Chapter 5: Rejoice! Enter DM!
~Akari's POV~
Himari's taunt lasted long enough to keep that bitch distracted from the rest of us. Kaito is the only person I could think of, but for a little while I had my mind set to kill. We all jumped and sliced the bitch taking away the remainder of her health and killing her. Once she died she exploded dropping tons of weapons, gold, and potions. I couldn't care less what she dropped. If my kaito wasn't gonna appear then I didn't care. I felt Sena touch my shoulder "What'd he tell you?" I really didn't want to relive that moment but I had to. He was their friend too so I held back my tears and said "He said live. He wants us to adapt and live." She made a fist and threw her swords on the ground "Damn this fucking crappy game." Sena said holding her hands over her face so the tears wouldn't run down. Himari came with Yui and surrounded us all "I need a h-hug." I heard Yui say looking down on the floor. All four of us hugged each other while crying for a little bit but was cut off when a text popped up in front of me "What's this? The text said 'Quest complete! Return to Village' I hovered my hand over the 'Okay' button "Should I?" I asked looking back at the girls. They all looked around then nodded "Mind as well" Sena said wiping the remaining tears off her face. I stared at it for 3 more seconds then pushed that button and after that everything went white and I passed out.
When I regained consciousness, we was all in our house from the game 'DM' that we all purchased. "Uh, we aren't back home are we?" Himari said looking around. Sena lifted up a glass of water that was on the kitchen table and drunk it "No, This the house we bought a while back ago with our money." I looked out the window to see a whole village full of people "Guys! I see people!" I screamed getting the girls attention. They all came around and looked outside with me "Let's go out there and see what the hell is going on." Sena said running out the house. We all looked at each other and followed her.
"What the hell is going on!?" One of the men screamed. We all were getting bumped into by the barrage of people in the street both kids and adults. "Excuse me!" I grabbed one the people's shoulder getting his attention "Are you real?" The teen asked. He was about Kaito's height with short black hair, a slender body and blue eyes. I wasn't expecting a response but I answered anyways "Y-yeah. I'm human. I've been sucked into this game for some weird reason. Do you have any Idea what's going on?" He looked at me and the group of girls behind me "I don't know. I was playing the game and then bam, I'm here. That's been the same story for everyone else. People even tried killing themselves but came back to life in this game." Did he just say 'came back to life' I thought to myself. This means my kaito......I felt my eyes get watery. He might be alive. "Where exactly do these people resurrect at?" I asked him. He pointed upwards down the road "You see that tall catholic like building down the road? That's the cities respawn point. You lost someone?" He asked. I nodded my head slowly "Y-yeah. During some mission. Listen thanks for the help um....." I waited for him to say his name. "Shawn. The name's Shawn." I bowed "Thanks Shawn." And ran towards the church while the girls followed behind me.
Finding out this "Respawn Point" only put more questions in my head but none of those questions mattered at the moment. "I'll get the door!" Himari said as she bust open the door having many people who were inside scream. The Church on the inside was really tall and wide with a large ray of light showing in the middle of the room. There was about 10 different rooms on the bottom floor and 10 rooms on the top. As we started to look around all I heard was Himari scream "KAITO! YOUR ALIVE!" and we stopped and looked straight to where she was at jumping on kaito. My emotions came back and came back hard. While I was running towards him I could feel the tears just coming down like a waterfall but I didn't care, my kaito is back......OUR kaito is back. We all jumped on him crying "Kaito! Your alive." We looked at him and saw his gentle smile on his face "I'm sorry for worrying you girls. I missed you all." We all hugged in silence for a little while longer. The fact that we can hold Kaito again is just too exciting.
~Kaito's POV~
After we got up I explained to them what happened after I 'died' "So basically after that happened I was brought to this black void. It was completely dark with no sound. After about 3 seconds a box with the text popped up saying 'Respawn at Village' or 'Use Resurrection Scroll to rejoin fight' I tried using the scroll but apparently I don't have any so I ended up at this place. It's weird though, I thought we were the only humans here. Turns out this whole place is nothing but humans blend in with NPC's." Akari nodded at the response "I noticed when a boy named Shawn starting talking to us and said he was playing the game then he ended up here just like us." Sena rubbed her chin gently and leaned against the wall "That's weird. What the hell, this doesn't even make any sense. How do we get out? It obvious dying doesn't work. So what?" I looked over at Yui who looked worried and Himari who was lost just like the rest of us. "This may sound weird but I think we need to beat the final boss in order to leave." They all looked up at me "What do you mean?" Yui said. I looked down "I don't know exactly. I just have this weird feeling that the final boss is the only way to leave. Think about it Akari, Has anyone ever defeated the last boss?" Akari looked up and then nodded "Now that I think about it, No one has ever beating Ahmose. People just know that he's in the game and have gotten close to winning but never actually won." "See, maybe that's our way to freedom. But I'm not jumping to conclusions just yet. First let's look around. Maybe we'll find some useful information." They all nodded "Right"
Once we walked out the church, we saw a group of guys surrounding a girl. She had dark brown eyes, lavender hair wearing a crop-top shirt and shorts. She had two small blades on her back and a mask below her mouth hanging on her neck. "She must be a assassin class like Akari." I thought to myself. "Hey guys! Wanna see if we can still have sex in this world and feel it?" One of them said licking his lips. The rest nodded their heads. She stared at them with the coldest glare I ever saw "You'd better step away freaks." One guy kinda backed off a bit but the rest didn't get intimidated at all "What, that's supposed to scare me? A little threat?" "A little threat with backup." I said walking next to her and putting my arm in front of her. Sena and Akari was behind the boys while Yui and Himari was on each side of them. "If I were you guys I'd leave." Himari said growling at them. The boys looked around and one of the, which I can guess was the leader, sucked his teeth "She was gonna be fighting back the whole time anyways. Let's go." Then they all walked around while sending mean glares at us.
I sighed, even in this world people are predators. "I didn't need your help." The girl said crossing her arms. Akari came next to me and crossed her arms as well "By the looks of things, you kinda did." The girl just rolled her eyes and sighed "Tanya. Tanya Riosuke. I'm guessing you've been sucked into this like I have." Sena nodded her head "Yep. That's everyone's story so far." "There's two more people I'd like you to meet. They aren't as reckless as the rest of these idiots on here. Follow me." Then she took the lead and started walking. I shrugged my shoulders and started following her. "Wait, how do we know your not setting us up." Himari said. Tanya just turned around and shrugged "Guess you'll have to follow me and find out." Himari and sighed and started walking.
While walking, we saw a large house, not larger than ours, on a high hill. "That's my team's place." Tanya said walking up the stairs. When we all made it up to the top, we saw two other people inside. One was sitting on the chair with sad, yet calm look on her face. She wore oversized sweater with purple tights, a grey skirt, grey boots with blue nails and pink lip gloss. She was kinda short with long brown hair in pigtails and had ufc gloves on which meant she was a martial-artist which are classes that cost A LOT of cash. The other was a boy standing near the door. He was average height, average weight with short black hair and two different eye colors, green and grey. He had a large Scythe next to him which indicated he was a necromancer. That's another buyable class that cost a decent amount of money. "New friends?" The boy said leaning against the wall. Tanya shrugged her shoulder "I'm hoping." When we entered the house the girl looked at us and got into her fighting stance "You guys aren't trouble are ya?" "If we were trouble we would've came in fighting Tanya not walking with her." Akari said shaking her head. The girl stood there for a couple of seconds then sighed "I'm sorry. This game....." I nodded my head "I know. It got everyone on the edge." "Chey." She said bowing her head. We all did the same and introduced ourselves as well. The boy came in and sat on the couch "Naoki Kirahara."
As we all took our seats, I stood up in the middle and coughed clearing my throat "Alright, Tanya bought us here because she has the same thought I have. To find out what's going on we need a team. A solid one. We've all been dragged into a world that none of us thought was ever gonna exist but now it does and crazy enough we're living it. Me and my team wanna find out what the hell happened, why, and who's probably behind it. I know we just met and joining up with people you've haven't even known for half a day sounds insane but we're aren't a good situation here. You guys seem like good people, people who aren't crazy or willing to accept 'this'. So let's join up, become a team, and find out what the hell is going on." I looked at the three as they started talking to each other low enough for the rest of us not to hear. After we got finished they all turned back to me "Okay, We're in. But on one condition." Himari sighed "Oh come on! Really?" That's when Akari and Sena both smacked her in the back of the head while Yui laughed quietly. I chuckled a bit "What is it?" Naoki stood up "I get to name our team." When he said that I fell to my knees "Crap.....I wanted that job......." The girls behind all nodded and said "Done!" I shot up and grabbed Akari's arm "Aw come on!" The three behind us started laughing and so did the girls. I don't know what's so funny. I wanna name our team! ME! "Ugh, forget it."
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