6 || audrey
I don't know why I was obsessed with it.
Cold cases, ghosts, murders, the paranormal. It was better than sex.
Seriously? Have you ever watched a documentary on a serial killer and felt that rush when the cops tracked the killer down ad arrested him? It's great, really. A better high than drugs.
I turned down my laptop brightness as I clicked onto the next YouTube video I was watching. I was on my second hour of indulging into unsolved missing person cases. They were so intriguing to me. Real people, with real lives and family, just vanished. Or, their remains were found with no answers or even hints around what in the hell happened. It was nuts, but I loved it.
It was 2am, I had school the next morning, but I didn't care. I didn't really care about anything at the moment. I had argued with my mom all night over her thinking I snuck out a few nights ago (which I did, but she doesn't need to know that) and I ended up locking myself in my room.
I haven't learned much from my mom, other than she really likes to fight with her family and that she'll probably never be truly happy. She takes it out so much on me because I'm the last kid in the house, and my poor dad. Phew, God knows he's had it more rough than I have. While yes, he does feed into it and fight back, but he should. Sometimes, I think we'd all just be so much happier if they were divorced.
I was listening to a girl on YouTube share her theories on the famous JonBenet Ramsey case. It was so interesting listening and gathering information from her, she seemed so intelligent and well spoken. We looked about the same age as well. I feel that if I reached my full potential I would probably look like her.
I dove deep into her videos for another half hour. She had plenty of "Mystery Monday" videos, and other personal ones. I spotted a video with her boyfriend, who I instantly recognized. I sat up in bed and took out my phone to take a picture of my laptop screen. I instantly sent it to Kennedy.
To: kenny
Sent: 2:33am
check it out, it's calum hood LOLOLOL
I stared at the screen, reading over the title of the video; "Q&A With My Boyfriend!"
It made sense. She was about my age and she had mentioned in a few of her videos that she lived in the same state as me. I haven't seen her in the area, or around school, so I assume she's from a different city.
But she used to date Ashton's roommate? That's a little weird. Not weird, but just...unexpected? I don't know. Calum was dark and mysterious. This girl, Beatrice, or Bea as she called herself, was bubbly and bright and intelligent. Maybe opposites do attract.
I shut my laptop screen and sighed. I peered out of my window and to Luke's. My curtains were open and my window was cracked to let in a gentle breeze of air. His were drawn, as they usually were. It was late too, most normal people like to close theirs at night, but not me.
I was curious if he had gotten in trouble for taking me to Ashton's. I haven't heard from him or seen him, maybe he was trapped inside of his house and was forced to be homeschooled. I shook my head, no no no. I can only assume that his parents aren't that crazy. Well, I'd hope they aren't.
I got up from my bed and shut my window. I was starting to feel sleepy and wanted to get some sleep before getting up at the crack of dawn for school.
Falling asleep was so hard for me. I freaked myself out and was afraid of any shadows in the corners. I knew nothing was there, but all of the horror films I've seen told me otherwise. I had a night light, I know, so embarrassing. It soothed my fears, making me realize that there's really nothing there and I can sleep soundly.
I wrapped my covers tightly around me and stared into the darkness. I tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable. I stopped on my left side and eventually my sleepiness took over.
I woke up to gentle buzzing. I squinted my eyes at the golden sun pushing itself through my open curtains.
When I woke up for school, it wasn't bright. Shit, shit, shit.
I scrambled out of bed, throwing my covers onto the floor and sprinting to the bathroom. I turned back around to grab my phone sitting on my night stand. 12:13pm. School started 4 hours ago.
I had a dozen texts, all from Ashton. He was concerned about me not responding, which wasn't anything new. He likes to jump to worst case scenario.
I was quickly typing out a message to Ashton to inform him that I in fact, wasn't dead. Something caught the corner of my eye and I quickly looked out my window. A tall blonde boy with bed head was staring right at me.
I smirked as he quickly shut his curtains, but his window was still open. I walked over to my own window and pushed it up with ease. My arms crossed over my chest, mainly to hide the fact that I wasn't wearing a bra in this situation.
I waited for a few seconds to see if Luke would return. He didn't, of course.
"Hey stalker," I joked. "Come out from hiding."
I waited again. He peeked through his curtains, shut the crack, and opened them all the way. His cheeks were flushed, his hair more calm. His t-shirt was a size too big and hung effortlessly off of his shoulders, big collarbones peaking through.
"Hey," he said, acting like this was our first encounter of the day.
"You aren't at school either?" I ask, being my normal noisy self.
He casually tried to lean up against his window sill and almost missed, stumbling before catching himself and standing up right. I giggled to myself.
He scratched his head. "Nope," he responded. "But you're a senior. Don't you get out of class earlier than the underclassmen?"
"Yeah, but Tuesday's are my one long day because I'm taking an extra class for college credit." I explained. "And my mom doesn't know that I missed school and she's probably going to kill me." My heart raced at the thought of my mom coming home and chewing me out for missing school. I hated arguing with her over something so simple as school.
Luke shrugged, "You still have half of the day."
"There's not much point in going now. I don't even have a car." I sighed. Ashton and Calum were normally working or out doing their own thing during the middle of the day. And Kennedy was already at school and couldn't leave. My car being broken down was probably my biggest inconvenience right now.
There was a short silence. Luke leaned onto his elbows on his window seal, enjoying the great weather I assume. It seemed to be raining everyday. "I'll take you. That is, if you really want to go to school," he offered.
"Oh no, it's okay." I shyly replied. It was extremely nice of him to offer me a ride, but I already felt sort of weird because of the other night and not really knowing this dude except for the fact that he kind of creepily watched me through his window and was always offering me rides. He was probably a serial killer in his free time. Sounds like it to me.
"Let me take you. If you need to go, of course." He offered again, I really did need to go. I really didn't want to miss all of my second day of senior year.
I nodded my head, crossing my arms over my chest been tighter. "Okay."
Luke smiled at me, gave me a very strange wink, and turned around. "Be ready in 20."
For some reason, this made my heart race even more than thinking about arguing with my mom later. But for different reasons. Reasons that I didn't like to think about, considering I had Ashton. Ashton is the person I run to, the person I love staying up with all night and making out with to boring movies. But Luke. Luke was like a really intricate puzzle. And I liked that.
me neither sis
go read my other stories!!! hard love and outlines is waiting for u.
idk why but i think they're so cute. luke is just awkward and weird and hates everything and so does audrey but like she's so much more out there idk i'm down with it
ANYWAYS please comment and vote on this and PLZ share this with your friends if you've been enjoying it! it would mean a lot ily <333
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