Chapter 25
Prom tickets went on sale a couple weeks before the dance, which would be held at the end of May. "You're still coming with me to the prom, right?" you asked Loki the morning they went on sale.
"Of course, darling, though you will have to enlighten me on the traditions of the...prom," he stumbled over the unfamiliar word. You could tell that he wanted to call it a ball instead. You forgot that you hadn't called it the prom earlier.
"The prom is a big dance, a ball, at the end of the school year. Everyone dresses up in super fancy dresses and tuxedos. Generally you and your date go out to a fancy meal beforehand and the dance lasts until midnight," you explained to him, hoping you were being clear. It was hard to tell what he knew and what he didn't of Midgardian culture. However, you knew for a fact that he knew about balls, they had them on Asgard.
"You promised to wear the dress I made you to the ball," he reminded you, smirking as if he were getting away with something. He wasn't. You were just glad you didn't have to go dress shopping.
"And you promised to go with me. I just wanted to make sure that was still the case before I bought the tickets," you explained.
Loki glowered, bristling with temper and indignation. "I should be the one to purchase the tickets," he grumbled at you indignantly. He looked like a grumpy cat and you couldn't help laughing at him.
"You can't," you told him gently, knowing he didn't understand the concept. "I have to do it since I'm the student there and you aren't," you reminded him. He still looked unhappy, but seemed to understand finally that there were rules. The rules were in place to protect the students.
Loki was still coming with you to school every day. You usually walked there, unless the weather was bad. It was a pleasant start to the day and the walk wasn't that far. "Oh, shit! I forgot to ask you for a favor from the school," you told him before you got to the school that day.
"What language from a lady!" he chided, sounding more like Cap than your boyfriend.
"Loki, this is important," you replied sternly. There wasn't time for jokes. You really had fucked up in forgetting to ask for Loki's help.
"What favor would the school like?" Loki asked, more seriously, sensing your mood from your tone.
"They wanted you to get you to dress in a uniform today and pretend to be a student. They have a tour group coming through, which is annoying when I'm a stop on the tour," you grumbled over that, hating that the school used your presence to try to recruit others. "They don't want the parents to see that I have a guard, or they might think the school in unsafe. So they want you to pretend to be a student for the day," you explained. Loki raised his eyebrow, wondering why you hadn't told him already. "I'm sorry! They called last night and asked me, but you were on patrol so I forgot to ask when you got back," you apologized quickly.
He sighed and looked put-upon. For once you couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. "Very well," he replied. The green glow of his magic passed over him and he was wearing one of the school uniforms and had seemed to de-age a couple of years so he could pass for a high schooler. You reached up to straighten his tie. "This outfit is ridiculous," he grumbled.
"At least you have pants," you reminded him, grumbling at the stupid short skirt. He laughed and took your hand. You looked up at him confused. You hid that you were dating while he was on guard duty.
"If I am pretending to be a student, I should at least get to be your boyfriend today." He had a point. They couldn't say anything if he was doing them a favor.
By the end of the first tour, you were trying not to glare. They had come to bother you and try to ask you questions about Tony. In the middle of class. You may not have given a shit about school, but you did care about your grades and hated that idiot tour groups were putting said grades in jeopardy.
"I should've skipped school today," you grumbled at Loki. Every single tour group was the same and you felt like you were followed around by them all day. Asking stupid question. At least you got to buy your prom tickets at lunch, so that was out of the way.
You also got to spend all day with Loki, so that was a plus.
You managed to survive that day without drawing a dagger on any of the helpless humans, which you were extremely proud of. You were extremely impressed with yourself on that front.
You and Loki worked out extra hard during combat training that afternoon. You needed to blow off steam. Desperately.
Prom fever hit the school as the night of the dance drew closer. You caught Loki eavesdropping on other couples' plans so he could get ideas for that night. He didn't know Midgardian traditions besides movies and those couldn't be trusted.
Whatever he did was going to be magical. You knew it in your heart.
The day before the dance, one of the girls in your English class came up to you. She had been talking to you more since you worked on a project together and had to present it in front of the class. You carried the presentation and so she got an A on it too. At least she'd been nice about it and had done some work on it.
She handed you an envelope when she approached. "I know it's hokey, but I'm having a birthday party next week. I'd really like it if you came," she told you warmly. You smiled up at her. You had gotten more open with your classmates lately, some of Loki's influence wearing off you supposed. Though Loki wasn't the most open, you had to set a good impression for him.
"Really? You want me to come?" you asked, wondering if this was a thing where she had to invite the whole class or something. You never got invited to birthday parties. Unless they were inviting you to get Tony to show up.
"Of course! You're me friend. Oh, don't bring any gifts, we're not doing anything silly like that. It's just pizza and movies and stupid card games. Thanks for the book recommendation, by the way, I'm hooked on the series now," she waved and went to her desk before class started. You grinned down at the invitation like an idiot, so happy to actually get an invitation to a party. It never happened, not since your parents died and you got outed as some kind of weird, powerless celebrity. They were scared of your superhero guardians and thought you was weird because you was a bookworm. They were finally starting to come around. You tucked the invitation away in your bag carefully, still grinning.
"You're pleased," Loki whispered in your ear through magic. It was worded as a statement, but he was questioning why you were so pleased.
/This is the first legitimate party invitation I've gotten since my parents died/ you told him. /I thought all the kids here hated me or only wanted me around to get to Uncle Tony. I was wrong/
"I'm glad you're happy," was his only reply. He did sound pleased that you were happy.
You knew you had the easiest preparation of all of the girls for the prom the next day. Loki did your hair, clothes, and makeup with magic, so you could relax until the very last moment. He wore a full tuxedo and it was fitted and tailored perfectly. Your long black and green ballgown fit equally well. Your hair was in an up-do and you even had a tiara.
Your first surprise of the night was the limo that came to pick you up. "You got us a limo?!?!?" you exclaimed excitedly. You had fallen into prom fever just like the rest of the school. Loki smiled at the excitement on your face.
"And I am glad I did. It was worth it just for your expression," he told you warmly. The driver held the door open for you and Loki helped you in. He took you to the fanciest restaurant in town for dinner. It was stupidly expensive, you were sure, but it was the most delicious mean you could ever remember eating.
The students looked at you in shock and awe when you arrived. You knew you looked fantastic, but didn't think you looked that awesome. But you and Loki were both celebrities and it was harder to forget when you weren't in uniform. Though everyone was dressed well, it was the prom after all.
You had to teach Loki how to do the electric slide that night. It was hilarious getting him to try to learn.
It was one of the best nights of your life and you knew when you kissed him during the last dance at midnight that you would remember it forever.
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