"Ginnie! Snap out of your daydreams girl" Vanessa says snapping her fingers right in front of Ginnie who looks like life has been sucked out of her.
Ginnie now out of her trance laughs and stands up her stance wobbly and she struggles to balance herself.
"Are you okay?" Vanessa asks concern in her voice. Ginnie just smiles and picks up her bag and says "I'm fine just tired, see you tomorrow" and walks out of the classroom.
She begins walking towards the entrance when she bumps into a very familiar scent.
'Fuck now you know what he smells like already, he smells like fresh flowers today, crazyhot'
"Watch where you're going Ginnie Stiles" he says making her raise her head to his.
'Fuck he's still as handsome as always'
"I'm really sorry Jace I was just in a rush" she says trying to get away from him fast.
"Where you going to in a rush like that, school is over" he asks raising an eyebrow
"Home obviously" she says with a little laugh her eyes to the ground. Jace laughs loudly making Ginnie finally look up at him only to look away when he makes eye contact with her.
"Need a ride home?" he asks again this time looking directly at her. "Um no thank you I don't want to inconvenience you" she quickly stutters out.
"Inconvenience me? How on earth would you do that by allowing me take you home?" he says with a smile on his face.
Ginnie fiddles with her bag hanging on her shoulders. And says again firmly this time around "I don't want trouble Jace".
"Neither do I" he says as he grabs Ginnie's hands and starts going out of the building
'This not going to end well Ginnie'
"You're a complete asshole Mason!!!"
Mason chuckles and murmurs "tell me something i don't already know"
The girl screaming is suddenly storming out of her house with her phone in her hand fuming. Mason smiles as she comes directly to his face.
"Janice i was just leaving" he says smiling sweetly.
"Oh fuck you! You come to my house kiss me and then a break up text enters as you step out the door, what kinda trick you playing sir cause it better be a joke" she screams again.
"Well it is what it is J baby, firstly im moving back to California and secondly you seem to have forgotten what you did" Mason says his temperament still calm.
"Oh my fucking gosh! It didn't mean anything and you're making a big deal out of nothing anyways not like we did anything you were just-" she begins but is cut off by Mason
"Really!! So me standing there for at least 10 minutes shook and watching you make out with that guy till he was at your shorts was just in my head Janice!!!" He says now pissed off.
"Im telling you it meant nothing Maz i was drunk that's all" she replies back her hands now on her waist.
"The last time you said you were high on coke which wasn't even there, look Janice we're over" Mason says and gets on his bike and drives away leaving the screaming girl doing just that. Screaming.
"Mason! What are you doing here" Ginnie says, surprise clearly written on her face
"Surprise visit?" he says making his way into the house.
"Take your shoes off asshole!!!" Ginnie screams as he strolls inside her house.
"Is your sister around i don't think i can take her nagging today and I'm not in the mood for stress" he says sitting on the couch with his head relaxed and leaning backwards.
"Jace kissed me today" Ginnie blurts out suddenly making Mason open his eyes.
'Why the hell am I telling him this, whatever I just need to let it out and I sort of trust Mason'
Ginnie goes to sit beside him her eyes directly fixed on her fingernails.
"Okay, wait why are you telling me, & I thought even your sister warned you about Jace" Mason says now standing up knowing this will turn into a long ass conversation if he remains seated.
"I know she did but do you know how hard it is to get over someone who was your first everything" Ginnie says holding her head then groaning.
"You didn't have sex did you" Mason asks smirking
Ginnie scowls at him and hits him hard which makes him to laugh at how weak her punch is
"What on earth are you asking ewww, no way we didn't, why would we even do that!" She replies rolling her eyes
"Well you did say he was your first everything" Mason says smiling now.
"Like all the small things you idiot, first kiss first real boyfriend, first make out session with first person i ever spent money on, first boy for me to have attached feelings for" Ginnie says her face blank now.
'And now he wants to be close again, the fucking idiot'
"Well I wouldn't know cause i gave up on the opposite sex long ago" Mason says walking towards the door.
"Asshole you have a girlfriend you know" Ginnie says rolling her eyes.
Mason smirks and says "Well guess what peaches we broke up" then walks out.
I decided to quickly post another chapter before the idea ran outta my head. What do you guys think🥺🥺
Also would it be okay if I used emojis in this book don't know if people do that tho😂😂
I'll start if i see a higher percent of yes
And quick note anytime you see a sentence in this format
('This book is not going to be popular I'm sad' )
Its someone's thought.
We're majorly just going to be seeing it for Ginnie but if there's more than one character thinking great thoughts then I'll identify who is who
And also oooooooo just thought I should show you who is who😁😁
Let the Character Visualisation begin!! DUNDUNDUN!!!!!!!!!!
(Please note that I'm going to use famous people to depict my characters just cause, if it offends any one is any way sorry)
(I used Storm Reid cause she's literally so pretty🥺 wanted to use Marsai Martin to but i guess I just went with Stormy🥺)
Let's just imagine this is how her hair is for now till I change it😂
(I used Noah Schnapps cause he's also looks soooo cute🥺 and friendly and warm, I can't wait for you all to fall in love with Jace🙃)
(I used Finn Wolfhard cause I didn't want to give him a typical bad boy look cause he's really not one, but I did want him in something like curls👀👀 so voilaa ignore the Mike please😂)
( I used Jaden Martello cause even though this dude is 18 he still looks younger to me😭)
-He hasn't been introduced yet but he's a major character in the story seeing as he's Ginnie's bff
And finally!!!!
(wonder if she'll be prettier than Ginnie😭)
(PSYCHE!!! She is........)
(jk😂 they're both pretty😭)
(Sooooo I used Natalie Dyer, yeah I know she's like 25/26 or 20 something but does she look 20 something to you😭😭)
-too bad she's going to do a lot of wonderful wonderful things🙂
Please note this pictures belong to the original owners and are in no way mine i just picture them as my characters so please don't come at me😁😁😁
Tell your friends to read my book too😭💎💎
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