You know that feeling when you wake up in the morning after a rough breakup? Or you wake up the next day after crying yourself to sleep the night before? That uneasy feeling of an imaginary weight that is pushing deeper and deeper into your body while your head feels lighter than a feather. Your eyes can't focus and your mind can't process what's happening clearly.
That's what it felt like this morning. It feels like I've lost so many people but I really haven't. Where could they have gone? I didn't want to talk to Ralph about it because he wouldn't understand what I see in Jack at all. It feels like I have nobody to talk to now, except Simon of course. I would talk to him but he's always wondering off doing his own thing so I don't see him as often, either way I don't want to become a burden to him by constantly piling all my problems onto him assuming that he could help me. Simon is young and he's not a therapist, although he gives out the best advice. Next on the list would be Piggy.. no. I do not think I have to explain myself for that one. Samneric are always running off creating mischief wherever they walk. The other morning I was woken up with a giant crab on my face and then they were both laughing their little heads off. Then there's the littluns. Yeah of course I will go and talk to the little boys about my love problems and my depressive mental state because they will completely understand! Haha yeah no.
Ralph decided to call an assembly to announce to the rest of what we have left of the group about what we should do. He set three of the littluns on fire watch while the rest help Ralph build more huts. He sent me off on my own little journey to collect some fruit as per usual. Personally I don't mind that job , it gives me time to gather my thoughts and stay away from all the chaos and boys. I was expecting to see Simon perched on a branch somewhere but he was nowhere to be found. I then remembered Piggy saying earlier that him and Simon were planning on making sundials. Ralph is iffy about that idea but I really don't mind it at all. I look up into the sky to observe the placement of the sun. It was clearly still morning because the sun was nowhere near the centre of the sky yet.
Okay that's perfect. That gives me time to explore deep into the forrest.
Ralph never gave me a specific time to be back by but I'm sure he's expecting me to be back before dusk.
As I staunch deeper into the greenery I couldn't help but notice the dramatic drop in temperature. It wasn't a freezing temperature but it was refreshing, like when you step into a cold air conditioned room after being in the scorching hot sun all day. Now I started to hear different types of creatures. I heard owls and rustles in the bushes. This part of the island is more reserved and heaps darker as the green blankets over my head become more thick with each step I take. I decide to take a seat down leaning my back on the tall tree behind me. I felt at peace at last. Nothing and nobody was here I am finally alone. More so I thought. That's when I heard a twig snap particularly close to where I was sitting. I felt a sudden jolt of adrenaline rush through my veins as I awoke from my peaceful state of mind. This was not an animal. This was a human. I'm being watched.
Okay Frankie.. now what you have to do is pretend that you didn't notice anything. Stand up casually and walk away with caution. If you hear something else run.
I stand up off the grass and slowly walk away from the source of the sound. Maybe I was just overthinking? It could've just been an animal? Nobody would come this deep into the island. Fuckin hell Frankie you freaked yourself out for no reason.
I spot the perfectly ripened mangos hanging from the trees above my head. Before I climb I quickly observe my surroundings just to be sure that it was an animal that made that sound. Once I was sure that I was alone I began climbing the tree. Gripping onto each branch with every ounce of strength in my fingertips, it was until just now when I realised how sore and exhausted my body was from being stranded on this island for so long. I grasped onto 3 fairly large mangos and put them into the little pocket I made with my shirt. I then climbed down and took another seat down. I was starving so I couldn't help but dig my teeth into the orange and yellow delight in my hands. The thick juices of the mango soak up the dryness of my throat and it starts dripping down my chin. I felt so exhausted. Now was the time to take care of myself I will only close my eyes for one minute then open them..
My eyelids slowly closed themselves shut, they felt like weights pulling them down forcing them to close. I finally drifted away into my much needed state of rest.
I was awake but I was back at my school.
Andorra Prep academy school for girls. I woke up in my dorm with my best fiends in the two bunks beside me. Rebecca was in the bunk above me and Sienna who was in the bunk next to me.
"About time you woke up Frankie.. come on get yourself ready breakfast is in twenty minutes." Rebecca said sternly. Sienna just giggled at her serious expressions.
I groaned and rolled myself out of bed. My uniform was already pre ironed the night before so I didn't struggle. Sienna was ready first and she was reading The inheritors by William Golding.
"How's the book coming along Sienna?" I ask her.
"It's great actually. I don't reckon you would like it though Frankie." She smiled warmly and I looked over to Rebecca who rolled her eyes sarcastically.
"Maybe if you rolled your eyes hard enough you might be able to see your pea brain!" I chuckle aiming that statement to Rebecca.
We all laughed together. Happiness filled the air. It was just me and my best friends in a place where I feel safe and loved. We have all been best friends ever since we were kids. Although people say "trios never work out in the end." Are all wrong. We have all stuck together since day one.
"Cmon lady bees let's go and get our brekky!" Squealed Sienna. I touched up my hair and we all sprinted down the hallway to the staircase. Ever since we moved here it has always been a "tradition" to race to the staircase every morning. Whoever wins the most gets a prize. What's the prize? Don't even know.
"Brandon is having a party this weekend.. its the country party at the hall. He wanted me to tell you that you can come if you want.." Rebecca said silently.
"Ha! Love how he needs someone else to send his messages for him." I roll my eyes.
"Did you forget that you have him blocked Frankie?" Sienna chuckled.
"Ohhhh right. Are you guys going?" I ask.
"Well he is your ex boyfriend and we wouldn't go if you weren't comfortable with it so-
"Ah fuck it let's go." I shoot at them. Both of their faces light up immediately from my words.
"OH MY GOD YES! Let's all go shopping for some cute ass outfits this afternoon!" Rebecca screams.
"YES!" Says Sienna. I just give a light nod with a big smile. I was iffy about the idea of going to my exes party. I only really said yes because I didn't want to let them down. Brandon wasn't right for me.. he did things that really hurt me. He was incredibly controlling but sometimes I miss his comfort. He had the tightest hugs that were so long and warm. I remember his long black hair and piercing grey eyes.. wait they're not grey their green.. I felt his tight grasp on the sides of my waist.
I snap back into reality immediately only to come face to face with the grey eyed boy who had his arms pressured into my waist. I was being held bridal style by Roger who hasn't yet noticed my awakening but he was walking me somewhere. Terrified I shot up and attempt to squirm out of his grasp. With a fright he drops me and slams my back into a tree and pins me there.
"Shhh." Roger said has he held his hand on my mouth. He was a lot larger than me and he was very terrifying. I lock eyes with him, green vs grey .. eye to eye.. I was petrified but his eyes were so haunting and tempting. I tried to squirm out of his grasp and attempt to scream for help.
"God fucking dammit Frankie please keep your mouth shut." Roger demands. He slowly removes his hand obviously trusting me to speak silently. I was thinking the worst at this moment. I was pinned against a tree deep into the Forrest by the guy who I feared the most. He must've been that "animal" that was stalking me before. I took the opportunity to plead to the boy holding me down.
"P-please don't hurt me I-
"Shut up I'm not going to hurt you." Roger stated.
"Then what are you-
"I'm helping you."
"Helping me? HOW THE HELL COULD YOU BE HELPING ME!?" I shout. He then again slams his hand onto my mouth and holds it down with immense pressure that it inflicted some pain. He then whispers in my ear..
"If you don't keep your fucking voice down I will be forced to knock you out and I am not kidding." Roger claimed. He kept his hand on my mouth when he started explaining his reasons for our current situation.
"Listen you are currently in the hunting ground. This is the exact place where the hunters go to hunt and they do not hesitate to kill anything they see.. it doesn't matter what animal it is they will not let anything slide past . I almost killed you before because I thought you were some type of animal but in a matter of seconds I realised it was just you. Do you understand?" Roger stares me down in a serious tone.
"Save it."Roger said as he slowly removed his hand from my mouth. He then said something else.
"Look I wouldn't do this for just anyone so you should be thanking me for saving your life.."
"T-thank you." I stammer with my words. I was still in complete shock in everything that has been going on.
"Well well well look who we have here.." Said Jack as he emerged from the bushes with Maurice standing beside him. His face was lathered with black and red substances. I was guessing that the red stuff was blood and the black was wet ash. Roger looked at me and rolled his eyes sarcastically.
"Jack?" I question and I smile at him. He smiled back but I glanced my eyes over to Maurice who looked at me with shock and sorrow. Almost like he was just praying for them not to find me. Roger hesitated at first but then eventually let's me go, I then run off into Jack's arms. He held me close and tight and rested his head in the dip of my neck. He caressed my face and planted a small kiss on my forehead.
"Nice catch Rog." Jack grinned and glanced over at Roger who just rolled his eyes and smirked. That's when I quickly pushed Jack away when I remembered what he did.
"Okay what the actual fuck Jack Merridew." I blurt.
"What's wrong Franko? Did I do something?" Jack questions raising his eyebrow.
"Did you do something? Sure as hell you did something alright.. you split off with your group of hunters leaving Ralph and I to be completely in charge.. we were supposed to stay together for a better chance of getting rescued. I was so fucking worried about you too Jack not having you and everyone else there has put me through hell the past few days .. Ralph too do you have any idea how they feel?? I can't believ-
I was interrupted by Jack stopping my lips from speaking any more by him planting a warm and passionate kiss. He did this without a worry in the world .. he didn't even notice the group of hunters watching us in shock. We both moved in sync, I grasped the back of his neck and breathed slowly while he took hold of my waist and kept me close to him. We got given a few seconds before that was later interrupted.
"Cmon Jack we gotta head the sun is almost setting." Said Bill. Jack looks at me and yanks me over his shoulder.
"Wait Jack put me down I need to head back to camp." I say to him with worry in my voice.
"Not a Chance darling it's too dangerous for you to head back now you're gonna have to spend the night with us." Jacks smirked as he slightly tilted his head back to gaze at me.
"I don't care .. how about Ralph? And Simon and -
"They'll be fine Frankie you'll see them tomorrow anyway.. you'll be completely fine." Jack said truthfully. He then took me down and carried me respectfully.
"You don't have to carry me you know?" I told him. The hunters were following behind us.
"I can tell you're exhausted you need to get off your feet sweetheart." Jack said warmly. I blushed at his kind gestures.
We continued walking through the Forrest on our way to the hunters camp. All I could think about right now is how the other boys would be feeling. I hope they're okay. It's fine Frankie you'll see them tomorrow.
We all sit around in a circle at the place that is called "castle rock". Everyone is sharpening barbs on their spears and chatting with each other. I leant back against the rock behind me and gathered all of my thoughts before finally letting my eyes rest.
Authors note :)
Was a fun chapter to write I hope you enjoyed. :)
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