Masons walks out of Latoye's coffee shop(not a real thing please) slamming the door in frustration.
He didn't fucking get the job. He looks around for another place he can go try out for a job again.
His eyes catch a wonderful sights as he's looking, he sees Jace...Ginnie's ex boyfriend/new boyfriend with Vanessa who he assumes is Ginnie's friend cause he's seen both of them together a lot.
"Well fuck me" Mason whispers
And guess what they're looking very cozy in front of an arcade.
Too cozy for Ginnie's friend and boyfriend to be.
He smirks but then something catches his eyes.
An arcade!
He would surely get a job there. He loves playing games.
Even though he wouldn't get to play games. He'd love to watch people come and think they're playing the games right and fail.
Yes he's as creepy as that.
If that's even considered as creepy.
He begins to walk over to the Arcade as Jace says something in Vanessa's ears and she turns all pink.
Mason scoffs at that. "Girls are just something else" he mutters under his breath.
He's getting closer to the arcade now.
He sees Jace smoothly trying to intertwine his and Vanessa's fingers.
"Hey Ginnie's boyfriend dude" he screams catching both of them off guard.
They both look at his direction, and Jace looks pissed at him. He looks smugly at Jace back returning the pissed look.
"Mason what are you doing here" Vanessa looks at him wide eyed like someone who's been caught.
"I'm looking for a job, what of you V what are you doing here with Ginnies boyfriend?" he asks looking directly at Jace now.
🥀. . .
Jace pulls into a parking lot he's familiar with his hands intertwined with someone.
"That was so close Jace, this is why I don't like us going on dates outside, what if that was someone else that knows Ginnie or worse Ginnie!!" Vanessa screams removing her hands from his embrace.
"Calm down Vanessa" Jace says bringing her knuckles to his lips and kissing them softly before licking the spot he kissed.
"We've been doing this for 5 months now come on, no one is going to find out" he says now letting go of her hand.
"But, something is bothering me" she says turning her head to face him.
Jace smiles charmingly and grabs her bringing her over to his laps his grip firm on her waist as he starts moving her over his home(not his literal know....the thing that makes one feel good 😏😉😉)
"Ja..aa...ace" she says in between moans as his lips are now on her neck.
"Hmmmm" he replies softly licking the hickey he's placed on her neck before going back to planting kisses on her collarbone while trying to take off her jacket.
"Jaaa....acceee...wait you have to let me talk" she says as he's about to take her bra top off.
"Mmm talk I'm not stopping you baby" he says his lips going further down to graze her bosoms.
"Why did's boyfriend".
"He did?" Jace says now stopping whatever he was doing now serious.
"Ye-aah I heard it very clearly, he even screamed it, I thought you said you weren't together and that she was even begging you to be her friend" Vanessa says hurriedly.
Jace sighs and runs his hands through his hair and gets out of the car walking towards Vanessa door.
She notices this and gets out of the car as well and walks behind him.
"She's your friend right, ask her whether we're dating or not why don't you okay babe? But do me a favour never ever question my loyalty" Jace says looking at her sternly.
She nods enthusiastically and moves closer with hopes for a quick kiss or even a make-out session.
Jace smiles when he sees that she's covered the little distance that was left.
He leans into her lips but stops when it's only an inch away from hers. His breath is on the tip of her lips.
"Goodbye babe" He says smiling then pecks her slightly on her lips before walking towards his car.
Vanessa waves as he drives out of her yard smiling like a lovesick teenager.
Her hands don't leave the air until the car is no longer at sight. Vanessa chuckles and walks into the house. She's on her way to the kitchen when she receives a text.
Jace: I'm missing you already baby
He's so cute' (Vanessa's thoughts)
Vanessa: Im missing you too and I love you babe
🥀. . .
"You're hired!"
Mason smiles widely as he shakes hand with the manager of the arcade.
"When do I start working ma'am?" he asks eagerly
The manager laughs and says "since you're technically new id tell you to come back tomorrow then you can start work"
"Oh wow thank you so much" Mason says smiling widely as he begins walking towards the door.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry for bumpi- Ginnie?" Mason says while dusting his jacket.
"Ohh hi Mason!" Ginnie says picking up her purse from the floor. "What are you doing here?"
"Came here to find a job, and I....wait what are you doing here?" Mason asks now leaning on the wall.
"Funny story but I also came here to get a job" Ginnie says chuckling
"Ohhh looks like I'm going to be working with missy here" he says now leaning in closer to her face.
Ginnie shifts uncomfortably and says "uhhh, so did the owner ask you anything serious"
Mason laughs and retreats his face smiling
"Say Ginnie, Do Vanessa and Jace hang out often together?" Mason asks now getting his phone out.
"Uhh when I and Jace used to date before we used to hang out together but she doesn't anymore, its a girlcode thing why are you asking?" Ginnie says laughing slightly.
Mason hums and shrugs his hands on the door knob. "No reason, I suggest you go see the manager, she's the one you'll see for the interview, though you wouldn't need one" he says now walking out the door.
He walks over to his bike and gets on it starting the engine and driving out of the arcades street.
🥀. . .
"Ahhh home sweet home" Mason says hopping off his bike.
Mason turns around and sees an unexpected face.
"Jace?, wowww what a surprise, what the fuck are you doing at my house dude?" Mason says sternly.
"Just came to bro talk, you know guy to guy" Jace says walking closer to Mason who's now leaning on his bike.
"So thats pretty much code word for, you came to make sure I dont tell Ginnie I saw you being lovey dovey with her friend?" Mason says chuckling softly
Jace clenches his fist and says "Look dude whatever you saw was a misunderstanding, we've got nothing going on between us"
"You see thats where you've fucked up there, I didn't say I thought something was going on between you too, you gave that away all by yourself" Mason says now laughing which pisses Jace off that he lunges towards him and grabs his jacket collar.
"Woahhh Jace my mann what happened to the bro talk" Mason says smirking his hands in the air.
Jace takes a deep breath and let's go of his jacket. "I'm warning you dude, say a word to Ginnie, and I'll end you" he says and walks away
Mason just scoffs and walks into his house. He jumps on his beanbag while ruffling his hair, when a ding from his phone comes.
"Who the fuck is texting me right now"
He brings his phone out and smiles when he sees the sender.
Ginnie: Hey dickhead, guess who's your co worker😉
"Ohh Ginnie, your life's about to get a whole lot interesting" Mason says as he begins texting back
I came and saw I had 10 views😭 im literally squealing right now.....I'm soo grateful!!😭
Also thanks a bunch to @watermlon_sinner ❤
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter😊
I swear Jace is a beautiful soul🤡
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