Up in flames
The scorching hot flames lay blankets over our bare bodies. My tan skin was slowly burning and peeling it felt like I was being cooked alive. What was left of my clothes was only my shirt ripped grey skirt and my white blouse which was now tattered and dirty. The boys almost looking half naked now but I seriously don't blame them in these conditions.
We finally reached the peek of the mountain. Ralph then called upon everyone to go and gather some leaves and firewood. All boys including myself set off to gather whatever we could find. I glance over my shoulder to see Maurice ,Roger and Jack staring at me and chucking. Almost like they expected me to be that one weak little girl that can't carry a fucking branch because I'm too small. I'll show them.
I grabbed all 3 logs at once and picked them up with all my strength. I made sure I didn't show any signs of struggle in my figure. I made it look like I did it with ease. They definitely believed it.
"Strong one aren't cha?" Roger declared giving me a wink and a slight side smirk.
"Strongest one here." I said sarcastically.
"Bet you can't do this then.." Roger claimed while single handedly picking up 5 logs with ease.
"I'm not even gonna try." I said to him with my jaw dropped. He then winked at me again and walked back to where the fire was meant to go.
I walk up to the boys and quickly dump my logs into a pile. Jack walks up to the pile and kneels down whilst rubbing two sticks together. I'm not even going to express the amount of tension that surrounded the group. Jack was slowly getting more frustrated I could already sense an outburst.
"Damn you motherfucker, work!" He yelled then snapping his sticks out of anger. I slowly bend down to comfort him until piggy decided to be an idiot and just heat Jack up even more.
"Swearing won't help." Piggy said. Stupid idiot, just digging his own grave at this point.
Jack then stands up and forcefully pushes piggy in the chest knocking the boy to the ground.
"Listen piggy you shut your fat ass up or I will-
"Hold it hold it! We don't have time for this guys we need to get this done!" Ralph said sensibly. Roger and Maurice were laughing at piggy so I went down to comfort him.
"Maybe it's a better idea not to say things that could make people angrier than they already are." I whisper to him while giving him a slight pat on the shoulder before walking off until I realised something..
"Wait.. piggy can I have your glasses?" I ask politely. The boys all look at me confused.
"No! You can't have them I need them!" Piggy blurted out.
"I promise I'm not going to harm them it will only be for a few seconds." I say.
"Come on piggy just give her the glasses."
"Piggy come on!"
"I said no!"
"Oh for fuck sake." Jacks runs up to him and snatches them off his and hands them to me with a cute wink and cheeky grin. I smiled at him while kneeling down over the fire. All boys looked at me with such curiosity it made it so hard to focus. I carefully aligned the lens with the direct sunlight onto the wood. Once I got the aim right I held it there for a while. The boys kept their eyes glued on me ..my sweat was now visible on my face and shoulders. Until the scent of light smoke filled our nostrils and a light spark lit the firewood creating the red flower we were praying for.
"Yes Frankie you did!" Said Ralph with such joy in his voice. All the boys cheered and screamed while dancing around the fire , I handed back piggy's glasses. He nodded to me before wiping his lenses on his shirt. Jack charged at me ten lifted me into the air. His grasp was so strong and tight but I was having fun. Everyone was having fun. Despite being stranded on this island you may as well make the best of it.
That's when the fire started growing and expanding.
"ITS SPREADING!" A littlun screamed , alerting all of us to take action.
"Quickly stomp on it!
Everyone was using and doing whatever they could to stop the fire. It made its way to the tree that hung over the edge of the cliff. Once we stopped the spread all that was left was dry brown grass and a burning tree. Simon gathered small rocks and spaced them in a circle around the signature fire to stop it from spreading again.
Piggy took the littluns down to the beach to look after them so that only left Samneric, Simon, Roger, Maurice , Ralph , Jack and I . We all decided to walk through the Forrest to get away from the screams . Samneric ran off to do their own thing so it was just the rest of us. We all just kept walking and exploring. Surprisingly we all had decent conversations. I couldn't help but notice Roger's weird glares. He reminded me of a predator stalking it's prey. His gaze was so haunting. I also noticed Jack trying to get closer with me. He's been consciously trying to hold my hand but I've been pretending not to notice for now. Simon and Ralph were having their own seperate conversation while constantly looking back to check up on me. Maurice was probably one of the most chill people here. He wouldn't stop cracking jokes which sent me into random outbursts of laughter.
"You have a beautiful laugh." Jack said to me his blue eyes piercing into mine. He gave a warm smile. Not his cheeky and mischievous smile, but an actual warm one. We all stopped when he heard rustling in the bush. I also couldn't help but notice Jack standing slightly in front of me with his arm out . Ralph and Simon also came back to where I was standing . Maurice and Roger were behind me. That's when a large wild boar came charging right at us. He trampled over me from the side and bit the side of my torso. Jack immediately whipped out his hunting knife land launched over the boar. Ralph and Roger lifted the boar off me while Maurice and Simon stood there looking completely stunned.
"What the actual fuck just happened?" I ask still in shock.
Ralph slowly lifts up the bottom of my blouse to reveal an extremely unpleasant bite mark.
"Does it hurt?" He asks.
"It should be fine I wouldn't worry about it-
"Actually Frankie it needs to be treated right now. It doesn't matter how small the wound is we don't have any medical assistance now so it can't get infected." Simon said.
I nodded in agreement. Simon held out his hand for me to take , he then lead me to the shoreline and started pouring salt water on my wound. I winced at the pain and he held onto my shoulder for comfort.
"How does it feel?" He asks.
"It feels better now. Thank you Simon." I say to him kindly.
He rips off a piece of fabric off his singlet and ties it tightly around my wound.
"Leave this on until it scabs over. Wash it frequently with salt water and please don't do anything too reckless. It can't get infected." Simon said with a stern voice. I surely not used to him being so serious but I loved knowing that he was looking out for me.
"Simon.." I ask him
"Yes Frankie?"
"You have done so much good to me, I just wanted you to know that if you need anything at all or want to talk I will always be here for you." I say to him with a bright smile.
"Thank you Frankie that means a lot." He smiled back and slowly walked away. It was perfect timing because during that time the conch was being blown and boys from all directions were running back to the meeting spot. I approach them, Jack and Maurice come up asking if I was okay which I thought was really considerate. Roger still had his eyes targeting me but I tried my best to avoid eye contact with him for now.
"Okay so now that we have our signal fire we need to assign people to go on fire watch to ensure that the fire doesn't go out. We will take turns of doings jobs so that the same people aren't doing the one thing all the time."
All boys nod at Ralph and waited for his next instruction.
"It is also about time we built some shelters." Ralph demanded.
"Can I have the conch?"asked Jack . Ralph hesitated for a moment before carefully handing it to him.
"We also discovered that wild pigs live here too. So I was going to organise a group to come hunting with me to catch them to get us some real food!" Jack declared with pride. All the boys started cheering for him. Ralph stretches his arm out to receive the conch and he spoke again.
"Well then Jack can lead his group of hunters but some of your team will have to be in charge of the fire at times."Ralph said and Jack agreed.
"Do we have any questions?" That's when a little boy started tugging at the hem of my skirt. I looked down at his pleading eyes and knelt down to his level. The boys were staring at us in curiosity until the littlun whispered something in my ear which left me in a dazed confusion.
"What did he say?" Asked Ralph.
"He wanted to know what you're going to do about the snake thing.." I say. I was a bit freaked out so Ralph knelt down to meet his ear.
"He calls it a .. beastie?"
"Ha! There's no such thing as beasts kid and if there really was a beast it would be my hunters that will protect you all from it!" Jack said. I could tell he was really happy with the authority and power that he is currently having. All the boys cheered at his statement and ran off collect materials for the huts. Once I gathered all of mine I started to build. To be fair I wasn't the worst considering that it was my first time as well.
I was in the middle of tying knots when I felt a hot and sharp strike on my back, I look down and notice it was a rock that hit me. I look around then I saw another one come flying from the trees, I observe it for a while only to see Roger sitting in a branch throwing rocks at the children.
"What do you think you're doing?" I ask him impatiently.
"I'm having fun." He said with a smirk before throwing another one at the innocent Percy.
"You could take someone's eye out with those so you really shouldn't be doing that." I said.
"I'm not deliberately trying to hit them, I'm aiming for it to go right past them."
"Sure. Cause your Little Rock hit me right in the back Roger." I reply whilst rolling my eyes.
"Whoops sorry princess. Didn't mean it." He says sarcastically whilst putting his hands up in surrender. I turn on my heel and walk over to Maurice's hut. I'm not going to lie it was actually really good. I wouldn't mind asking a hand from him but I didn't want to be a burden. Maurice kind of reminded me of a golden retriever if it were a human. He was so full of light and energy he also always seemed to be so happy.
"Franko!" He says with joy whilst giving me a small wave.
"Hey Maurice." I say while giggling "I was wondering if you could help me build my hut?" I ask him.
"Hmmmmmmmm" he glances at me. "What's in it for me?" He gives his signature grin.
"Bloody hell Maurice pleaseee" I beg.
"For a kiss on the lips?" He says while raising an eyebrow.
"No way!"
"How about just the cheek?" He says convincingly. "That or I ain't helpin ya".
"Fine" I sign while rolling my eyes.
I plant a short and warm kiss on his cheek leaving him satisfied. He then walked over to my construction work and began to help me until the sun started to go down.
Ralph said that one person should be on fire watch and that person got to choose a partner to go with them if they wished too. Everyone's huts were just about done. I thanked Maurice for the help. He grinned at me before running off towards Roger and Bill who were about to go into their huts for slumber. I saw Simon , Samneric and Ralph do the same . The littluns fell asleep a while ago and must as I was about to walk into my hut I felt a tap on my shoulder.. I turn around to see Jack's face.
"Hey.." he says.
"Hi" I reply back.
"I'm going on fire watch tonight , I was wondering if you would like to join me?"
This might be risky. I don't completely know him yet. But again this could be my one chance to get to know him.
"Sure". I say delightfully leaving him grinning.
He slowly grabbed my hand until our fingers intertwined and we made our way up the hill.
We both sat relatively close to the fire but close to each other at the same time. We didn't talk yet. We were both tired, it wasn't awkward either as a matter of fact we enjoyed each other's company. I rested my head upon his broad shoulder and he pulled me in close to him.
That was all for the night. Looking up at the patterned sky of stars in the gleaming moonlight, in the arms of Jack Merridew.
Authors note :)
Hi guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I apologise for not posting one yesterday as I said I was really busy. I wrote this one at 12:30am on a school night so I'm really tired. But I'm really enjoying the way this story is expanding, If you have any suggestions for the story please let me know because I love feedback! Next chapter out tomorrow. Night all xx
-Molli <3
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