Chapter 2: Then There Was One.
"Hey, pass me the stapler please." I said reaching my hand downwards. I was on a ladder putting up invitation letters on the billboard. The minimum amount of students needed for the club was 5 so as long as we could get that we'd be in the clear. "I think we'll need alot of supplies for this club. I mean who wouldn't want to come to a club where you can play games!" Himari said passing the stapler to me. "People might think it's childish to play video games or something. But you're right. We're gonna be able to hit the minimum amount. Like we literally only need two more people." Akari said taping some of the papers onto the wall. "I gotta say, I did a pretty good job with the posters." Akari said nodding her head. I smiled "You really think so?" She put her hands on her hips and smirked "I mean look at it."
Himari nodded her head in approval "Yeah, these are very creative posters Kaito." Akari raised her eyebrow at me "Told you." I chuckled "Whatever. Here take this" I passed her the stapler and climbed down the ladder. When I came down I saw a girl with blue hair and blue eyes stop and look at the paper. She didn't look like much of a gamer but I saw the opportunity to grab another member "Hey. Interested in our club?" I asked folding up the ladder and placing it against the wall. She grabbed the paper and folded it up "A-actually yes. My name is Yui A-asano." Akari and Himari both came to my side and greeted the girl "Hi! I'm Himari Izumi!" Himari said bowing her head "Pleased to meet you!" I chuckled "She kinda loud but don't worry she isn't harmful." Akari bowed then smiled "Hi. I'm Akari Fuji. Hope we can be friends."
Yui gave off a shy smile "Me too. I really don't know how to play video games though." Himari laughed loudly and held her stomach "What!? Who doesn't know ho-" She was cut off by Akari smacking her in the back of the head. "Don't worry about her. We'll be more than happy to teach you." Akari said comforting Yui. She smiled then bowed
"Thank you so much. So is this club official? Do you guys have a room?" I turned to Akari "We do have a room right?" Akari nodded and gently slapped her own forehead "I knew I forgot something. We have that abandoned classroom. 2-A I believe. It's already been cleared out so all we have to do is come up with a budget and all future problems will be done with." I sighed "You waited to tell me this now because......." Akari just shrugged her shoulder "Eh, Guess I forgot." then went back to putting up flyers. "Anyways" I turned my attention back to Yui "Well you heard it yourself. So after this you can come with us to see our new club room if you like?" She smiled then nodded "I'd like that very much."
As we approached the room Akari cut ahead of us and pulled out the key to the room "Here catch." Akari threw the key to the room at me "The two people who will have access to this room will be me and Kaito." When Akari opened the door she literally froze in her spot. Himari, Yui and I all came to the door and looked inside, to our surprise we found computers, desktops, mouses, keyboards in one circle on top of a table all set up and ready to go with Mr. Nagi sitting by the window with a cup of what I can presume to be coffee in his hand. "Took you guys long enough. Oh and I see you've gotten yourself yet another member." I ran up to Mr. Nagi with my eyes watered with joy "D-did you do all of this....for us?" He smiled and patted my head "Of course I did. I'd figured I should ease up your job a little by buying these up-to-date gizmos and gadgets." Akari pouted "This must have costed you a lot of money though Mr. Nagi. We're gonna pay you back I swear." Akari said bowing. Mr. Nagi chuckled "Please, there's no need for that. Just make sure you guys don't put all of this to waste." I ran to one of the computers and turned it on. I placed my hands across the keyboard and on the mouse, they both felt so good to the touch. "You really came in the clutch on this one teach. If you ever want to game with us there's always a spot for you." He got up from his seat and opened the door "Thanks. Have fun." Then he left.
"Wow! He sure is cool. Why don't I have him as a teacher?" Himari said flopping on one of the chairs and turning on the computer. Akari came from behind and slapped Himari on the back of her head and sat on the chair next to mine "Don't flop on the chairs. It's brand new so don't treat them like it's old." Himari rubbed the back of her head and pouted "Sorry. Anyways what game are we playing?" Akari and I both looked at each other and grabbed our book bags while Himari and Yui watched "Okay I'm pretty sure you guys are familiar with the greatest RPG known to man" We both pulled out 10 copies of DM "Dungeon Masters!" Yui just tilted her head as did Himari. "You've got to be kidding me guys. You never played this game?" They both nodded their heads no as we both face-palmed. Akari stood up from her seat "Dungeon Masters is basically a RPG, Role playing game, with two objectives. Clearing Dungeons and facing off with the all mighty Ahmose! The Griffin Rider! who guards the ultimate treasure. We've never faced off against him. Actually no one has. But we were close. It's a lot of fun which you'll realize after playing." I jumped from my chair and put a disk in all of the computers "I'm going to download the game into all of the computers now so we don't have to wait later. Meantime we have to find another member. The minimum is five and there's only four of us." Akari came from behind and patted my back "How about you go and deal with that while I teach these girls how the basics work and whatnot." I nodded my head and grabbed my candy bar from my book bag "Try not to overload their minds okay?" Then I left the room.
As I walked down the near empty hallways, I heard loud laughing and screaming coming from the cafe. I ran down to see what the problem was and as I got closer I heard the sound of boys laughing "Come on babe. Just spread'em for me and my guys. We'll be as gentle as possible." One of the boys said as he pressed his hand aggressively against the wall were the girl was. I instantly recognized her, Sena Harano, age 18 and by far one of the most popular girls in the school. She's always praised for her amazing body and awesome academic skills. She's captain of the Cheer squad and top ranking chess player in all of japan. While the boys start to surround her she doesn't budge one bit, instead she gives of a cold, icy stare. "If I were you I'd stop and walk away. Before one of you guys get hurt." One of the boys leaned closer to her face and laughs obnoxiously "And who's gonna do that?" I bust open the double door with my feet and sighed "Me, of course." They all turned their attention to me and growled like hungry lions eyeing their next prey "And who are you?" One of them asked moving towards me. I took of my glasses and slicked my hair back so it won't cover my face "Someone who's gonna kick your ass. Or you can leave and just save me the trouble."
A thin figured boy, about 17, came at me with his fist clenched ready to attack "As if loser." then he came swinging erratically at my face. I dodged his attack easily and punched him in the stomach, hard, making him double over. I grabbed him and then flipped him over my shoulder making him land straight on his back. "Thank you martial-arts class." I coughed and looked up at the others, clearly shocked but still anxious "So.....who's next." The guy who had his hand against the wall moved away from Sena and pushed his posse to the side. He's the biggest of the bunch with more muscle, It didn't intimidate me but I knew I had to be cautious. I stood in my regular fighting stance, Body sideways, right arm bent slightly and low where my hip is at while my left arm stays high where my chest is. I also keep my knees bent slightly and the heels of my feet hovering somewhat off the floor staying on my toes for quicker footwork. "Be warned, I am a black belt." The boy lunges at me with intentions on wrestling me knowing he has more strength than me so I side step out the way and kick him in the back of his leg making him fall onto one knee. I tried to land a sweeping kick to his face but he grabbed my leg throwing me to the wall next to him. "Ow." I rubbed my back and quickly moved out the way as his fist came crashing to the wall "Almost had me." I said adding a little pep to my step "Okay let's go."
Before he has the time to react I'm already close enough to him to land two clean jabs to his face making his nosebleed and causing him to stagger backwards. I ran up to him and attempted to land a flying kick to him but the last two other boys came in my way and stopped me so instead I grabbed one and pulled his face to my knee making it collide. When I tried to attack the other one he grabbed both my arms briefly stopping my hand movements and allowing the leader to grab me. "Take this!" He screamed and landed a clean punch across my face and another at my stomach. I tried to break free but I felt another pair of hands on me and it was the one I kneed in the face, cut below his lip with a little blood coming out. When the leader was about to let on a barrage of blows, Sena came and hit a straight forward hit against his ribs making him stumble sideways and hold his side. At that moment the two boys who were holding me loosened their grip just enough to break out and elbow both of them in the gut and throwing one into the other making their heads crash into each other knocking them out. "Thanks for that...I-" Sena cut me off by waving her finger then pointed at the leader "He's not finished yet, so hold on." She ran towards him and wrapped her legs around his neck and elbowed him on top of his head making him go unconscious.
I know I shouldn't be surprised but still....girl got some skills. She patted herself down and sweep whatever dust off her "Boys, can't live with em' and can't live without em'." She began walking her way up to me, almost seductive like, and reach her hand out "Sena Harano, Thanks for helping me out back there." I gently grabbed her hand and shook it. Her hand is soft to the touch and cool as if nothing happened in the first place. "Kaito Amano. Anytime. I couldn't see a girl get pushed around by a bunch of idiots. Although it seems you had the whole situation under control." I said while chuckling a bit. She laughed "I took a couple of classes when I was younger and kept training from then." her smile slowly faded as she looked at the marks on my face "Oh my," She placed her gentle hands on my face rubbing softly at the cuts at my eyebrow "I'm sorry for causing this to you." I felt heat reach up to my cheeks and looked upwards at the ceiling "U-uh it okay. Totally. I can barely feel anything." She totally ignored my words and reached into her bag to take out a band-aid and placed it on my eyebrow where the cut is. "There, better. By the way, why are you still in the school? Unless your in a club, everyone should be home by now." She said taking a seat on one of the tables. "Well yeah I am in a club actually. We just came up with it though." I said sitting across from her. "Mind telling me this club's name?" She threw her leg on top of the other in such an elegant way. I can see why she attracts so many boys in our school. I cleared my throat hoping she wouldn't laugh at our club "It's the uh....Gaming Club. We basically play video games and teach people thinks like strategy and cooperating with others, etc." "Oh really? Now that's a first. I never knew the school would actually allow such a club. I guess anything is possible huh Kaito." I nodded and leaned forward placing my elbows on both my knees, We need one more member....I doubt she'll join....but....."Sena. We are down one more member to actually become a official club and well we never stumbled to a another member. Would you be interested in joining our club by any chance?" She paused for a bit and placed her hand under her chin, thinking. "I......I accept. I'm not in any club at the moment and can't really find anything." She gave me a heart felt smile causing me to blush deep red. Damn she's cute "Thank you so much. You don't understand how grateful I am." She got up and wrapped her arm around mine causing her boobs to push on my arm. I blushed. "Thank you again my knight in shining armor." she said whispering in my ear sending chills down my spine. I gulped and looked forward "Uh....let me escort you to our club room." She never let go of me the whole way there.
When we opened the door I saw Akari helping Yui with some of the controls while Himari was zoned out on one of the quest with a lollipop in her mouth. They all looked at me and ran when they noticed the small cut on my lip and the band-aid on my eyebrow. "Kaito! What happened? Are you okay?" Akari said holding my hand. I chuckled "Yeah I'm fine. Thanks to her." I nodded towards Sena. They all looked at her and bowed "Thank you so much." They all said. "Please it's nothing. To be honest he was the one who helped me. I was surrounded by these boys and well....he saved me." "So you saved the most popular girl in the school? That's new Kaito." Himari said sitting back down on her chair. "Not only that, we just got our final member. Thanks to Sena we are now an official club." They paused for a bit, then they all cheered "We're official!" Himari screamed scaring the birds from outside the window. I stood in front of the room and stood on a chair "Now that we have our club set and ready, I only have one thing to say. Game On!" Then I raised my fist into the air and not a moment later the rest of the girls did. All I know is....the fun has just begun.
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