Let me go
I was suddenly awoken by the early sun setting upon my eyelids. I looked around and noticed that many of the hunters were still sleeping. I noticed that someone took the time to carry me into the cave. I also noticed how it was only the older boys in the cave while the younger ones slept outside. Disappointing. I slowly stood up but a wave of dizziness made my head feel heavier than my neck. From my lack of protein in my diet I've been getting really nauseous recently. I took my sweet time and quietly stepped out of the cave. I walk around to the side of the rocks and speed walked my way down into the Forrest. I was suddenly stopped by the sharp point of a spear onto the base of my throat.
"Mhm and where do you think you're going?"
I didn't know that Roger was keeping guard. What could they possibly be guarding? I never said I was going to stay here.
"I'm going back to the beach." I nod and attempt to continue my path and step to the side to get around his large figure. Roger stepped in front of me again, blocking my path once more.
"Yeah I don't think so darling." He smirked.
"Okay and why's that? I never said I was going to stay here." I crossed my arms and held a tense stare into his grey eyes.
"I never said you had a choice." Roger glanced obviously loving the power that he is possessing.
"I should have the right to do whatever I want thank you." I shot back at him.
"Nice try sweetheart so why don't you turn back around and head back. Don't bother trying to escape through the other side we've got guards there too." He towered over me with his devilish stare.
I made sure our eyes locked. I have a plan but first I need to confuse him. I stood tall and still in front of him. Not moving and no facial expression. Roger raised his eyebrow which signalled that he was questioning my actions.
"Well.. guess that leaves me with no choice." I say to him. He chuckled at my statement.
"Whatcha gonna do luv?" He gave a side smirk.
That's when the adrenaline rushed through my body that sent an electric like jolt up my spine.
"Catch me if you can!" I scream as I sprinted right passed his figure and ran through the creepers and trees avoiding everything in front of me.
"Why you little-
He was close. Almost on my tail. I have a small and agile figure, I was the fastest girl in my class I am perfectly capable of outrunning him. At least I think I am.
My heart was racing I could feel it beating out of my chest, my mind was filled with thoughts. I ran faster at the thought of being held captive like a prisoner. I shouldn't be considered as the "prize" of the island just because I'm the only girl. I'm not an object. I quickly turned my head to the side and used my eyes navigate where he was. I could see him and he wasn't far behind. When I wasn't looking I ran into something. Not a thing but a person. I felt their hot sweaty chest on my palms. I look up to meet the eyes of Ralph. Thank god.
"Frankie?! Oh my god where the fuck were you-
Roger was too focused on trying to capture me he didn't notice Ralph standing in front of me. before I could reply to Ralph I was roughly tackled to the ground with a hunters knife held to my throat. I meet the eyes of Roger who was red, sweating and panting. His war paint was smudging due to the hot sweat plastered across his face.
"Don't make this harder than it has to be or I swear-
Before Roger could finish what he was saying he was roughly hoisted off me by Ralph who held him back.
"What do you think you're doing man?" Ralph declared.
Roger looked stunned as he wasn't aware of Ralph being there the whole time. Although Roger was slightly taller than Ralph it was obvious that Ralph still remained dominant against him. Roger never replied he just stood there at a face off.
"Care to explain?" Ralph questioned and motioned to be laying on the ground still panting. Roger still didn't speak.
Ralph then nodded and looked over to me to answer the question instead.
"Frankie? What happened?" Ralph knelt down to my level and intensely scanned me for any signs of hurt.
"I - I um" I glance over to Roger who was giving me an incredibly sinister look. I saw him mouth something but I couldn't make out entirely what it was . It looked as though he was saying "Don't say a damn word.. or else."
I knew if I told Ralph the truth I would regret it greatly. Roger was a lot taller and stronger than me I don't even want to think about the things that he could be capable of. Ralph then gripped onto my shoulders and violently shook them.
"Snap out of it Frankie. I was up almost all night looking for you. You're so fucking selfish you didn't even tell me you were leaving. I thought you were dead!" Ralph screamed and pushed me away.
"No Ralph that's not true I-
I saw Rogers head slowly shake to motion "no".
"I'm completely fine. Roger and I were just um.. hunting. For pigs." I lied.
Ralph scoffed and raised his eyebrow.
"Okay sure so why did he tackle you and hold a fucking knife to your throat?" He looked back at Roger.
"Answer me Roger you goddamn asshole!" Ralph roughly pushed him in the chest making him stumble back a few steps.
"Listen man we were just messing around it's no big deal." Roger stared down at Ralph. Only exchanging a simple but deathly look back over to my direction.
"Alright fine. Frankie we're going back to the beach let's go." Ralph then yanked my arm and led me back to the beach fully against my will. Every time I tried to claw free his grip on my wrist only tightens. I look back and see Roger standing still. He gave a smirk before he turned back away. Weird.
Once we returned all the boys stared in shock. It was obvious that Ralph was furious. He then pulled my arm down which slammed the rest of my body onto the ground. Ralph remained standing but with his back turned to me.
"You're so selfish Frankie you know that?"
How dare he. Doesn't even know the full story.
"Don't." Is all I said. He turned back to face me. He had tears of frustration forming in his eyes as he scoffed at my statement.
"Don't? Don't what Frankie?" Ralph laughed and stared me down.
"Call me selfish. You don't know the full story." I defend my name.
"Aright then tell me the story. I'd be absolutely delighted to be informed about your little nightly adventure Frankie." Ralph shook his head and turned away.
"Seriously Ralph? You know if I tell you I'm going to get hurt." The words spill out of my mouth. Shit.
"What?" He turned back around.
"God Ralph. Don't tell anyone please I'm begging you." I plead. Ralph nods in response and sits next to me. He was kind enough to offer a warm, supporting arm around my shoulder.
"Look while I was collecting fruit yesterday I got carried away and accidentally fell asleep against a tree. Roger and the hunters found me and Jack told me to go back to the rocks because he didn't want me to go back to the beach at the time since it was dark and dangerous. I didn't notice the red flags when they didn't let me go. This morning I woke up early so I could come back but Roger was guarding so I made a run for it and here we are." I roughly rub my face with my hands and put my head in my knees. Ralph looked stunned and regretful.
"Those fucking bastards. I'm so sorry for calling you selfish Frankie I truly didn't know." Ralph mumbled.
"God Ralph don't tell anyone." He didn't reply he just shook his head.
"Ralph don't." He stood up and stayed still.
"Ralph?" I questioned his odd behaviour.
"Stay on the beach from now on. You can't go into the Forrest without an escort." Ralph stated.
"What?" I say stunned.
"I'm sorry but it's the way it has to be. You will listen to me because I'm still chief."
I didn't want to argue with him so I just agreed. Although I didn't like the fact that I was obviously being considered weak here. Ralph and I wondered off along the beach and I sat down with Percy and Johnny to help them build sandcastles.
At castle rock
"Where is she??" Jack yelled.
"I told you.. she's at the beach." Roger shot back.
"Why the hell is she there I told all of you to keep on guard. You of all people Roger should've stopped her from going anywhere."
"Look man I tried but she ran so unexpectedly. I had her at one stage until golden boy Ralphy showed up."
"Oh great now he's going to perform some protection sequence for her. Good on you Rodge."
"Look man I tried . While you're in there having your little beauty sleep I'm out here workin my ass off and spending a whole night guarding the little princess and now you're mad cause I accidentally let her go.. alright sounds fair." Roger shot at Jack. They were both the same height. Same sort of figure. Almost shared the same amount of dominance.
Jack put a comforting hand on his broad shoulder.
"Rest up now rodge. We will get her back." Jack announced loud enough for the rest of the hunters to hear.
"Oh and Jack. I won't let her go again." Roger turned on his heel and made his way to the cave where he charged himself up for the night.
"Alright hunters gather around!" Jack announced. All were crowded in a small group.
"As you may know we need fire."
The group nods in agreement to his statement.
"In order to have our fire we need those glasses that belong to our wonderful miss piggy."
A few murmurs were scattered through the group.
"So tonight we will attack. But the glasses aren't the only thing that we are getting back."
A majority of the boys tilt their heads and raise their eyebrows.
"We're getting back our princess."
It's finally here. I will be sure to update more now apologies for my horrible writers block ahha. Im sorry this is short I'm literally so tired but oh well enjoy!
-Molli <3
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