Chapter 10
You woke from a dream of cool arms lifting you, of being cradled to a cool strong body, of sweet honeyed words in a familiar accent. When you opened your eyes, it took you a minute to remember how you had gotten to bed. You felt yourself turn at least ten different shades of red when you remembered that your dream had been real. Or at least you thought it had been real. You'd have to get up the courage to ask Loki later. That wasn't going to be easy.
You did see a new illusion rose on my nightstand, which kinda confirmed your 'the dream was real' theory. You smiled at it and finally got out of bed.
You went downstairs to find myself face to face with Fury. You tried not to cower away from him. He was the most powerful person here and the leader of this entire operation. You didn't see him often, and you were sure he was still pissed at you for the previous day. He glared at you when he saw you. Yep, he was still pissed. "Things are heating up with The Harlequin. Everyone is stepping up to double and triple shifts to keep up with her and her clowns. There's going to be few if any supers around here. I don't want you taking advantage of the lack of supervision. You are grounded for a week. You are not to leave the compound for any reason besides school. I'd ban you from that too if I could," he paused his tirade to let his words sink in. You nodded demurely, not willing to pick a fight with him over this. "Loki will be your guard, since we can't bring him out to the field yet." He held up the shackles that had been on Loki's wrists for the last month. "If I get any indication that you are going to cause any trouble, you will be wearing these until the threat with The Harlequin is over. Understand?" he demanded.
"Yes, sir," you replied meekly. You could play the meek little powerless human when it suited you. Fury turned and led you with a hand on the small of your back, pushing you into the common room where Loki was already on your couch with a book. You only didn't protest the treatment since you were already grounded.
"Loki, your first mission is dull, but you're the rookie. You have to earn your keep and earn your place. You're to guard Kat. 24 hour surveillance. Make sure she stays safe. And out of trouble." Loki nodded his assent and you fwumped onto you spot on the couch.
"He acts like I'm a troublemaker or something. He's just pissed about yesterday," you grumbled. You really didn't do anything to get in trouble for. Really. Loki chuckled.
"A little mischief is surely not a problem," he purred the words and you couldn't help remembering what he was the god of.
"He threatened me with chains for even thinking about causing trouble," you reminded Loki grumpily. You didn't want to get in more trouble. "That doesn't sound like fun,"
"What did you do to deserve such a threat and reputation?" he asked, curious.
You sighed heavily. "It was an accident," you grumbled. "And it was last year. I went to the lab to look for something to dye my hair. I knocked something over, on accident, and all of the team's costumes turned pink for a month until it wore off. There may have also been an explosion..." you told him. He started laughing, practically roll on the floor laughing. You glared at him. "He's also gotten annoyed when I don't play victim the way he wants." Loki raised an eyebrow, so you elaborated. "I go help out with the training sometimes. They like for me to play the helpless victim, the person being rescued or guarded or whatever. I like to remind them that victims won't always act logically. So I'll do things like run the wrong way, start 'hysterically crying' and refuse to move, grab the nearest weapon to attempt to help them, etc," Loki was roaring in laughter now and you couldn't help joining him.
"It is good training for them," he eventually said between laughs.
You nodded. "That's what Fury reminds them every time my interference ruins the training plans..." you grinned. "But apparently that makes me a 'troublemaker' in his eyes,"
"A little mischief does not a troublemaker create," he told you, with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.
"What are you planning?" you asked him. There were times you were too curious for your own good. He gave you his patented Cheshire cat smile.
"Go get dressed and you will find out. Something you can work out in," he called the last bit as you jumped to your feet to obey. Things were way more fun with him around and you didn't want to miss the fun.
"Where do you think you're going?" you heard Tony's voice as Loki followed you up the stairs.
"Twenty-four hour surveillance. There is nothing I can do, I must follow her," Loki mock-apologized. You hid your giggles. This was fun already.
"Kat? Where's your dagger?" Tony demanded with a snarl. He wanted you protected and now it was backfiring on him. You brandished it with a flourish that Loki had taught you last night. It was an impressive looking move that didn't do anything but look cool. Which is exactly why Loki had taught it to you. You saw Tony's eyes go wide.
"Right here," you told him innocently before re-sheathing said dagger with an equally awesome looking flourish.
"Where did you learn-?" Tony paused. You looked over at Loki who just shrugged.
"It seemed a pity for a lady to have such a weapon and not the instruction on how to use it," Loki said with the tone of mock-innocence. Tony just sighed.
"I have to go to work. Can you two try to behave?" He grumbled, mostly looking at you. You raised your hands in surrender.
"Fury already threatened me with chains until The Harlequin is dealt with. Don't worry, Uncle Tony, there will be no trouble for me," you told him with as much sincerity as you could muster. "I'll even promise to stay out of your science lab." He rolled his eyes, but gave you a hug goodbye and gave Loki a threat before he went to work.
"That threat lacked punch," Loki commented as you walked up the stairs together. "He did not even threaten me with death this time," he mused innocently.
"Maybe he's starting to like you," you told him with a grin.
"I highly doubt that. He does not like that I spend time with you," he reminded you quite logically.
"He's my Uncle. That's what they do," you replied with a shrug.
"What does he think will happen?" Loki asked when you reached the floor that your rooms were on. You gave him a mischievous grin, which made him pause just long enough.
Just long enough.
"This," you replied, standing up on your toes to place a light, timid kiss on his lips. You darted away quickly while he stood there shocked. You didn't stay to see his reaction. You didn't want to see disappointment or anger, or any other of a dozen emotions. You didn't know what his reaction would be, if he would want it or not. You were willing to play it off as a joke to save your friendship if that's what it took.
You would.
You would take that step back, though you wanted more.
Instead, you felt a hand wrap around your arm and you were spun back to face Loki. He let go of your arm, but wrapped an arm around your waist instead. He held you to him, pressed against his cool body. He held you lightly, though, and you knew you could break away without any effort.
"If you are going to do that, darling, you should at least do it properly," he purred as he pushed your hair away from your face, tucking a lock behind your ear.
"I don't know how to do it properly," you whispered. You'd never been kissed before.
"Then allow me to demonstrate," he purred. He hesitated and looked into your eyes before he moved. "Unless you do not wish do. I will not kiss you against your will. I will not force you into a relationship," he said softly, gently, seeking your consent. You nodded, though you couldn't tear your gaze from his.
"I want this," you whispered, barely able to get the words out through your anticipation. He leaned down and kissed you, softly, gently, chastely. He tasted of cool mint and a crisp winter's day. Your heart fluttered with his cool lips, firm, but gentle against yours as he held you to him. He broke the kiss after a long minute and steadied you gently back on your feet. You smiled giddily up at him. "That was definitely the proper way to do that," you finally told him.
He grinned and looked immensely pleased with himself. "I am glad my lady is pleased," he replied. He reached behind you to open your suite's door. "Now go change, we have more mischief to find."
With a grin, you ducked into your bedroom to change into something less pajama-y and more work-out-y. He appraised your outfit when you returned to your sitting-room. He checked your bedroom for intruders, but didn't enter with you while you changed. That wouldn't have gone over well. "That will do." He used magic to change his own outfit from the jeans and t-shirt he wore around the compound, to his black and green leather battle outfit.
"Cheater," you grumbled, though you were feeling under dressed in your tank top and yoga pants. He laughed and held a hand out to you.
"Come, there is more to this day than one little kiss," he prompted. You took his hand and let him lead you from the room. You laughed and couldn't wait to find out what he had planned.
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