn't do anything to receive such a text".
"What kind of text are we talking about, Darling?" Louis sat down next to him on the couch, the phone still in his hand.
"An obvious drunk text from a guy I barely know. He suggested some things and it caught me off guard because I don't understand why he would think this was an appropriate thing to say" Harry finally told him what was bothering him and it made a part of Louis boil with anger and a weird sense of possessiveness.
"What did he say?" Louis tightened his grip on the phone.
"Something about how he wants us to have a fun night in his new car and if I'd like a nice ride and ... then he sent a picture" Harry played anxiously with the hem of his sweater.
"He what?!" Louis really tried to stay calm but the possessive part of him was stronger and made him unlock Harry's phone to read the inappropriate text. After all, he did give him permission for it.
"I didn't look at it. I swear. I would never ..." Harry sounded panicked but it faded into the background when Louis saw the text and the picture of the guy grabbing his dick in some bathroom.
"That bastard. He should really know his place" Louis growled angrily.
With Harry silently watching him, Louis typed out a reply as aggressively as never before. That guy needed to back off and bloody respect Harry and not send him unwanted nudes. Maybe he was overreacting but his possessiveness didn't care right now.
From Harry to Liron (car):
"I'm sorry but who do you think you are?! You should bloody know your place and back off. I have a very fit and very hot and very attractive boyfriend and need no pathetic weirdo to offer me a nice ride! My husband-to-be is the only one I wanna ride, so keep your embarrassing nudes. You can't compete with him on any level!".
Feeling the anger vanish, Louis gave Harry his phone back, feeling embarrassment taking over. "Here. Um ... Now you can do whatever you want. Like ... err ... block him or explain that I stole your phone and it wasn't you or something".
Perplexed, Harry took his phone and stared at the blinding screen unblinkingly, gasping in shock. "Louis!".
"I'm sorry, Haz. I shouldn't have done that. I don't know what came over me. I'm usually not like that. I had no right to write that, no matter how much I mean it. This almost animalistic possessiveness isn't me and I don't know where it came from. Please, don't be mad at me. I won't ever do that again ...".
Throwing his phone to the side, Harry lunged at him and crashed their lips together, shutting him up successfully. "I love you so much. Claim me all you want. It's really hot, Lou".
"Really?" Louis blinked in shock.
"In a situation like this definitely. I would react the same way if someone sent you nudes. Maybe even worse" Harry climbed fully onto his lap. "One hundred per cent worse".
"Sounds like you have a specific scenario in mind. Mind letting me in on that?" Louis placed his hands on Harry's hips.
"If someone sent you nudes, I would take your phone and video call them while riding you real good to get my message across. You are mine and mine alone" Harry ground down on him, his words making Louis' dick twitch at the mere thought.
"You wanna video call Liron and do exactly that?" Louis dug his nails into Harry's hips, meeting his grinds eagerly.
"I think he got the message" Harry started rotating his hips infigure-eights, driving Louis insane. "But I still wanna ride you, Lou".
"Fuck" Louis hissed out in pleasure. "Yeah, okay. I'd love that".
"Of course, you do. You wanna claim me and mark me as yours and show everyone who I belong to" Harry threw his head back when he picked up the pace of his rotating grinds on Louis' dick.
Possessively, Louis attached his lips to Harry's neck and sucked a huge Hickey into the warm flesh, licking over it to make his boyfriend shudder. "You're mine, Princess".
"I'm yours" Harry bit down on his bottom lip to drive him crazy.
"I'm tempted to take a picture of us making out to make him feel miserable but I'm not that bad of a person. God, what are you doing to me?!" Louis pulled Harry's bottom lip free with his finger. "Who even is that prick? How dare he come at you like that!".
"I sold my car to him. I don't know how that sent the wrong message" Harry told him, sucking Louis' finger into his mouth.
"You sold your car? But I saw it outside earlier" Louis stopped in his tracks, his finger dropping out of Harry's mouth.
"I sold my Mercedes to him" Harry looked sheepish suddenly.
"Why?" Louis asked dumbly.
"It was a stupid purchase, to begin with, and I never really liked it. I only bought it because of Josh and his expectations. I mean, I did always want a different car someday but more like a VW bus or something. With room for the girls if we feel like getting out of here for a day or two" Harry looked at him through his lashes.
"If you don't get naked right this instant, I'm gonna lose my bloody mind" Louis felt his head spinning, picturing weekend trips as a family. "You can't just say something like that".
"Because it gets you going?" Harry smirked at him, his cheeks bright red and his pupils blown wide.
"Yes. Naked. Now".
Giggling cutely, Harry climbed off of him and the couch, starting to undress clumsily. When he was fully naked, he didn't climb back onto the couch though. He winked at Louis and backed away. "We need lube and a condom. Get ready for me while I'm gone".
Watching his naked boyfriend leave, Louis hurried to get rid of his clothes and lay back down on the couch, stroking himself. "Christ".
When he heard Harry padding back over to him, Louis dropped his hand and looked up, his throat going dry at the sight of his stunning boyfriend lazy stroking his dick while walking over to him. Scooting up so that his head was resting on the armrest of the couch, Louis watched Harry kneeling down on the couch right at his feet, inserting two fingers inside of him without a problem. All Louis could do was watch him in pure fascination, itching to touch.
"Haz" Louis let out a guttural groan when Harry rocked down on three of his fingers, still out of his reach. "Please, come here".
"I only got ready for you, Blue. Just like you got ready for me" he crawled over to him, hovering over Louis' dick and lubing it up. "So pretty and all mine".
"All yours, Baby" Louis shut his eyes tight when Harry rolled the condom onto his dick, biting back a moan. "Come on, Haz. Take what you want and ride me right here where everyone could see us if they walked in on us".
"Zayn and Liam are probably doing the same thing upstairs in my guest room" Harry positioned himself over Louis' dick and sunk down slowly. "And the girls are asleep in their rooms".
"You have too much faith in them" Louis grabbed onto his hips to steady him and for something to hold on to.
"I love them" Harry retorted casually as he started moving his hips in figure-eights, sending waves of pleasure through Louis' entire body. "But maybe I want someone to walk in on us. Maybe I want everyone to see how good only you can make me feel".
"Shit" Louis dug his nails into Harry's hips when he leaned down to him, stopping right in front of his face. "You and your mouth are gonna be the death of me. I thought you didn't plan on killing me because you can't live without me".
"I can't and I don't want to but I also can't help myself around you, Lou" Harry placed his hands on the armrest right by Louis' head.
"Me neither, Love. I wanna do unspeakable things to you but at the same time, I wanna make sweet love to you for hours" Louis admitted before crashing their lips together.
"Both sounds good to me" Harry nibbled on his bottom lip. "But tonight, I want you to fuck me, Lou. Claim me as yours. Allow that part of you to take over and make sure no one even thinks about touching me again. No one who isn't you, Blue".
"No one. Only me" Louis kissed him again, starting to thrust up into him while Harry bounced down on his dick simultaneously.
Letting his locked-up possessiveness take over, Louis thrusted into him as fast and hard as he could from this position while letting Harry ride him as he pleased. Somehow, their movements just matched perfectly and they were totally in sync. Pretty fast, both of them were close to the edge, riled up from all the previous sexual tension between them. Hitting his bundle of nerves with every thrust, Louis wanted Harry to come first. He loved to witness that.
"Lou, I'm about to come" Harry brought out headily.
"Then come, Princess" Louis thrusted extra hard into him right where he needed it and sent his boyfriend over the edge.
Seeing and feeling Harry come made Louis come as well only a moment later. Panting pretty heavily, they rode out their intense orgasms together before Harry got off of his dick and cuddled up to him. Reaching for the condom, Louis took it off and threw it on the table for now. He couldn't care less about it when Harry was snuggled up to his chest stark naked. This was definitely heaven.
"Mine" Harry mumbled smilingly, drawing patterns onto Louis' chest. Intertwining their fingers, Louis pressed a kiss into his hair.
"We should probably move to your bed. I'm not sure we wanna traumatise Eve and Mae in the morning with being naked on the couch" Harry grinned up at him.
"Oh, now you care, huh? It's a bit late for that" Louis snorted but sat up anyway. Harry had a point, in the end.
"It's not like you didn't love it" Harry bit down on his shoulder.
"Bloody vampire" Louis rolled his eyes at him fondly. "Come on".
When he was about to collect his clothes, Harry grabbed his waist and his legs to pick him up, coaxing a surprised screech out of Louis. Wrapping his arms around Harry's neck, Louis let himself get carried into his bedroom and onto his bed. Satisfied, Harry lay down next to him and threw the covers over them, settling into his spot as the little spoon without a word.
"What about our clothes and the condom? I thought you didn't wanna traumatise the girls" Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's naked waist.
"Who cares?!" Harry shrugged half asleep and Louis could only shake his head smilingly. Insufferable.
It's a new year for our babies and the story is close to an end. Any ideas about how it might end?
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