Chapter 26
"Kat, are you sure?" Loki asked. Again. He and Tony were taking you in Tony's car to Claire's party. It wasn't that far away and you had your own car, but the overprotective males in your life wanted to make sure you arrived safely. They insisted that they were going to drive you there and back to keep you safe.
Overprotective males.
"I'm sure, Loki. You weren't invited. I can't just go inviting people to an event I'm a guest at," you reminded them. There were social rules you had to follow. "And this is the first party I've been invited to legitimately since my parents died. I'm not skipping it. I'm letting you guys drop me off and pick me back up. I have my dagger sheath and my cell phone," you added grumpily. You understood the need for caution, but this seemed overkill. You were never going to be invited to another party if you were seen as such a freak going to this one. "And The Harlequin has been quiet for weeks. There've barely been any petty thieves for you guys to deal with," you knew that both he and Tony were overprotective, but this was a human birthday party. Besides, they were patrolling the area tonight. you were sure if you so much as raised your voice they would be banging the door down.
Tony stopped in front of the house in question. You climbed out of the car, straightened the skirt on your sundress, and went up to the door with Loki and Tony watching from the car. You were let in immediately by Claire.
"You made it!" she exclaimed more excitedly than you were expecting. She looked past you and waved to Loki and Tony in Tony's car and dragged you into the house. "Just in time too, the pizza just got here," she led you into the room where the rest of the party guests were gathered. You were surprised that about half of the kids here were some of the most popular in the school. The group was split in two and you took a spot with the less popular kids. It was where you belonged after all. You were famous, not popular.
You ate pizza with your classmates and played a silly card game that was excessively dirty for a card came. They even played Superhero Musical and this group sang along too. It felt almost like home with the supers. You found out that Claire's parents were out of town and didn't know she was having so many people over. She asked you all to be careful so she didn't get in trouble. You could understand that sentiment. You would be dead if you had a party while the Avengers were off on a mission.
The teens offered you beer and other alcohol, but you declined. You didn't drink and wasn't about to start here, especially not with Tony and Loki on alert for requests for help. No one teased you or anything for it, which you were surprised about. They just accepted your decision. Especially when you reminded them that Ironman was picking you up later. They didn't want to upset him or Loki.
Part of the way through the evening, one of the guys gathered up a bunch of people's red solo cups to refill pop and beer for everyone. You took your cup back from him when he came back to the table with a thanks. It was your turn to choose the winning card in the game so you were a bit distracted. You drank your pop while you debated the cards in front of you. It tasted a little off, like it had gone flat or something. You didn't give it much thought as you were being pressured to make a decision. You finally chose one and everyone laughed at your decision and agreed with your choice for winner.
You relaxed around the group, feeling giddy and nearly drunk off of their fun and emotions. It took you too long to realize that the drunk feeling was wrong. You shouldn't be woozy, shouldn't be drunk. You'd only been drinking pop all evening.
Maybe it was just the heat of so many people all in one room.
You excused yourself and stood, heading from the room to get some air, to try to clear your head. You needed your head clear. You hadn't realized how bad you were until you stood. Until you tried to walk from the room without letting the others know there was something wrong.
You managed to get to the other room, though the room was starting to spin around you. Your limbs were too heavy and you could barely think or feel anything. This was bad. It was only due to the long hours of training your mind to be able to talk to Loki that you was able to keep your mind from getting immediately washed away.
Getting washed away.
Someone had drugged you.
With something nasty based on how fast it was working.
You had heard that you could fight these kind of drugs for a couple of minute, if you figured it out quickly and if you fought against them. You fought now. You could barely move your body, your limbs weren't responding. You were losing control far too quickly. So you had to move faster while you still could. You fumbled in your pocket, fumbled and fumbled until you finally got your hands to get your phone out. You only had enough coherence left for one text. You had to make it count.
<Help> you sent Loki the message and immediately locked your phone again. If this went worse, you didn't want someone else seeing that you had called for help. You had enough coherence for that.
Arms grabbed you and steered your body, making you follow them up the stairs. They stayed behind you so you couldn't see who they were and you couldn't get your body to do anything but what it was led to do. You fought and begged and pleaded with your mind to make your body obey but you were trapped within your own mind. You could see and hear and experience everything that was going on around you, but you couldn't make your body do anything.
It was beyond terrifying.
"I told you you'd regret turning me down, bitch. Let's see if your freaky alien boyfriend wants you after this," quarterback jock boy hissed from behind you as he was forcing you up the stairs. "And I'll get Stark's fortune when I put a baby in your belly," stupid asshole. That would never happen. You wouldn't let it. Tony wouldn't let it. Loki would flay him alive for even thinking it. "Don't bother trying to fight. I know you're still in there and get to enjoy every moment of this. Those drugs are designed for supers. It blocks their powers, makes them puppets that will do as they're told. Nothing you can do to stop it if the strongest supers in the city can't even fight it," he sneered.
You tried to fight him. You tried to reach Loki with your mind. You tried anything and everything you could think of.
He got your body to lie down on the bed in the room he had led you to. He roughly pushed up your skirt and you heard his zipper. No, no, no, no! but there was nothing, nothing you could do. Your body wouldn't obey. You couldn't even close your eyes and had to watch him as he climbed up onto the bed. As he shoved his underwear out to release his hard cock.
Something snapped in your brain with a wicked pain. It felt like you had been torn in pieces.
You panicked, but your body wouldn't move as he forced your legs apart, forced you open. Slammed himself inside of you.
As he violated you in mind and body.
The next instant, he flew off of the bed, crashing hard through the wall. Things around the room were floating and a trashcan nearby was on fire. Seconds later, Loki and Tony came crashing into the room.
/Loki! Loki help!/ you screamed, frantic. Tony held him back from coming to you. He actually touched Loki and somehow managed to not get stabbed for it. Loki knew that Tony would only do what was best for you.
"You can't heal her yet. Don't touch her. We need the cops here, now. Also will you stop with the fire?" Tony demanded of Loki. Tony told Jarvis to contact the police. They came faster when it was Jarvis who was telling them of the emergency.
Loki came to your side, but didn't touch you, didn't contaminate the scene. "I'm here, love. You'll be ok now," he turned to Tony. "I'm not doing any of this," Loki indicated the floating things and the fire.
"Then who-?" Tony started. Loki gestured to you. "That's impossible. She's drugged to the teeth with Dollbaby," apparently he recognized it, though you hadn't been able to tell either of them what it was. "Even if she had powers, she'd have no way to use them. Did you do this to the guy?" Tony asked Loki, indicating jock boy who was unconscious in the wall.
"I have done nothing. The only reason he is still alive is because we need his story for the police. I will gladly kill him once that is complete. I have quite a few lovely ideas that he will hate," Loki replied. He went to the quarterback and looked him over. "On the other hand, it looks like my lady has done an excellent job herself. She burned right through his mind. He is a vegetable. I believe that is your term for it."
"That's impossible," Tony repeated, but he didn't look convinced. He knew something he wasn't saying.
/Loki, please. Help/
"Soon, darling, I promise. We will get you help soon. They are on their way," Loki told you as he returned to your side.
"What are you talking about?" Tony asked, glaring at Loki. Those two were only barely getting along and this situation was fraying both their tempers.
"I have telepathy. She is still in there and completely awake and aware. And terrified, might I add. She can hear and see us and can speak with you," Loki explained. He would translate your telepathy to him for your uncle if you needed to talk to him. He knelt beside the bed and began singing lullabies from Asgard to keep you calm.
The police were there almost immediately. They did their investigation, they took samples and questioned people. They got a female cop to do the actual investigation on your body, after Loki growled that the men were scaring you and he would flay them alive if they touched you.
"She's aware and awake." Loki told them, his voice a deadly cold snarl. "I'm a telepath and can hear her just fine. And translate if you would like to take her statement." He'd learned a lot about cops in his months on Midgard.
"Prove it," one of the cops demanded sourly, not trusting Loki's word.
"You are thinking that it is a shame that the star football player is in this condition as he had such a bright future," Loki growled at one cop. The man blushed and was quickly thrown off this assignment. Loki looked at the female cop. "You are sad this happened and you are horrified by what you see here."
This whole situation had gotten upgraded to massive emergency when it became known that it was Tony Stark's niece who was involved.
"Can she tell you how this happened?" the cop asked Loki, her voice gentle and calm. It took effort, but you thought out the story for him, told him exactly what happened and he translated your words for her. He showed her his phone with the one word text from you to add to the story. "Thank you. I will make sure everything is tied up here with the humans. Get her back to your infirmary. Ask for Julia when you get there," Julia was the head healer. "She's my sister and I know she's seen cases of Dollbaby before,"
"Can you teleport her that far?" Tony demanded of Loki. He wanted you back to the safety of the tower as quickly as possible. Loki nodded. "Good, get her out of here. I'll help the cops here. And tell Fury that her powers have manifested. Take care of her," Tony growled the words at Loki. He may not like Loki most of the time, or trust him as far as he could throw him, but he knew Loki would die defending you.
Loki bowed, a formal acknowledgement of his agreement to care for you. "Always." He came back over to you from where he'd been speaking with the cop. His movements were slow, careful, gentle, offering no threat. The things in the room were still floating and the trash can was still on fire, no matter how many people tried to put it out. "Darling, I have to pick you up," he felt you cringe away from his words, even though your body didn't move. "I know, love, I know. It will just be a minute. I swear. No harm will come to you," he promised. "Please let me help you. You trusted me from the day we met, despite what everyone said about me. Please do not give up on me now," he begged, knowing how helpless you felt when you couldn't move and had been raped that night. He was asking too much from you and he knew it.
/Help me, please/ you begged him, so hurt and exhausted. You felt like you had been ripped apart in body, mind, and spirit. He lifted you carefully into his arms, trying to move you as little as possible. You saw the blood on the sheets and started panicking all over again. The fire blazed higher.
"Shh, love, it's ok," Loki whispered. He teleported you away from the scene, into the sterile white infirmary. You saw that the effort drained him, it had been farther than normal and with a passenger. "I need Julia here now!" he roared the second you had arrived. You had never heard that roar from him before. Thor yes, Loki no. "Kat has been injured. This is an emergency!" he bellowed. Feet pounded from all directions.
"I'm Julia," the head healer told Loki. "What happened?"
"She was given Dollbaby and raped," Loki told her. She looked horrified for a moment, but switched to healer mode immediately. They soon got you settled on one of the infirmary beds.
"Out!" she told Loki firmly. "She will not appreciate your presence right now,"
"I can translate for her," he protested.
"She's still awake in there?" she asked. "Most humans given Dollbaby are blacked out completely."
Loki nodded. "She's awake and aware," he told her.
She nodded, though hesitantly. "You can come back once we get her out of these clothes and in to a hospital gown," Loki left reluctantly. He was allowed back in a few minutes later. "Are you making everything float?" Julia asked Loki. He shook his head and looked at you.
"It is her," he replied, tired of explaining. He just wanted you well.
"That's not possible," she replied, shaking her head firmly. She had placed her glowing golden hands on you and was healing your wounds.
"It is her, though," Loki told her. You could tell he was getting tired of explaining the same thing over and over again. You felt that all he wanted to do was pull you into his arms and hold you there safely.
"Even if she had powers, the Dollbaby drug blocks them, completely. I have never seen a super who was able to use their powers past it. Not healers, not telepaths, not firestarters, no one. It traps the person inside their own mind,"
"Well, you will find out for sure once the drug wears off," Loki replied, not convinced. He knew what he felt and everyone around him was being dumb and not listening to the master magician of Asgard. He knew what he was talking about when it came to magic and powers.
"She needs to sleep it off. It should be out of her system by morning," Julia told him. "I'd use drugs to put her to sleep, but that's not a good idea. Nothing mixes well with Babydoll. I hate knowing that she's suffering in there, though..."
Loki took a step forward. "Forgive me, love," he told you softly, gently. You knew instantly what he intended to do.
/Loki, you can't/ you begged him, your telepathic voice soft and pleading. You needed to stay awake until you could protect yourself again.
"You need sleep, darling. You will feel better when the drug is out of your system,"
/You'll guard?/ you begged, your thoughts nearly hysterical and sobbing. Loki was there. Loki could keep you safe.
"Always, my love," he promised. At your nod of agreement, he laid a glowing green hand on your forehead and you fell into a much needed dreamless sleep.
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