Water against her lips
Quick announcement!
Okay so I completely forgot about Sam and Eric so please try to ignore the fact that they weren't introduced in either previous chapter so I will include them in some point during this chapter. They are so funny I can't not have them in this story. Kind regards
- Molli x
The bright sun fell upon my eyelids signalling my awakening. I slowly opened my emerald green eyes and observed my surroundings.
Hm seems like I'm the only one awake.
I thought that this would be the best time to explore and give myself some time to think. Judging by the placement and position of the sun I was predicting that it would be roughly 6am. Also taking the wonderful pastel colours of the sunrise. I slowly approached the sleeping Jack and Roger.
Wow. They both look so peaceful when they're sleeping.
I quickly moved away just in case they woke up seeing me just staring at them like some obsessed stalker.
I trampled through the creepers, stepping over fallen branches .I proceeded with extreme caution since we didn't have any doctors or grown ups to assist us if something went wrong.
Something rustled in the bushes. I stopped immediately and remained alerted. Coincidentally the "thing" stopped rusting when I stopped. This isn't a "thing" it's a person. I am getting stalked.
"Whose there?!" I shouted.
The stalker didn't budge. I swear I could hear a small giggle but I pretended to ignore it.
"Look I am not in the mood for games just come out please." I demanded.
Yet again the mystery stalker decided to stay put. I slowly approached the bush, I didn't let them know but I could hear the light breath of the individual. That's when something grabbed me from behind and screamed in my ear
my reflexes kicked in I whipped around and pushed whoever it was too the ground in a swift but startled motion.
I recognised his face from the crowd. He was around the same height as me with brown hair and a tan complexion. He sat on the ground laughing hysterically.
"Scared you!" He shouted.
"What the fu-
That's when something grabbed me again. I shrieked and ran towards the boy on the ground. What I saw left me in confusion.
He was just behind me what the hell..
I looked behind me the boy was still on the ground. I looked in front of me to see the other boy who looked exactly the same as him standing before me. They both started laughing at me in unison .
Twins. Bloody twins for hells sake.
"Holy shit I was so scared for a minute. You guys look identical."
They both nodded and gave me a cheeky grin.
"What are your names?" I asked questionably.
The one on the right replied first .
"My name is Sam!" He looked over at this brother signalling him to introduce himself.
"And I'm Eric!" He replied with pride.
"Everyone just calls us Samneric because it's easier!"
"We are twins if you can't tell.."
"Oh I can definitely tell." I giggled at my statement.
"You must be Frankie aka the only girl on an island of boys!" Said Sam laughing at his own amusing saying.
"Yes in fact I am. How old are you guys?" I ask with curiosity
"We are 14, what about you?" Eric responded.
"I'm 16. Look guys I'm just going for a small walk by myself." I made sure I empathised the last of my sentence so they could get the hint. They replied with a nod and a smile before running off.
"Stay out of troubled the both of you!" I yelled at them from a distance. I laughed at the faint voices of "we won't!"that was said in unison.
I carried on my little adventure looking up at the sun once again observing its placement again.
Looks roughly on 6:30. The sun was rather bright so I was suggesting that the boys would just start to be waking up right about now so I've got to hurry. I could feel the heat slowly making it way through the air. I could feel my first drop of sweat trickle down the side of my face. That's when I saw something that put my mind into instant joy.
"Water!" I scream with delight. I run up to it just to ensure that it was fresh. The water was crystal clear. It lay beneath the emerald green tree canopy's. It was surrounded by bushes filled with wonderful wild flowers that were displayed a wide variety of colours and fonts. I was mesmerised. My nostrils flared with the delightful scents of pollen and ocean breeze. Different birds flew by and perched themselves on the treetop branches. These were wild tropical birds. They had plenty of colours and I've never seen them before. I kneeled at the edge of the lagoon that the water stood still. I cupped my hands and slowly positioned them into the water. The cold temperature collaborated with my skin sending me into a state of relaxation. I widened my eyes as I watched the water slowly fill itself in my hands. Bringing my hands to the bottom of my chin I took a light sip of it. The cold water pressed against my lips and dripped down my face onto my tattered skirt leaving wet stains. It's fresh. My eyes looked up in wonder and relief. It was only just now when I noticed how thirsty and dehydrated I was. The lagoon looked relatively deep and it was quite large in width. I then took the last of my servings until I decided to make my way back to the boys. Beforehand I grab a handful of bright red flowers to use as a trail so I don't lose my way back to lagoon. I needed to show the boys.
When I got back most of them were already awake including Ralph , Jack and Simon. I ran up to them in pure excitement. A big wide smile plastered across my tan, freckled face.
"Where the hell were you Frankie?!" Yelled jack
"I was just-
"You can't just wonder off like that we don't know what's out here it could be dangerous you could've got yourself killed!" Shouted Ralph.
"Guys please just liste-
"No Frankie you had us all scared shitless we wouldn't know what to do if anything happened to you!" Simon said. Only his statement came out in a more reasonable and considerate tone.
"Just fucking listen to me!" I screamed at them.
They all stared at me awaiting in what I had to stay. Jacks eyes were piercing right onto me while Ralph and Simon stood tall with crossed arms.
"I found water! And it's fresh! Fresh cold water and there's plenty of it!" I snapped at them but in an excited tone of voice.
All seriousness and anger quickly melted away. Before any of them said anything they patiently waited for me to say anything in case I was just playing with them. When they realised I was telling the truth they smiled and Jack surprisingly ran up and hugged me. He was a lot taller than me and lifted me practically off the ground. That's when he whispered slightly in my ear which left warm chills vibrate down my spine.
"Don't ever go off on your own without telling me first okay Franko?"
Franko.. that's one I've never heard before.
I nodded at him and gave him a small smile until he cupped my face and kissed my cheek. I was left shaken. He was so much more considerate then I thought he was. I looked over to the other two boys, Simon was just playing with a lizard that he found perched on a small branch but Ralph was standing next to piggy eyeballing jack and I with pure jealousy lingering in his earthly brown eyes.
I then saw that almost half of the boys were still sleeping. I'm sure everyone is craving water. I looked at the sun.
7am I guessed to myself. Jack and I walked over to Ralph and Piggy while calling Simon over whilst doing so. Ralph then announced something to the 5 of us.
"Okay let's wake up everyone else then Frankie can guide everyone to the water that she found." We all nodded in agreement and we split up , allocating ourselves to the beings scattered over the floor. I chose to walk up to Percy. I shook him gently and whispered in his ear.
"Good morning Percy it's time to wake up." He rubbed his eyes a looked up at me curiously then observed his surroundings like I did.
"Why did you wake me up?" He pouted at me. I sighed and replied to his question.
"We have heaps of things to do and we found some water! I'm sure you're thirsty" I said while smiling at him. His face lit up with pure wonder and he went to wake up his friends. That's when I looked over at Jack to see what he was doing. What I saw made me laugh hysterically.
"Roger wake up dipshit we gotta go!" Screamed Jack. The black haired boy didn't budge. He lay peacefully on the sand which only pissed off Jack even more. I could tell that they were already friends I was considering they could even be best friends from the way they act around each other.
"Don't make me do it Rog.." Jack said with only little patience left in him. Jack laughed before kicking him in the stomach and shaking him violently. Roger slowly opened his grey eyes. I was surprised how unbothered he looked but I was wrong.
"What do you want dickhead?"Roger shouted this made Jack laugh even more.
"Get the hell up , Franko over here found us some water."
Roger glanced over at me observing me. He looked me up and down the smirked.
"Nice one sweetcheeks." He said pleasingly.
I smiled slightly at him and looked over at Ralph, Piggy and Simon. All the boys were now awake all rubbing their eyes and yawning. Ralph then stood upon the rock and cradled the conch in his arms carefully.
"I am sure most of you are aware of the recent news . If you haven't yet please know that Frankie over here has found us some water so let's all follow her to where the source is. Please tread carefully as we don't have time to handle any accidents." Everyone nodded at Ralph and looked over to me waiting for me to make my move.
"Okay follow me everyone!" I said. I've noticed how comfortable I'm starting to feel around these guys. I felt sort of safe in a way. I spotted the first red flower. I traced my trail with all the boys following after me. Flower after flower we finally reached the lagoon. The screams of joy from all the boys filled my heart with such happiness seeing their smiles glow like sunshine. They all crowded around the lagoon and started drinking until they couldn't stop. When each of them finished their serving they ran around with each other feeling fresh and energised. A littlun also managed to find plenty of fruit hanging from the trees above so a few boys climbed and grabbed handfuls of them to bring back to the camp. I instructed everyone to follow the red flowers in case they wanted another drink. I helped some boys carry some coconuts and other fruits back to the beach.
When we got back Ralph finally came up with an idea that could get us rescued.
"Okay everyone now that we have food and water we need to do some tasks. This means everyone has to contribute and we have to work together. We need to make a fire."
"Yes a fire!"
The boys cheered at the word and quickly settled down when Ralph raised his hand for silence.
"I have decided to have it at the top of that hill but before we do so we need to find out if this is an island or not and if it's uninhabited. I will pick 3 people to come with me while the others stay here.. so I will choose.."
A majority of the boys raised their hands but Ralph was looking for some of the older ones.
"Okay Jack you can come.. and Simon and.."
I raised my hand eagerly he's got to pick me I found water for everyone it's the least he could do.
"Frankie can come too." I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"Piggy you are in charge of keeping the littleluns under control." Piggy nodded and Ralph looked over at Roger, Maurice and Bill.
"What are we gonnado?" Maurice complained. Roger death staring the shit out of the chief.
"You guys can do whatever.. wait here take this." Ralph hands Roger his hunting knife.
If you are capable of doing it can you three prepare the fruits for everyone and find some more if we're low." Maurice and Roger rolled their eyes and nodded. Simon, Ralph , Jack and I set off on our journey.
Authors note :)
I'd like to apologise again for forgetting samneric in the previous chapter ! I just finished getting my hair done and I got bangs so I'm really excited about that. Anyways thank you for reading!
-Molli <3
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