1 || luke
I am not a nice person.
Nope, nope, nope. Not today that's for sure. Stupid Audrey Hart gets to climb out of stupid Kennedy Cook's car with an armful of stupid books during the last week of summer break. I currently hated her because I was grounded and locked in my room until whenever my seemingly endless punishment is over. And she was using her time to stick her nose in a book.
I didn't really hate Audrey Hart, since she was my next door neighbor after all. I'd never held a conversation with the girl and I'm sure I wouldn't be either. Now as for Kennedy Cook, also known as the girl I had a stupidly huge crush on all through out last year and also as Audrey's best friend, I've had plenty of conversations with her. Maybe not intelligent ones about the universe and how pretty she looks with flowers in her hair, but that's all dead and gone.
Creepily would be the word to use as to how I was staring at Audrey right now. I was peering at her through my blinds that covered my bedroom window. I narrowed my eyes at her as I watched her struggle with her armful of books as she tried to unlock her door to her house. I secretly wished that she would drop them so I could either find something to make laugh or have an excuse to go rushing outside.
But my creepy manner had stopped once I noticed I was caught. Her shoulder length hair flipped to one side of her shoulder as she spotted my eyes through the crack in my blinds. She swiftly turned back to fumbling with her door and quickly got inside, escaping my heavy stare that I had no shame in.
I groaned and stepped away from my window, bringing myself right over to my bed and laying down. I patted around on my bed, looking for my phone that my parents had thankfully not taken away since my grounding that began last week.
Speaking of my grounding, it was an accident. Actually, no, it wasn't. It was a misunderstanding. A very awkward one as well.
There I was helping a not so steady girl into my house because when I got her into my car she was as high as a kite. How she ended up with me I wasn't exactly sure of, but all I know was that the girl was about to be dragged upstairs by three other guys who were more than intoxicated and were on the same green as her.
The drive to my empty house was 25 minutes. We were both at a party that got a little out of hand. Me and my friends got separated and that's when I found this girl slowly climbing the steps behind these dudes, which were total assholes just because you need to know. Anyways, she stopped and looked like she was about to fall over and I assumed she was under the same influence as the guys. Turned out she was and was also smoking which I later told her was not very good at all.
Moving on, I forced myself to go up to her and offer her some help which she surprisingly took. I rushed her back down the stairs and outside where she could actually breath. Somehow this turned into her nearly crying and me telling her that my parents were out of town and she could crash at my house. Of course after we learned each other's names and the basic stuff because that's actually pretty important in the whole 'creepy guy/girl that's a serial killer' type of thing. Her name was Stacey and after she laughed after I asked her if her mom had it going I came to the conclusion that she wasn't a serial killer.
So when we actually got to my house I left her on my couch and we sat and ate a family bag of cheetos which is when I decided she was my soul mate. She passed out on our living room sofa about a half hour later around 3am and I dragged myself up to bed. Then about 5 hours later I had my mother knocking on my door wondering why our house smelt of marijuana and who the girl on the couch was.
Apparently "she was high and I didn't want her to let guys take advantage of her" was not the exact answer she was looking for.
She suspected me of having friends over and doing it here, plus the fact that a girl stayed over at our house when it was just us two wasn't a very good look either. I don't blame her. I just didn't expect to be grounded until 'I sort things out.' This was odd because I'm not into the party scene and probably never will be. I'm also very sorted out, thank you very much.
Michael burst into my room with a plate of food in hand and two drinks in the other. Our friendship was built off of good snacks and the understanding of each other's teen angst. Right now he was over since I was home alone for the day and this time I made sure that my parents were leaving and what time they'd be home.
"You know who's really hot? Kennedy Cook." Michael said, sitting at the end of my bed. I grabbed a piece of pizza of off the plate he brought and took a bite that was probably way too big.
"Stop." I groaned through a mouth of pizza. He always had to bring her up and how much I liked her last year, well before I really actually got to know her.
He shook his head, "You should've asked her out when you had the chance." He told me, opening up his can of soda.
"I prefer girls who can do simple algebra, Michael." I scoffed. If I learned anything from being head over heels with Kennedy Cook, or more her looks, it was that intelligence was definitely sexier than six inch stilettos ever could be.
"But, God, have you seen her?" Michael asked, going wide eyed over the girl.
"I have in fact seen her." I laughed. "Have you ever had a conversation with her?" I asked right back.
"What's your definition of a conversation?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes at him, taking another bite from my pizza. He elbowed my arm, "Come on, you know you missed out." He teased.
I shrugged, "I don't think I did. She has a pretty face, but I've got high standards and it's more than just how hot she is." I explained to him. He nodded his head just the slightest which I took as him either agreeing with me or suggesting I was an idiot. It was hard to tell.
Michael and I had been friends for the past 5 years and boy was it a wild one. He was the perfect touch to my calm and collected self and definitely added more interest into my life. I didn't necessarily think it was me that was boring, but just my life. Right now it was summer so there was no school, I was trapped in my house, and I had a lack of a vacation. All I really did all day was pick up and set down a guitar and bury my sorrow in a bowl of Captain Crunch.
"Speaking of Kennedy, she just dropped Audrey off at her house." I told Michael as he scrolled through his messages on his phone.
"Audrey?" He asked, asking it in the tone that told me he didn't know who I was talking about.
"My neighbor." I reminded him. I've brought her up a few times plus she's in our grade, so I'm sure he knew who she was.
"Oh, oh, oh, Audrey Hart," He said, remembering her last name. He turned to me, "She's in my history class. She never talks but she's smart as shit. Maybe you should try to have a conversation with her instead." He gave me a sly grin which always made me want to punch it right off of him.
"Shut up." I grumbled, shoving what was left of my pizza into my mouth so I was forced to not communicate with Michael. Which I didn't mind at the moment.
For the rest of our day, well until 8 that night when my parents said they were just a few minutes away and I literally had to shove Michael out my front door to get him to leave, we did nothing but mope about how school started in just a little over a week and, God, we were not ready. Even knowing that it was our last year, it was not something I was looking forward to.
It was around 10 o'clock now and I was sitting at my computer which sat next to my window. If I opened my blinds and Audrey pushed back her curtains, we'd have this really awkward view into each other's rooms. Thankfully all she'd be able to see in my room would be my back wall and my closet, but her room was much larger than mine from just the few times I've seen it and it was all clean and roomy and I was jealous for obvious reasons.
I got curious for no reason and reached towards the string to pull up my blinds. They quickly went up and the Hart's porch light was now beaming even brighter into my room. I peered over to Audrey's window just in case I had to avoid any awkward glances with her and was somewhat disappointed when I saw her same dark blue curtains shielding her window.
Maybe I wanted to actually venture out and get to know her or if I was just extremely bored and was needing someone to entertain me because I obviously can't do it myself. Either way I still didn't know the girl next door and I realized I'm probably the creepy boy next door.
i really hope you guys like this one, it's a little different than what i usually do so let's pray it goes okay lmao
and i'll be switching between POVs and it will say whose it is in the title of the chapter!
don't worry this won't be cliche or make u want to throw up bc its so cheesy (ok maybe like once) but i hope this first chapter gets some people chugging along with me ok i love u
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