snakes and lullabys
Dusk slowly approached Simon and I as we sat on the cold Forrest floor. We both decided that it would be the best idea to head back to camp just in case the others were worrying about us. Especially Ralph I know how pissed off he's got to be at Jack right now. For a second I really thought that Ralph was going to straight up give Jack a hard blow to the face. Incredibly lucky that wasn't the case. The small balls of light started to form in the sky. Beautiful things stars are. Like our own sun except their so far away. The island got a whole lot colder in the evening than any other time during the day. Simon and I crept towards the camp and dumped all the fruits we collected into a large pile by a tree. We saw that all the boys were sitting around a fire telling stories, it wasn't a surprise to me when I saw that Jack was the one who was telling the story.
"Then he tried to walk through the bush.. but branches kept hold of him.. then he realised.. they weren't branches at all. They are long claws grabbing and choking him! He tried to scream.. AHHHH!" Jack screamed as a way to emphasise his story. It left a chain reaction of all the littluns screaming and crying , terrified of what Jack had said. Percival and Johnny saw me and clung onto my legs like magnets. Jack was giggling at the sight so I shoot him a look while comforting the boys stuck to my legs.
"It's only a story it's not real!" Piggy said in attempt to reassure everyone. Jack rolled his eyes at the comment , him and Roger then exchanged curious looks then returned their gaze backon the group.
I felt a slight tug at the hem of my skirt. It was Johnny motioning for me to kneel down to his level, as I did so he spoke something in my ear which left me at lost for words.
"What did he say?" Asked Ralph curiously. I look around to see that all they boys had their eyes on me waiting for a response.
"He.. he was wondering what you are going to do about the snake thing.." I raise my eyebrow and look over to Johnny who nodded as a way to correct my statement.
"Snake thing? What does he mean?" Said Ralph.
I shrug until Johnny whispers something else.
"A beastie?" I question. Jonny nods.
"What does it look like? Was it big with long slimy tentacles!" Jack chuckled whilst mocking the poor Johnny standing beside me.
Johnny whispered something else.
"He says it was hanging by tree.. big eyes and teeth." I say in a confused tone of voice.
"Sounds more like a reptile." Roger replies.
"Sounds more like bullshit!" Jack interrupts.
Ralph then approached Johnny and kneels beside him.
"I promise you Johnny there is no beast on this island, if there was a beast then we will all protect you from it okay? If you really want some of us can go and have a look for you tomorrow?" Ralph said to him a warm voice while shooting him a smile. Johnny nodded at him.
Jack opened his mouth to blurt something out but before he could I quickly gave him the hard eye to shut him up. Maurice sniggered at my expressions whilst Johnny looked up at me with watery eyes so I picked him up whilst motioning for the rest of the littluns to follow me so I can put them to bed.
Once we reach their hut I spread them all out.
"Okay is everyone all snuggled up?" They nodded to my question.
"Don't you boys worry about anything hurting you. As long as I'm here.. and Ralph, Jack,Roger, Simon and the others then you are all safe." I smiled at them warmly and they nodded once again. Just as I was about to exit little Peter roughly tugs my skirt, I turn my body to face him directly.
"Frankie.. can you sing us a lullaby?" All the boys gathered around in hope I would sing to them.
I hesitated long enough for them to start begging.
"Please Frankie! It will help us get to sleep!"
"My mummy used to sing me lullaby's."
"Oh Frankie please!"
At this point I couldn't say no. This whole island must be so hard for them especially for their age. I feel nothing but sadness because of the fact that all hope of a proper childhood has been completely robbed from these poor innocent boys. I want nothing but the best for each of them.
"Fine." I sigh leaving them all cheering for joy. I held both Percy and Johnny in my arms on my lap while the rest sat close. I didn't realise that all of the other kids were outside listening to everything. I begun my song.
"Deep inside the Forrest.. is a door into another land.. hereeee is another doorrr. We are staying... here forever in the beauty of this place... as we senddd.. a dying message.. maybe in a world where we don't have to run.But maybe but someday we'll call our own.. living free in harmony your majestyy...
The boys were falling asleep to the sound of my voice . Everyone outside were sitting close intrigued.
"Take me homeee.. take me home."
Percival and a Johnny had finally fallen asleep in my arms wth all the other boys scattered around me. I slowly put them down carefully and lay my blazer over the top of them. I plant a small kiss on each of their foreheads before I leave. I take one last look at all the boys and smiled. Wholesome. I only walk out to see Ralph, Jack, Roger, Simon, Piggy, Maurice , Bill and Samneric all waiting outside staring at me.
"Oh god please don't tell me you heard that.." I express.
"Oh no princess we heard everything." Roger exclaimed , Jack nudged him in the arm roughly. I froze.
"Great." I said in an embarrassed tone.
"You have a beautiful voice Frankie." Simon said truthfully.
"No I -
"He's right. It truly is a.. um.. very lovely voice!" Ralph said awkwardly.
"Thank you guys I'm gonna go and get some sleep now.. have a good night . All of you." I aimed the last few words at Jack particularly. All of them nod and say their good nights to me back.
I creep into my hut and curled up into a tight ball. I closed my eyes slightly as a cold breeze rushed through my hut and sent a long , hard chill down my spine. Shit I gave Percival and Johnny my blazer.. they need it more than me though..Shivering I close my eyes once again until I heard a voice which scared me half to death.
"Cold?" Said Jack as he peeked into my hut.
"What the hell are you doing? You scared me shitless!" I state.
"Sorry I was just checking if you got back to your hut safely.." He says. I could tell he had something else he wanted to say lingering in his mind.
"Here take this." He removes his blazer and hands it to me.
"No way Jack that's yours. I can't just take it from you cause then you'll be cold!" I exclaim.
"Frankie please take it. I really want you to, besides I don't get cold often. Please take it Frankie oh my god." He said in a serious voice. It kind of sounded like he was genuinely being a caring person. I found it so sweet so I accepted his offer.
"Thank you, Jack." I smile at him but he just stared at me. With pure wonder in his eyes. I stand up and slowly walk up to him. I look up to meet his face, he was a lot taller than me. His wonderful blue eyes stuck on mine. Our heads moved closer together in unison , both of our eyes changed and we were staring at each other's lips. I felt him gently grasp my waist and pull me close. Our lips clashed together passionately, this wasn't at all, an ordinary kiss. This kiss meant something to the both of us. Our lips finally departed and we stood staring at each other. He gave his regular smirk before he said..
"Goodnight beautiful."
"Goodnight Jack."
Then he ran off to join Roger, Ralph and Simon in his hut.
I smiled greatly and jumped with joy before laying back down. Although all my positive thoughts were interrupted once again by a memory. Ralph.. the kiss with Ralph. I can't go for both Frankie that would break their hearts. Who the hell do I want? Ralph.. or Jack?
I fell into a deep state of slumber. I was finally at peace.
I was at home.. with my mum. I woke up late in the comfort of my bed, I get up and open my blinds to allow the beaming sunshine fill my bedroom with light , walking up to my mirror to greet myself before fixing up my hair and skin. I walk downstairs to greet my mum who was watching the morning news whilst drinking her daily coffee and eating toast on the couch. I could smell the fresh morning dew and the summery air as well as the scent of the freshly lit coconut candle that my mum set alight. She then informs me of our plans for the day. I take a nice cold sip of water that refreshed my entire body to begin a new day.. water.. cold .. fresh water.
I'm back at the island and my entire mouth including my lips and tongue are completely dry. I tried to swallow but my throat felt rock hard. I need water. I slowly emerge from out of the tent as well as carefully observing my surroundings. Seems to me that everyone must still be sleeping. I look up to the moon, I do the same thing with the moon as I did with the sun when I am willing to estimate what time it would be. Hmm so from the placement of the moon currently I am going to say that it would be roughly about 2am. I used the light of the moon to help guide me through the forest towards the lagoon. I found the first trampled red flower... then the next.. then another.. then another .. then another. That's when I finally reached the lagoon. Oh how it was absolutely mesmerising, the moonlight reflected off the flat surface of the water, making it look like there was two sky's. I grab a nearby coconut shell and scoop up as much water that it could hold. I brought the edge of the coconut shell close to my lips and the water met my mouth once again. All dryness was immediately washed away as the cold water made its way down my throat. I was so relieved.
"What are you doing here?"
Oh it's Maurice.
"Oh .. hi Maurice I just woke up really thirsty but I could ask the same thing about you?" I question him.
"I can't sleep."he states. If I'm being honest I did find it rather strange to see Maurice like this. I described him as being like a golden retriever that is always full of energy. But he looks drained.. and deprived of many things. I don't blame him at all though it's late at night and we are stranded on an abandoned island.
"Are you okay?" I ask him.
"Yeah I'm fine.. just been really tired lately hahaha. Bad dreams suck shit ya know?" He giggles. I knew he was being honest so I was quite relieved when I knew that he was just tired and not drained as you would call it,
"Bad dreams huh? Now what in the world could possibly keep the big, strong Maurice awake?"I say.
"Home.. their about home. I don't have any doubt that anyone else is experiencing the same thing." He says.
"I've been having dreams about home too! Oh god how I would love to go back." I say.
"No no. That's not what I meant, when I say I had a dream about home then that means I don't want to go home! I want to stay here! It feels like this .. island and just being here with all these people and being able to do whatever I want makes me feel like I can be myself and free you know?" He expresses. He truly meant that I knew he did.
"Sorry.. it's just I don't or didn't have the best home life you know?" He says in a grey tone.
"Oh Maurice I'm so sorry I didn't know. Did you want to talk about it?" I say reassuringly. I was completely shocked, Maurice is one of the nicest and funniest boys I know , it truly breaks my heart to know that he's had a bad upbringing.
"Just family stuff you know? Typical family problems and fighting parents. They never hurt me though don't worry but my father always yelled at me.. Made me feel like I was a disappointment and a failure. Not a good feeling." I could've sworn I saw a teardrop form at the bottom of his waterline but of course I didn't point it out.
"Hey it's okay. Shit happens but by any chance we get off this island remember my name.. Frankie Taylor Andorra Prep school for girls, in case you are willing to write me a letter and we can all hang out again. How does that sound? I said smiling at him.
Maurice then gave me his most cheerful smile before breaking down. I quickly gave him my shoulder and he cried into it. I held him close to me, his matted , dirty blonde hair covered his eyes so I moved them away. He then took me into a tight hug. I now knew what he was deprived of.. comfort.. this is what he needed. Yet again this hug wasn't a romantic one, it was similar to the ones that Simon and I have.. except their more "friendship" wise as you would call it.
"You are a very strong guy Maurice.. always remember that okay?" I say to him. He stops crying and smiles at me.
"Thank you Frankie it means a lot.. also sorry for breaking down like that, I don't usually it's just when I say it out loud which I have never done before. Can you please not tell anyone?" He asked me.
"Of course I won't tell anyone this isn't my business to share." I say to him. He gives me a warm smile.
"I am proud to call you one of my best friends now Frankie." He says to me
"Same goes to you Maurice, ya girls got your back!" I exclaim.
He then chuckles before standing up.
"We should probably go back to the huts and get some sleep." He states.
"Yeah I agree.. well goodnight Maurice I'll see you tomorrow." I say to him.
"Goodnight Franks." He says before bringing me into our final tight hug. We then went back to our huts.
I was proud to call this an eventful evening.
Authors note :)
Hi so I just wanted to improve character development in this one, but shits about to go down in the next chapter. The lullaby that Frankie sung was actually the lullaby that my mum sung to me every night before I went to sleep as a kid but I hope you enjoyed I'll keep you guys updated. Also sorry this chapter took so long I've been experiencing writers block . Anyways have a great day!
-Molli <3
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