Sam, Seth, and Embry walked inside and Sam said, "Paul, let my sister go. Now."
Paul let me go and moved away from me before Emily, Leah, Claire and Kim hugged me tightly. I laughed and hugged them back. Then they pulled me into the kitchen to start helping making food. I felt eyes on me and looked up to see Paul staring at me. Then we looked into each other's eyes. I felt a million little strings attach to Paul and he was suddenly the thing holding me to Earth instead of gravity. I would be whatever he needed me to be for him. A friend. A sister. A lover. Whatever he wanted I'd be that for him. Then we heard 2 growls and I saw Sam and Embry shaking before Embry yelled, "YOU IMPRINTED ON OUR BABY SISTER?!"
Paul said, "I didn't mean to. You know we can't control these things."
I said, "Sam and Embry shut up. I imprinted on Paul too. We're starting out as friends. Nothing else for now."
Paul nodded and said, "Agreed."
Sam and Embry glared at Paul before Sam said, "Hurt her and we will kill you."
I walked up to Sam and Embry before I hugged them and said, "I like having big brothers."
Then my phone rung and I answered it.
Lucas: Heyo Penelope.
Me: Ugh. Hey Huckleberry.
Lucas: I miss my best friend. So does Zay.
Me: Awww... I miss my boys too.
Lucas: Where are you? So we can visit during spring break.
Me: Forks, Washington. A small Native American reservation called La Push. Turns out I have 2 half brothers from my biological father.
Lucas: Cool. Are they as awesome as Zay and me?
Me: I don't know yet. This is only my second day with them.
Lucas: Okay. Have you found a new boyfriend yet?
Me: It's complicated. Really complicated.
Lucas: Zay! Give my back the phone!
Zay: Hey Maya.
Me: Hey Zay.
Zay: How's my favorite blonde doing?
Me: I'm good. Hanging with my brothers and their friends.
Zay: We ditches Riley and Farkle by the way. I'm surprised you didn't beat Riley's ass. Lucas beat Farkle's. Farkle is currently in the hospital still healing.
Me: *laughs* Lucas did warn him.
Zay: Yeah. Anyways we have to go. Baseball practice is about to start. Love you girl.
Me: Love you too Zay.
Lucas: I love you Maya.
Me: I love you too Lucas.
Then we hung up and all the guys were staring at me. I said, "They're close enough to be my brothers."
Then Leah said, "The way that you and Lucas talk to each other sounds like more than friends."
I said, "Lucas and I almost kissed once, but we didn't because I was dating Farkle at the time."
Brady asked, "Well since you're free, do you want to go out?"
I looked at him and asked, "Really? You're really going to ask me that in front of my imprint?"
Brady said, "You said that you're just friends."
I looked him straight in the eyes and said, "Listen here little boy. I may just be friends with Paul right now, but eventually we will become a couple. Honestly you don't stand a chance with me because I am an imprinted wolf. Try again and I will kick your ass."
He swallowed and asked, "So do you want to go out with me or not?"
I punched him in the face and he fell to the ground before I said, "You were warned."
He growled and stood up shaking. Paul snarled and said, "Back the hell off, Brady. She's mine. End of discussion."
Brady ran out of the house and into the house. Collin followed him after whispering, "I'm sorry for him."
Seth said, "Remind me not to piss her off."
Sam, Embry, Quill, Jake, Jared, Emily, Leah, Claire and Kim laughed while Paul checked on my hand. I said, "I'm fine Paul."
He nodded and kissed my knuckles causing me to blush. I said, "All of you guys leave, so us girls can make the food in peace."
Sam kissed Emily's cheek, Jake kissed Leah's cheek, Quill kissed Claire's cheek, Jared kissed Kim's cheek and Paul kissed my forehead before all the guys left.
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