Chapter 3
You woke and dressed early for a Sunday the next morning and headed downstairs to find, or more likely make, breakfast. You didn't have a kitchen as part of your suite, so you had to use the big communal one on the first floor. You didn't mind, though. You didn't have to cook much anyway, since the housekeeper usually did that for the team.
Tony also said he owed you, so that usually meant he was going to take you to the bookstore, and regret it when you came out with all of the books. He always groaned and made a fuss about it, but he could buy the entire bookstore if he felt like it. It wasn't like he was hurting for money since he was one of the richest men in the world. So you had something fun to look forward to on your Sunday.
You brought you book downstairs with you so you could read it until Tony got up, or until you got bored enough waiting and went to wake him so he didn't waste the entire day sleeping. He tended to either sleep never or for days straight. It depended on how much he was working in the lab
When you reached the bottom of the stairs, you set your book next to you usual spot in the huge common room where you all hung out, especially the younger supers. You rarely saw the original Avengers and the older members except your uncle, of course. They were too busy off on various missions.
You looked up when you heard a slight noise, finally realizing that you weren't alone in the room. Usually you were on Sunday mornings, so you hadn't even thought to check the room for occupants. The supers all slept in after staying up late on Saturday nights patrolling. Your fear spiked for a moment until you saw the figure was sitting in one of the comfy chairs. And disappeared completely when you recognized that it was Loki.
Most people wouldn't be relieved to see a former super villain in their living room, but then you weren't exactly normal.
Loki was sitting in one of the comfy chairs in the living room. He was still chained, but was now wearing jeans and a black T-shirt instead of his pajamas from the night before. "Good morning," you told him brightly, standing up all the way after placing your book carefully on your end table. He looked up from the book you had lent him. He had seemed enraptured in it, at least enough not to notice you had entered the room. You also noticed that he was nearly done with the book.
"Good morning, Lady Stark," he replied. He seemed wary, as if unsure why you were talking to him. Unsure if this was a trick.
"You're up early," you commented easily. He shrugged.
"As you mentioned last night, I require less sleep than humans," he replied, his accent was still lovely. His tone was guarded, but he seemed open to communication at least.
"I was going to make some breakfast. Have you eaten yet?" you asked him. Food could win over any super, you knew that from experience. He shook his head. You smiled even more brightly at him. "I'll make you some too, then," you told him and left the room before he could splutter a protest that he was perfectly capable of feeding himself and didn't need a little human girl to take care of him. You ignored his protests and went to work making the pair of you breakfast. It was simple eggs and bacon, but still, the thought counted. He came into the kitchen while you were working. He tried to be quiet, but he couldn't sneak up on anyone because of the the chains.
"Why are you doing this?" he asked, seeming genuinely confused.
"Because we need to eat?" you replied logically, and not really what he was asking.
He gave you a look. "No, why are you being...kind to me? You are aware of my past. Your uncle has warned you away from me. No one else here will trust me. Why you?"
You turned to face him after you had plated your breakfasts, leaving enough in the pans for Tony when he got up. You carried the plates to the dining room just off the kitchen, before you answered. He followed you without a word, waiting for your reply. He had tried to step in to help, but you shook his offer off. His wrists were shackled; you didn't need him dropping his breakfast. You set both plates on one of the tables and got silverware from a nearby drawer.
You sat across the table from Loki and looked up into his emerald eyes. "Everyone deserves a second chance and a friend. You say you've changed and I've been given no evidence to the contrary," you finally told him, finally finding the words you were looking for. He looked so lost and confused by that concept that you decided to cut him some slack and change the subject. "So how are you enjoying the book?"
His eyes lit up in delight. "It is a fantastic story. Thank you for sharing it with me, lady."
You then got to talking about the book and its characters, spending your entire breakfast discussing it. You also told him that there were four more books in the series and he got even more excited. You heard footsteps above you and knew that the supers were starting to wake. You were out of time.
You gathered the dishes and put them in the dishwasher, gesturing to the living room with your head, a quiet order to Loki. He nodded, catching your drift. He didn't want Tony to catch him hanging out with you less than 24 hours after Tony had ordered both of you to stay away from the other. He didn't have a death wish. He went back to his comfy chair and the book you had loaned him, looking as though he'd never left it.
You made Tony's breakfast plate and went up to his room to wake him up. You had a key to his room, but rarely needed it. He never locked his door. You still only burst in when you knew Pepper wasn't in residence. You set the breakfast plate on his coffee table and banged on his bedroom door before throwing the door open, your eyes firmly shut and one hand over them, just to be safe. "If you're naked, I'm going to kick your ass," you told him loudly. It could be difficult to get him up on Sundays.
"I'm not naked," he groaned. "Why are you such a morning person?" he growled at you, throwing a pillow in your direction
"You said you owe me and you'd make it up to me today," you reminded him. "I also wasn't out hunting bad guys all night. Your breakfast is on the table. I'll see you downstairs?"
"Fine, shoo imp and let me get dressed," you stuck your tongue out at him, but darted up to your own room to get your purse, figuring you really were going out after he had eaten and gotten dressed. You also grabbed the other books in the series Loki was reading. Tony still wasn't downstairs when you made it back to the common room. Loki was still there, though and still looked like he hadn't moved from that spot. You heard sounds from the kitchen and dining room and guessed that the other supers were up making breakfast, or the housekeeper had finally gotten up and was making breakfast for them. You set the books on the end table next to Loki's chair. He looked up, surprised. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I just thought you'd like the rest of the series," you told him with a smile. You could win him over with bribery and friendship. You were sure you could. Granted, friends weren't really something you were good at. You had a feeling he was the same way and a kindred spirit. He didn't respond right away, so you took a few steps back and headed to your spot on the nearby couch.
"Are you going out?" he asked, noting your purse. He sounded almost concerned.
You nodded and gave him a reassuring smile. "Once Tony gets up, we're going out," you replied. He relaxed at that and you couldn't help rolling your eyes at his overprotective nature. "It's perfectly safe to go out on a Sunday morning," you reminded him.
"Of course it is," he replied innocently. You weren't at all convinced he agreed with you, especially when you didn't have powers of your own. With that settled, you returned to your book. By the time any of the other supers had come into the room you were both reading your books innocently. No one said anything to Loki when they came in, but you got sleepy greetings from the supers.
"Did you eat?" Captain America asked you as he came through. You nodded and smiled up at him. He was one of my adopted uncles as most of the older supers were.
"Yes, Cap," you replied obediently. He smiled fondly, already in costume, you noticed. "Patrol this morning?" you asked.
"Yep, we old folks get the morning shift," he chuckled. "I'll see you later. Let me know if you need help with your homework this afternoon,"
"I will, thanks Cap." He went out with his partner to patrol. You didn't see who was partnering with him that morning. He usually took one of the teens out with him to train them, especially on such as easy shift as Sunday morning patrol. Teams weren't usually necessary first thing Sunday morning; the patrols went out in pairs instead. You saw Loki raise an eyebrow in question, but he wasn't going to draw attention now that there were more people in the room.
Tony came downstairs a couple minutes later. He took his plate to the dishwasher and came over to you. "Hey, Kat, Fury told me I have to get a few things for him," he glared at Loki, "since we're going out anyway. Do you mind?" He looked apologetic that your day out was being interrupted with chores.
"I don't mind," you replied, bouncing to your feet. Tony wrapped a protective arm around you and steered you from the room while you rolled your eyes at his overprotective behavior.
You grabbed your coat and shoes from the coat closet next to the door and threw them on quickly on your way out. You hadn't been out in awhile besides school, and that didn't count. You were desperate to get out of the tower.
Tony drove you to the mall, asking about your classmates and talking about the other supers you lived with, as well as his patrol last night. You picked up whatever things Fury had wanted Tony to get, then you got to have your own fun.
Tony took you to see the latest super hero movie, you had lunch at an amazing Chinese restaurant and you got to laugh at how diva-like Tony got when he had to take selfies with fans and sign things the entire lunch. Then he made the mistake of taking you to the bookstore. He followed you around holding all of your books until he finally dragged your from the store again, protesting that his paycheck couldn't handle my book obsession. That was bull and you both knew it. Your parents had all been billionaires. Neither of you would ever need to work for money. You would have access to your own fortune once you turned 25. Except for things like school tuition, it wasn't to be touched until then. You were both happier and much more relaxed after your day out and went back to the compound in a much better mood than you had left it.
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