I Broke a Guy's Sword...
Immediately after that, that guy, Juan charged at me, leaving a dust trail behind him. He was holding his broadsword at his side. I anticipated his swing and ducked down, thrusting Kyrios at his abdomen.
"Xius scores a hit!Will this turn the tables in your opinion, Iz?" Fay asked her fellow announcer
"Judging from the amount of blood, I don't think so." Izzy replied
Juan just grunted and swung his sword upwards, blowing the sand upwards, makinga smoke wall. I managed to hold Kyrios up to block his strike. I leaped awayand changed Kyrios into a pair of daggers. Now it was my time to charge him. Ileapt towards him and dodged to the side when he swung his sword downwards. Ileapt at him and managed to slice him twice. I leapt back and went at himagain. Anticipating that, he swung his broadsword to his right. A good move,but not in this case. Right when I was on top of him I changed Kyrios into a 7feet long halberd. I used the halberd's heavy end to anchor it into the groundand jumped up, carrying Kyrios with me. I turned mid-air and swung Kyriosdownwards, now an ultra greatsword, towards Juan. He barely had time to blockmy attack, but the force was enough to create a small explosion of sand. For awhile, no one knew what was happening.
"Is the match over folks?" Izzy said
"I think so..." Fay replied to Izzy, "Wait, what is this God's Aura I'm feelingthere? Wait that means... JUAN SURVIVED IT!?!"
That was when the smoke cleared. Juan was bleeding from his head, his blood wascovered with sand and dirt. He was clutching his broadsword, now that the bladebroke off and only a part of it and the handle was left.
"You... YOU DAMNED BRAT!" Juan was trembling with anger, his eyes no differentthan a wild animal. "You WILL PAY FOR THIS!" His eyes faded into dark violet, a dark violet aura surrounding him.
He charged at me again, but this time his speed was doubled, no, tripled. Hewas circling around me. I am barely even able to block his attacks.
He then increased his speed by another 50%. Now, I think he's right. Looks likeI will have to do it then. Even with the abysmal amount of power I have, I have to bet everything into it.
"RED EYES, DARK ECRITURE! ASURA NO HA! ! ! !" I roared. My eyes then turnedinto the color of crimson. My shirt was then ripped apart by the force,revealing the symbols covering my body. He then charged at me, roaring with allhis might. I reciprocated his feelings, putting everything I have into myKyrios, into this one strike. Red and black lightning erupted from me, engulfing myself.
"Divine heavenly judgement shall be cast unto you! AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!" I roaredwith all my might too.
"The two fighters, now at their max power, are now charging at each other! Whowill win this match!?!" The two announcers exclaimed.
When our swords met, it was enough to create a shockwave strong enough to breakthe glasses of the announcer's box, a big explosion of glass and sand erupted from the point our blades touched each other. Also, it was enough to ruin the spectatingstudent's lunch, blowing sand into them. When the smoke cleared the one leftstanding was...
"OH MY GODS! THE WINNER OF THIS MATCH IS XIUS FLUGEL!!!" Both spectators exclaimed.
I saw Juan fall down covered in dust, blood and had burns on him for some reason. And a big slice from me was bleeding heavily. His sword, or what was left of it, was strewn around the sand and glass.
I looked down at my body and saw the symbols slowly fading. I also felt the adrenaline rush slowly go away. I stood there for a second, noticed I was bleeding from my eye, and the remains of Juan's sword embedded into me. Then I blacked out.
Q: How do you feel when you win?
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