Chapter 4: Boss Fight, Do Or Die
"Um, this is how you enter your inventory I guess." I said waving my hand over head. When I did this my inventory slot opened up showing everything that I have. Akari laughed "You look like an idiot when you do that. Just swipe your hand in-front of you and it'll pop up." I swiped my hand forward and sure enough it popped up. "Hehe, thanks." "I feel like myself. So what exactly happened? One minute we're at the school and the next I know is that we're in some game. How exactly do you know we're in DM anyway?" Sena said leaning against a boulder near the huge double doors. "Between the whole inventory thing, our same exact outfits from the game, and the landscape, it's the only thing I can think of. How'd we get here is the real question and how to escape is another." I said holding my sword. When I attempted to lift it up this time, it became lighter and felt more natural in my hands, like I've trained with this sword all my life. "Um Himari, how's the whole armor thing feeling for y-" I was cut off when I saw Himari running full speed at me then made a sharp stop in-front of my face "I feel like I'm wearing nothing right now! It's super light." She starting jumping in the air "See? It's like I'm not even wearing it." That's weird, when we all entered here my sword felt like it weighed a ton and Himari couldn't even move. Now she's moving with ease and I can pick this sword up like I'm holding a stick "I think our 'Game' bodies adjusted or something." I said holding my sword up in the air. Sena, Yui, and Akari all walked up to me and we started talking, During the conversation however, Himari accidently bumped into the double doors opening it "Whoa!" Himari said tripping into the next room. "Himari!" We all screamed then ran after her.
"Hey" I said kneeling over Himari "Are you okay?" She leaned upwards with both her forearm while scratching her head "Yeah, clumsy me." Akari and I helped her get back onto her feet. While doing so I looked over my shoulder and saw Sena and Yui frozen in one spot not moving "Uh, Guys? What's wrong?" Yui pointed her staff upwards at the ceiling and what I saw next put fear into to all our hearts "I-it's her. The Spider Queen." She was huge. She was the size of an two-story house, all black with 4 red eyes staring dead into our souls. She crawled from the rooftop, onto the walls, and made her way about 50 feet away from us. "U-uh......G-guys?" I heard the fear from Himari's heart "Sh-she's big....I-I don't wanna be here." I tried my best to shake off the fear that kept me frozen in one spot and somehow I did "Get behind me girls. Make a run for the exit on my go. I'll distract her." Akari came next to me and held my shoulder "Are you dumb? I'm not leaving you behind." "Neither are we." Sena said walking up with Himari and Yui holding her two blades "We're stuck in this together right? Then let's do this together." Himari shook some of the sacredness out of her from earlier and chuckled "Yeah. I don't know how we'll beat this thing, but If we manage, then let's manage together." Yui slowed down her legs from shivering and nodded "I-I'm okay to fight too Kaito." I was about to protest but they all had determination in their eyes "If anything happens that we can't fix then make a run for it." I said pulling out my sword "Alright! Let's go!" Then I charged in and so did the girls.
The first wave of attacks were the same as the game. She swung around her legs every now and then (About 5-7 seconds for each swing) while spawning spider demons. "Buff up!" I screamed while slicing down at three of the spiders killing them. I heard Yui panic a bit from not knowing how to use her skills until suddenly I felt my body get lighter and stronger. I smiled "Nice!"
~Akari's POV~
This isn't how I imagined Kaito and I fighting side by side but whatever works right? The spider bitch had two bars of health, which is pretty easy for a boss. What makes her annoying though is that she does a lot of damage if her hits connect and it stuns the player for 4 seconds making her spider spawns easier to attack you. "Sena! Watch your 6!" I screamed while launching poison bombs at the large group of spiders ahead of me clearing the way. I looked over and saw Sena gracefully maneuver her way around the spiders and use here skill to kill all of them. "That's so cool!" I said. She chuckled and swiped her blades downwards "I don't know how I did it, but I did it." During our brief conversation, the spider bitch (I've been calling her that for so long I don't call her by her actual name) lifted one of her legs in the air in attempt to crush Sena. "Sena! Watch out!" I screamed while running towards her. I wasn't gonna make it in time despite how fast my build was and Sena knew she wasn't able to dodge the attack so late. I felt my heart beating faster as I tried to get closer not knowing if this would kill Sena or not.
"Not so fast!" I stopped in my tracks when I saw Himari hold her shield above Sena stopping the attack "No one steps on my friends. Especially not some ugly spider." then she swiped her sword at her leg doing damage. I felt so much relief when I saw Himari "You touch my man too much, but I'm glad you're here" I said to myself. I turned my attention back to Kaito and Yui and saw that they were working together in such chemistry it was amazing. It was like they already experienced being stuck in this game before. Kaito had Yui's buff slicing through the waves of spiders while Yui was casting deep range fireball attacks and laying out traps just in-case the spiders got to close to her. "If anyone's gonna impress Kaito" I pulled out my sharp daggers "It's gonna be me!" That's when I used one of my skills "Blood storm" which makes me throw 10 daggers at one target causing them to bleed over time.
~Kaito's POV~
After slicing down my last spider I saw Akari so lots of damage to the boss and swiftly dodge her attacks "So beautiful." I said to myself while planting my sword down to catch my breath. I felt myself getting exhausted but not the way I expected. If this were real life I'd probably be laid out by now. Something keeps me from falling and really getting tired and I like it. "Okay team all the enemies are defeated! Now it's just her. Let's go!" I dodged the first attack she threw and used my skill "Crushing whirlwind" which makes me spin causing tons of damage to the enemy for 3 seconds and stunning them for 5 seconds. "Whoa! Dizzy." I stopped spinning and held my head. Guess that's one thing I have to get used to huh? "G-go!" Through the blur I saw all the girls launch multiple attacks causing the boss to loss one full bar and half of the next. This is where things get tricky. Most bosses who are on their last bar of health go into this "Berserk mode" Or "Mad Man Zone" as I call it and do double the damage and switch their tactics. "Guys! Time to get serious! She's mad!" The spider queen took a couple of steps backwards and yelled loudly causing all of us to cover our ears. Himari yelled along with her "My ears! Quiet down would you!"
The spider queen dug underground and disappeared but we could overhear her sick and twisted laughter. "That's not normal at all" Himari said getting closer to me looking around. "Everyone watch the floor. She's gonna use this technique to catch us slipping. She sticks one of her legs out before attacking so pay close attention." Everyone looked around with their weapons steady at hand. I went next to a scared Yui "Don't worry Yui. I'm here." She smiled a bit and nodded without saying a word and continued looking around. From the corner of my eye I saw her leg stick up behind Himari and started charging near her "Himari! Turn around!" As soon as Himari turned around the Spider queen came from underground and tried to bite Himari. Just in the nick of time, Himari used her skill "Divine Shield" and reversed the damage taken back to the enemy and this left the spider queen with a small amount of health. "Whoa there!" Himari said smiling "Your breath smells bad lady."
Sena charged in and so did Akari and I, to deliver the final blow. However, as we drew closer, the spider queen spit acid in our area which does tons of damage to whoever gets hit by it. Excitement fell from our face to straight fear. As the acid got closer I saw Akari and Sena both close their eyes in defeat ready to take the blow. I wasn't gonna let them feel that defeat though and pushed both of them out the way letting me take the attack head on. I've haven't taken damage in this fight since we first got here, but the pain from the acid was excruciating. My vision started blinking red which I'm guessing means I'm dying. I feel to my knees unable to move my body then fell to the side. This is how it ends for me huh? Dying in one of my favorite games, playing with my friends and my childhood best friend? My vision went from red to fading in and out of black. I heard all the girls call my name but I couldn't move or say a word. Next thing I know I'm surrounded by them. Is this the end? Is this how I die?
~Akari's POV~
The acid the bitch threw at us hit my kaito and looking at him on the floor, it nearly parted his right arm from his body. The sight of seeing him like this......It hurts. I felt the tears come down my face "Kaito! Kaito can you hear me!? Answer me Dammit!" Himari stood quiet with tears falling down her face and to the floor. She then turned her attention to the boss and said "I-I'll distract Her......." I heard the pain in her voice. "Taunt" She whispered to herself and ran off with the boss following her. Sena gritted her teeth and screamed "You bitch!" And ran after the her. Me and Yui were now alone with Kaito for the brief moment "A-a......kari" I heard Kaito's voice and put my head downwards "Don't worry Kaito, We'll ge-" He cut me off with his low chuckle "S-still looking.....for the po-positive. Live Ak-akari. T-teach the to live......and live wit-with them....." He gripped my hand "I love you." Then I felt his hands go lifeless. "I-I........." I kissed his hand and placed it on the floor. "Yui. Give everyone a damage buff. I'm killing this bitch now." She stood up quietly and cast a buff on all of us. Yui spoke lowly "I-is kaito....." I held my tears back and looked up "Live Yui. Let's live first."
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