Sand between my toes
All I could see was black. Just a darkness that was laid amongst my eyelids. However I could hear the atmosphere around me. I don't remember what happened at all. I hear waves. Waves. Why would I be hearing waves? I could hear them crashing onto the land beneath me. Beneath me. The land beneath me felt grainy and dry. Like sand between my toes. Then it hit me, I could smell salt and seaweed. Like that nostalgic smell when you go on holiday to a local beach town. That's when all the memories started to flood into my head.
The plane. The crash. The boy with black hair. Wait boys.. where are they where am I?!
My eyes quickly flung open and I suddenly became aware of my surroundings.
An island
It was beautiful to say the least. The cool tropical breeze spread across my face and out through to the tips of my auburn brown hair, the crystal clear water crashing onto the sand in a rhythmic way, the sheets of green canopy's lay above my head swaying slowly in the wind. Calming. Of course my peaceful state of mind was interrupted by a rush of negative thoughts that hit me like a brick.
Am I alone ? Will we be rescued? When will we be
rescued? Holy shit. Where is Ralph? Where is Jack? Are they dead? Oh shit what if their dead. Oh god my luggage! Luggage? Frankie you can't possibly be thinking about your luggage you are stranded on an island for fuck sake. Wait the raft! I remember now there was a raft! There has to be the boys here.
I stood up slowly, quite surprised I don't have any major injuries although I'm incredibly sore. That's when I heard a long roaring sound that lingered over the whole island. You could describe it as a trumpet like sound. I started following the source of the sound, walking along the sand that burnt my feet during every step. I didn't care I just needed to find the boys.
That's when I saw them in the distance. About 20 of them big and small. I couldn't make out their faces from a distance but I definitely saw their figures. A huge wave of relief swept over me. They would be my best chance of survival. I slowly approached the mob of boys. I instantly locked eyes with the tan boy with brown hair holding a cream coloured conch shell.
Ralph. Thank god he's alive
"Frankie!" He shouted with delight and all heads snapped to my direction. Before I knew it I was trapped in Ralph's grasp as he held me tight.
"I thought you were dead!" He examined me for any source of injury but only identified some cuts and bruises from the impact. I giggled at his delighted expression.
"Well here I am!" I said to him. I'm so glad that he's okay. But one thing stuck to the back of my mind. Looking over to the group of boys locking eyes with each of them but I was only trying to find one face in particular.
Where is he.
I recognised a different face though. The boy with the jet black hair and ocean blue eyes.. where did I see him from?
Ralph then stood tall and proud on top of the rock and demanded everyone to gather around. Next to him stood another boy. He looked about my age but he was a lot shorter then Ralph and quite plump. He had relatively short hair and big round specs that covered almost his whole face.
Before Ralph got the chance to speak a loud rustling was heard from the bush next to us. Everyone stood alert and a few littluns clung onto my legs. That's when I saw him. The perfect blonde that I have been looking for, with entrancing icy blue eyes and tall muscular figure. He emerged from the bush along with 3 other boys. One of them had dark black hair and haunting grey eyes. He was taller than Jack he also looked stronger. He had fair skin and a defined face. Something felt off about that guy so I gave myself a mental note to try to steer clear of him. Next was another older boy who seemed to be the same height as Jack. He had tan skin and dirty blonde hair that covered half of his forehead. He gave a cheeky grin to everyone and stood shoulder to shoulder with Jack. The last boy to take presence was also around the same height as jack except he had dark brown hair and really tanned skin with dark brown eyes. He looked friendly to say the least but I wasn't too sure.
When Jack saw me he grinned at me and gave a slight nod. He didn't seem to be as affectionate as Ralph but I was guessing he didn't want to look "weak" in front of his friends.
Ralph then made his first proper announcement this time without any further interruptions.
"Okay so now that we're all here let's all introduce ourselves."
"Sir are you the leader?" Asked a littlun with a mulberry birthmark.
The silence remained loud for about 5 seconds until someone else blurted out
"I think it should be Jack he's the oldest"
"Yeah but Ralph's the colonel!"
"I think it should be Ralph!"
"No way!"
"How about Frankie?" I shook my head violently and let them argue amongst themselves. I found it quite amusing to say the least.
"We should take a vote."
"Alright then. Everyone who agrees for Jack to be the new chief please raise your hand nice and high for counting."
I could say a good 10 of the boys voted for Jack. I personally wanted to stay out of this particularly because I don't want to cause any conflict. I avoided eye contact with jack during his voting time.
"Okay okay now who votes for Ralph to be the chief?"
The majority of the boys voted for Ralph including a lot of the littleluns.
"Then it's settled, Ralph is the new chief." Said the plump boy.
"I guess you just won the election." Said Jack. I could tell that he wasn't happy with that at all. Jack just looks like the type of guy that loves to get what he wants.
"It doesn't matter whose in charge, we just need to have rules to ensure that everyone remains safe. So from now on whoever holds the conch gets to speak. That is our new rule. Does everyone understand?"
The group nods in agreement. From the way he was speaking I could easily tell that Ralph is very suited for leadership. No wonder he's a colonel he seems so trustworthy.
"Can I have the conch??" Piggy asked in a desperate manner.
"Nobody cares what you have to say fatty!" Mocked Jack.
"His name is not fatty it's piggy!" Blurted Ralph.
Piggy? What a strange name..
The whole crowd burst into a long phase of laughter leaving poor piggy standing there in pure embarrassment whilst slowly pushing his specs to the bridge of his nose.
"Guys just shut up and let him speak." I say. It shut them all up pretty darn quickly.
"What I was going to say was.. who knows we're here? Nobody knows we're here! They knew where we were going but we never got to where we were going. We were going home." Exclaimed piggy. I've got to admit he had a point. A really fair point actually. Everyone just sat in silence for a few seconds until Ralph finally spoke up.
"Before we start doing anything we need to take names. We will start with the older ones over on the right and the littluns over on the left." Everyone followed Ralph's demand. First person was the guy that I recognised earlier. Wait I remember now... he was the guy that saved me from drowning! He pulled me onto the raft!
He had jet black hair and ocean blue eyes. He was gorgeous he looked like a fallen angel.
"Simon. My name is Simon and I am 15 years old." Said the boy. I need to thank him later for saving my life. Following after Simon was the guy that I gave myself that mental note on. This guy gave me a very eery vibe. I described him earlier has having dark hair, haunting grey eyes and a much larger and defined figure then the rest of the boys.
"Roger. 16 years old."He said bluntly. Ralph moved onto the next boy. Tan skin and dirty blonde hair. Ah yes I remember him, he was the one who gave everyone that cheeky grin.
"Hello sir my name is Maurice I am also 16 years old and it is an honour to meet you!" The boy said sarcastically earning a few deserved sniggers from the crowd including mine.
Smartass I thought to myself.
The tan boy with brown eyes and brown hair stood up and said his name quite quickly. He seemed to be quite shy and I don't blame him at all.
"Bill..16."Next was the boy himself.. Jack merridew.
"Oh you all know who I am move along." Jack sniggered whilst leaning on Rogers shoulder. Ralph then moved onto the littluns.
A small energetic boy jumped forward. He seemed to be very excited to say his name. I found that quite adorable.
"My name is Percival! But you can call me Percy! I am 6 years old." He said with a toothy grin.
The boy with the mulberry birthmark stepped forward. He looked like the loud type if you got to know him . "My name is Johnny! I am 5 years old!"
The names were all getting thrown around for a little while longer until everyone became familiar of each other. Ralph then claimed his next and possibly final demand for the day.
"Okay so now that we all know each other we need to find out if this is really an island or not."
Jack quickly butted in attempt to take some sense of authority.
"Ralph's right. Anything could be here we've got to explore more!"
All the boys including Ralph nodded. We all noticed the colours of the sky starting to take its setting. It was beautiful ,all of the oranges, reds and yellows all clashed together to form a sky of fire. The first star started to make its appearance which was our signal to rest up for the day.
"Tomorrow we will explore. I am sure that we are all hungry and thirsty but tomorrow will be our time to find out what lies beyond this land." Everyone nodded once again at Ralph's words of wisdom and everyone set out to find their spots to sleep. Before that I wanted to talk to Simon and thank him for saving my life. The boys were still getting comfortable so I approached him from behind and tapped him lightly on the shoulder to signify my presence. He turned around and locked eyes with mine giving me a warm smile.
"Oh hey Frankie is everything okay?" He asked. I'm surprised he actually remembers my name.
"Hey Si um I just wanted to thank you for.. you know. Saving my life. Honestly I don't know how I could ever repay you!" I said with nothing but honesty. I truly owe him my life after what he did.
"Oh it's no problem at all really! I'm so glad I saw you. I mean seeing you on the plane highlighted my day. Because you are really pretty Frankie. You seem so nice too and I would love to be your friend!" Simon said with a smile brighter then the moonlight.
"Aw that is so sweet of you I would love to be your friend!" I was delighted. He seemed like such a fun and friendly person. I couldn't spot a single flaw in that guy. I never thought that the perfect personality would ever exist but it did. It exists within Simon. He just has this glow to him that I can't explain. He is just so.. warm and welcoming. He's like an angel.
"We should probably get some rest Frankie, we've got a big day tomorrow." He was right. I nodded.
"Goodnight Simon." I said with a smile.
"Goodness of the nights Frankie." Simon said back.
I found a spot that was distanced from the boys but not too far away. I didn't feel comfortable yet sleeping next to 20 boys that I only just met.
I saw that the rest of the older boys have already drifted into their slumber. Now it was just me left with my thoughts.
What will tomorrow bring for me? Hope. Or loss.
I slowly shut my eyes and drifted away in the comfort of the lonely moon.
Authors note :)
Hey everyone! This was a long chapter so I'm looking forward to writing more like this one. I'm sorry if I'm late with updating new chapters but I will most likely post a new one tomorrow! Maybe 2 if we're lucky! I just got back into school from the holidays so I will try fitting this is! I'm sorry I haven't gone into much depth with Frankie yet but we will soon in future chapters. I also wanted to credit some of the lines from the 90's movie of Lord Of The Flies. Anyway I apologise for any errors that were made throughout this chapter I'm super tired and had a super rough night last night (had my second covid vaccine dose so it was a full night of a horrible fever and headache) :(. Anyway yet again if you can give me any feedback please do so and enjoy the upcoming story!
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