Episode 2 Prison Break out
Room 10
FTac Recon (Taylor): It was a set-up, they knew we were coming. That bastard, Rorke, along with Ivan Makarov, Khristenko, and David Archer.
Interrogator: David Archer, the former MI6?
FTac Recon (Taylor): Yeah, he's working with Rorke.
Interrogator: Let's not focus on Rorke. Where did Ivan Makarov take you?
FTac Recon (Taylor): Neo-Soviet Union, Prison, hell...
Interrogator: What did they do to you, Taylor?
FTac Recon (Taylor): What didn't they do...
Interrogator: Why didn't unnamed Iranian just kill you? Why did he give you to Rorke and Ivan Makarov?
FTac Recon (Taylor): Cause, unnamed Iranian terrorist leader and Ivan Makarov were workin' together, while Rorke has other things to do.
Interrogator: Eh, you were a git.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Eh, right...
Interrogator: Where did Ivan Makarov take you?
FTac Recon (Taylor): Russian Prison. Had to fight - just to survive.
Interrogator: What happened in Prison, Taylor?
FTac Recon (Taylor): I was on my own, almost a year.
Interrogator: Think, Taylor! What did they do to you?
FTac Recon (Taylor): I'd given up hope of ever getting out... but Dima Chernov and Kastov 762 found a way.
Interrogator: Wait, your talking about our S T-Doll Reznov?
FTac Recon (Taylor): H-how the hell did you know?
Interrogator: We send him to the Russian mainland during the second revolutionary war, his last appearance declared MIA.
Kresty Prison (an upgade), Saint Petersburg, NUSSR
FTac Recon and Kastov 762 are brawling while Dima Chernov watched.
Dima: Show him 762, show what he does!
Kastov 762 grabbed his collar as he raise his fist to punch him.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): You will break in, American.
Image freezes (the is still flashing though)
Interrogator: *voiceover* Kastov 762, and Dima Chernov
FTac Recon (Taylor): Yes, they were my friends, and Kastov 762 was one of us as the Stealth Tactical Dolls.
FTac Recon is punched by Kastov 762, who then is pushed by FTac Recon onto the floor with other Prisoners and Dima Chernov watching.
Prison Break out
Kresty Prison, NUSSR
FTac Recon
October 6, 2033
NUSSR guard: Эй! Возвращайтесь в свою камеру!
Kastov 762: You hit like a child!
NUSSR Guard: Или вы понимаете только силой? СОБАК!
A Neo-Soviet guard then appears and heads for FTac Recon, armed with a club.
Dima Chernov: Эй! ублюдок!
NUSSR Guard: Ты всегда, сражайся как черт, Дима!
The guard then walks towards Dima and beat him up as Kastov 762 and FTac Recon had their chance, they got a pipe and smacked him together.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): *to dead guard* Тупица *to Dima Chernov* Comrade, Chernov...
FTac Recon (Taylor): Chernov...
Dima: You two... Every journey begins with a single steps *to Kastov 762* Reznov if you mind...
Kastov 762 takes the guards keys and club.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): My comrades, today, you know what we say. This is step 1
Crowd: Secure the keys!
Dima Chernov: Now we will commence a chaos!
Crowd: Ura!
The crowd of prisoner sprint alongside with Kastov 762, Dima Chernov and FTac Recon attacking the guard or died trying while they manage to free other prisoners.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): What is Step 2?
Crowd: Ascend from darkness!
Dima: 3?
Crowd: Rain fire!
Kastov 762 (Reznov): 4?
Crowd: Unleash the horde!
Dima: 5?
Crowd: Skewer the winged beast!
Kastov 762 (Reznov): 6?
Crowd: Wield a fist of iron!
Dima: 7?
Crowd: Raise the hell!
The crowd of prisoner freed other prisoners while fighting some guards. FTac Recon, Kastov 762, and Dima come to see Imran Zeltzer strangling three soldiers at once.
Dima: Comrade, allow me to introduce - Imran Zeltzer Monster of the Siberia.
FTac Recon (Taylor); Glad you're friend with Imran, 762.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): Yes, he is once my friend back then.
The three run to an elevator were all prsioners sabotages.
Dima: Step 2?
Crowd: URA! Ascend from darknesss!!
They go into the elevator with other prisoners. Imran grabbed a broken pipe as a spear before entering himself. The elevator was ascending up, a Russian Prisoners converses with Dima and Kastov 762 if he can trust FTac Recon.
Russian Prisoner: Chernov, you sure you can trust this American?
Dima: With my life. Kastov was one his friend. He, him and us are not so different. We are all soldiers without an army... Betrayed... Forgotten... Abandoned. In Kresty, we are ALL brothers... like us. Those two were the Android human alike, we treated them as we are brothers...
The prisoner nod approvingly at FTac Recon, since Kastov 762 is a Russian accent. The elevator comes up with Neo-Soviet guard shooting serveal prisoners with a pistol Udav. Imran approached behind the guard stabbed and killed the soldier.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): Recon, you need a pistol.
FTac Recon grabbed the pistol from the dead soldier, as they ran to the high tech door.
Dima: Reznov, you know how to opened the door?
Kastov 762 (Reznov): Yes Comrade, Dima, I know how to access the door.
Kastov 762 then type on the passcode to access the door while the prisoners including Imran ready their melees.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Chernov, your me know that this is suicide.
Dima: Victory cannot be achive without sacrifice, Taylor. We Neo-Soviets know this better than anyone. Prepare yourselves!!
Kastov 762 finally access the door, as the door opened, the prisoners were gunned down by Neo-Soviet MGs. FTac Recon, Kastov 762, Dima Chernov and Imran run to cover.
Dima: Taylor, over here!
He sprint to the cover as prisoner take cover or die trying.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Your men is about to shred!
Kastov 762 (Reznov): The tower's going to rip them to shreds! Dima!
Then a soldier appeared from the doors as they ready their weapons, baton and shield.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): Recon, use the molotov, the prisoner made them for us
He tossed the molotov to FTac Recon, when the light lighten on the rope from the bottle, he throws onto the guard with the shield, then use a Udav from earlier to kill the other guards.
Dima:Step 3?!
FTac Recon (Taylor): Rain fire!
Kastov 762 (Reznov): See how's Taylor ingenuity turns junk into weapons.
The prisoners ready the slingshot and take out the tower, as the tower collapsed to the ground.
Prisoners: URA!
Kastov 762 (Reznov): Ura!
Dima: Ura! Never lose faith, my friends, NEVER! Months of planning, Taylor. We wil not pause. We will not falter We will be free, or die trying.
Megaphone: Крупные заключенные сбежали, беспорядки в тюрьме усилились
Dima: This way!
Dima kicks open the door to the building, where the fire arms were stored.
Dima: Imran! Break open the arms lockers!
Imran repeatedly bashes the door while three run upstairs.
Dima: Taylor, climb the tower and support the uprising in the East-South!
FTac Recon (Taylor): What about you two?
Kastov 762 (Reznov): I stay with him, you go ahead. For our plan to work, we need every man to play his part.
FTac Recon (Taylor); Step Four... Unleash the horde...
Dima: I will rally the men! While Reznov had other plans.
FTac Recon continues running to the rooftop. Two prisoners stand waiting with a slingshot, as many prisoners are seen escaping and city was in chaos. The helicopter by the news flown all over the prisoners.
Russian Prisoner: Ready the slingshot! Taylor, let's go!
As Recon ready the slingshot to take out the three towers, the speaker can be heard from Neo-Soviet guards.
Megaphone: Личность руководителя установлена. То есть Резнов вместе с Димой Черновым. Приказ об устранении уполномоченный.
But the speaker was interrupted as Kastov 762 spoke. With news helicopter ready to listen the broadcast from one of the prisoner leader. As FTac Recon fire the slingshot destroyed two towers.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): *speaker* My Brave comrades, the time has come to rise against our oppressor! Today, we show them the hearts of true Russians! We have all given our blood for the Motherland. We may have anserted to her calls without any questions. We gave to our youth, to our heart, to our very souls for her protection. As brothers, we fought side by side against the Russian Federations. We crawled through dirt and blood and sand to achieve to our glorious victory... Not for medals, or glory... But for what was for the right. We fought for our revenge... When Battle of Minsk won, how did our leaders repay us? We returned not to the rapturous welcome... but to suspicion and persecution. In the eyes of our leaders we were already tainted by the Capitalist West. Torn from the arms of our loved ones, we from the arms of our loved ones, we found ourselves here... this place... this this terrible place. here we have tortured, with no hope for releasing us... with No hope for justice. We have toiled in Ivan Makarov's prison cell until we were all dead... We have watched our comrades succumb to sickness, disease and tortured. We have been beaten. But weill not be broken! Today, we wil lsend a message to our corrupt and arrogant leaders, including Ivan Makarov. Today, my comrades is time to show them what truly means for freedom and power ... Kresty, Saint Petersburg - will BURNS!!!
Prisoners: URA!
Then FTac Recon destroyed the last tower, as they walked back downstairs. He see Dima, Kastov 762, Imran and other prisoners ready their weapons.
Dima: Arm yourselves, comrades!
Kastov 762 (Reznov): The Reinforcement will soon arrive to defend the main armory!
FTac Recon grabbed the shotgun.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Just as we planned.
He grabbed his own Battle rifle, while Kastov 762 grabbed his very own Assault Rifle.
Russian Prisoner: How do we achieve Step 5?
Dima: Taylor's weapon will soon be ready.
They went the fence door and door has a lock. Dima tell Recon to shoot the lock.
Dima: Shoot the lock, Taylor!
FTac Recon fire his battle rifle at the lock and opens the fence.
Dima: Forward men, we will burn this city and prisoners to the ground! Spare no one!
The prisoner engage incoming guards. Kastov 762 and FTac Recon aimed their weapons at the approaching guards but one the guards coming from behind ready to kill both but Imran save them, as both turned their heads around seeing Imran strangled both.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): Thanks comrade, Imran.
The three and serveal other prisoners fight through their way out until an MI-8TV-5 shows up.
Dima: The chopper is here! Good!
Russian Prisoner; How is this good?
Dima: Because it is as we wish.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Step five...
Kastov 762 (Reznov): Skewere the winged beast! Quickly, Recon.
Dima: Upstairs!
He hurries over to a place where there is a KS-23 with a harpoon attachment, as he grabbed it with a harpoon.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Let's hope this works!
He aimed at the chopper and destroyed it with a harpoon then he finished the two choppers as Prisoner cheered along with Kastov 762 and Dima.
Dima: URA!
Kastov 762 (Reznov): URA!!
Crowd: URA!!!!
He walked downstairs and regrouped the others.
Dima: *laughs* You all know what to do!
The group opened door thanks to Kastov 762 gained access the door, as the minigun was place in the desk.
Dima: Taylor! Grab the Minigun! So with you Imran
Both FTac Recon and Imran grabbed the Minigun.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): Good work, both you!
The group exit the building, as Dima speaks
Dima: Step seven comrades?!
Crowd: Raise HELL!!
Kastov 762 (Reznov): For honor! For vengeance For Neo-Soviet!!!
Crowd: URA!!!
FTac Recon and Imran using the Death Machine to gun down any stragglers, including Juggernaut guards, who are no match for the Minigun firepower. All prisoners fight their down to the city.
Dima: Unleash fury!
The prisoner engage the guards as the four run to the garage until Imran was shot by the sniper.
Dima: Imran NOOO!!!!
Megaphone: Используйте слезоточивый газ!
With Imran's death the three continue down the prison and head to the way out until tear gas used.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): They are using the tear gas!
The gas kills everyone but FTac Recon.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): Recon!!!!
FTac Recon felt dazes, and Dima and Kastov 762 grabs him straight to the garage. Faded back into Room 10.
Room 10
FTac Recon: Tehy used tear gas. I couldn't breathe.
Interrogator: Was Dima Chernov and Kastov 762 still with you?
FTac Recon: Only Kastov 762 and me escaped. And Dima never left me.
Kresty Prison, NUSSR
FTac Recon wakes up in a garage with three motorcycles, as Dima and Kastov 762 hold the door when guard was about to breach in.
Dima: The door will not hold them forever... We do not have much time
Kastov 762 (Reznov): But it could much time, I contact the Estonian to pick us up from the radio Comms, we have to take the train.
Dima: Your right comrade.. Within this shrine to the hypocritical decadence of Saint Petersburg Mayor, lays the keys to step eight.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Freedom.
As Dima Chernov mounted their bike, FTac Recon and Kastov 762 were also mounted their bikes and drives out the three separate windows, as the Neo-Soviet soldiers engage the three prisoners who were on the bike.
Dima: Come on you two! Faster! Faster!
Then the three saw the train who is on the railway leading them to exfil point near the Estonia border for pickup.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): There's the train! Hurry Recon!
But the Neo-Soviet soldiers who were on the bike chasing them stopping them from getting to the train.
FTac Recon (Taylor): They're not lettin' us go without a fight!
The three soon reach a blocked bridge and go around the right.
Dima: This way! MG!!! Jump on the mobility vehicle!
The three hijack the Neo Soviet Mobility vehicle GAZ-2975 Tigr as Dima drives. While FTac Recon was given by Kastov 762 a machine gun from the car as he sit on the side of window engage the enemy while FTac Recon used the machine guns engaging the enemy on Motorcycle, Mobility vehicles and helicopters.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): Where is the train?!!! Comrade Chernov!
Then a train appeared as Dima tell them to jumped.
Dima: There!!! Jump! You two! Jump! Go! Go!
Kastov 762 and FTac Recon jumps on the train as they looked back at Dima who is still mobility Vehicle.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Is your turn!! Come on!!! Step eight, Chernov - Freedom!
Dima: For you Taylor and Reznov... Not for me...
FTac Recon (Taylor): Chernov!!!
Kastov 762 (Reznov): It's too late Recon...
The truck stops as it approaches a roadblock as another Mi-8TV5 arrives overhead. As the train leaves.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): Farewell, Chernov, your sacrifice will not in vain.
The scene Faded to Room 10 again
Room 10
Interrogator: And that was the last you saw of Dima Chernov? You and Reznov survived?
FTac Recon (Taylor): Yeah. At least for a while...
To be continued
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