Chapter 9
It took way too long to wash all of the blood and dirt and grime off of you and out of your hair. You wondered how on Earth you had gunk in your hair, but it was there and it was disgusting. And it was better not to ask. So you took your time making sure you got all of it out.
You may have also been procrastinating the lecture from Tony.
You caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror when you finally got out of the shower and indeterminate amount of time later. You looked like hell and were going to have to ask Loki to heal some of this bruising. Otherwise, you weren't going to be able to move soon. You sighed and threw on a tank top and pajama pants. They were easy to put on and you were spending the afternoon and evening in the tower anyway. Maybe you'd sneak out after Tony's lecture to watch the rest of the filming with the crew, but otherwise you weren't leaving.
You padded across the hall when you were dressed to go find Loki, since he wasn't waiting in your bedroom or sittingroom where you had expected him to be. It was strange. You were so used to him being constantly around. He'd been on guard duty so often when you didn't have powers.
It was so strange, in fact, that you drew a dagger on your walk across the hall, afraid something was wrong.
Tony was in Loki's suite with him. That was definitely wrong. You heard their voices from outside Loki's door. Loki was giving Tony a report on what had happened earlier and they actually sounded calm for once. You didn't believe that was right.
You slipped into the room without trouble as Loki's shields always recognized you with no hesitation. You didn't even think they bothered to alert him anymore if it was just you. You sheathed your dagger again, now that you didn't need to worry about Loki. You padded silently into the room and walked straight over to Loki on his couch. Tony looked away from his conversation and gasped when he saw you. Loki smiled up at you, though his expression dropped when he saw you too.
"It looks worse than it is," you tried to sound reassuring, but your voice just sounded tired. Your energy rush from that morning when you had a full-night's sleep was long gone, and the adrenaline from the emergency had gone with it. "I could use a bit of help with the nasty bruise on me ribs, though," you offered the peace offering to Loki.
"Let me see," he commanded gently. You weren't offended by his tone and lifted your shirt to just below your breasts so your ribs were visible. It was still high enough to make Tony growl.
"Tony..." your voice held a warning tone. Loki's cold hand glowed green when he held it against the bruise and you practically sighed in relief as the pain ebbed. The swelling vanished and the bruise's dark purple color went with it. You lowered your shirt again when he was done. "Thank you," you said warmly, grateful for the help.
"Let me see that arm." He was stuck in healer mode so you let him get on with it without fighting him. Besides, the arm hurt from where you landed on it. It was healed just as quickly.
When he was done, you curled up next to him and listened to him give his report, laying your head on his shoulder and closing your eyes. They could deal with the boring report stuff without your attention.
"Tony, can you do your lecture at me while I'm napping?" you asked him tiredly.
"I lectured your boyfriend instead. It was way more enjoyable than lecturing you when you're not conscious," Tony replied and you could hear the smile in his voice.
"You just don't like him," you murmured.
"True," he chuckled.
"Darling, you can go lie down," Loki suggested gently. "Much as I enjoy you using me as a pillow, you would be much more comfortable in a bed. I can put up with your uncle's company for awhile, even though it is not nearly as pleasant as yours,"
"Kat, go rest," Tony added.
You nodded and blearily stood. You hadn't been expecting your energy to crash that fast. You were more worn out than you had admitted even to yourself. Loki stood with you, a gentleman as per usual.
"You can rest in my bed. It is closer," you didn't care that Tony wouldn't be pleased with this plan. It wasn't up to him. Loki led you to his bedroom. He paused, knowing Tony was upset, but his desire to take care of you was way higher than his desire to stay on your uncle's good side. So he walked you to the bed, an arm wrapped around your waist so you couldn't fall and tucked you into his bed. He normally would have joined you for a nap, but he would be good while Tony was already pissed off at you. He kissed your forehead. "Rest well, love." you thought he was relieved that you weren't fighting him for once. You curled in his bed, surrounded by blankets and pillows that smelled like him, even a year later. The stuffed dragon you had given him so long ago was on his bed too, so it naturally got cuddled while you finally got some rest.
It was quite a few hours later when Loki woke you again. "Love. Tom called. The cast is going out to dinner tonight. They would like to know if we wish to join them,"
You sat up and nodded enthusiastically. "That sounds like fun," you told him brightly. He smiled and offered you a hand. You took it and let him haul you out of bed. His magic changed your outfits back to the costumes from filming. You gave him a questioning look.
"They are still dressed in costume and asked for us to as well," Loki replied. That sounded reasonable enough for this film cast and crew. "Are you feeling better?" he asked. You nodded and gave him a real smile as you headed outside.
You made it back out to where the filming was still going on. "You still know your lines, right?" the director demanded when he saw you.
"What lines?" you asked. You hadn't been told about any lines.
"You didn't tell her!? You said she'd do it!" The director yelled at Loki.
"Loki... what's going on?" you wanted to be included in the mischief.
"They would like for us to reenact the comic con scene for the movie. It was so very popular. They were going to have some of the extras attempt it, but since we are here, the director kindly asked if we would do it."
You nodded you agreement easily. "Sure. It'll be fun," you replied with a grin. You had done the skit a couple of times now with Tom and Kelly. "Same lines as comic con?" you asked the director while you were moved into position. He confirmed it was similar and you grinned at Loki. This was always such fun. Loki was led up on a platform that would be green-screened into something more impressive later. You couldn't believe you were doing this for the actual movie.
You could, however have a little more fun with it. Loki gave you his Cheshire cat grin moments before he teleported onto his mark, legitimately startling the crowd of extras.
"People of New York, look how far you have fallen!" He announced. They murmured confused, shocked. "Look how you huddle, waiting for your saviors to come. They are not coming to rescue you this day. All you have is me! Yes, I have turned from your precious Avengers and defeated them all! I am Loki of Asgard and you am burdened with glorious purpose. Swear loyalty to me, swear your city over to me, and you shall live in riches in your kingdom. Kneel to your overlord!" he boomed. You saw in the glint in his eyes that he was enjoying every moment of this. His expression and delivery were perfect, too. "I said KNEEL~!" He used magic to amplify his voice even more than he should have been able to. At once the crowd of extras dropped to their knees in front of him, more in shock than anything else. Loki took a moment to look extremely pleased with himself.
That was your cue. You straightened your spine and snapped once. Loki took that cue to teleport you onto the platform a few steps from him. You couldn't do it yourself right now. "LOKI!" you shouted as you stomped toward him. He looked over at you, shocked and acting sheepish and embarrassed.
"Are you trying to rule these mortals without me?" you demanded. You did have to change the script a little from the original, but not much.
"Of course not, my love!" he protested, rising from his bow and trying to look innocent. "I would not!"
You looked out at the crowd, trying to look calm and gentle and kind.. "Was he, dear mortals?" you asked them, calmly, sweetly, gently. They all spoke up in agreement at the same time. You held up a hand to silence them. They quieted immediately. "There is your answer, Loki," you replied, turning back to him.
"But, darling~" he started.
You glared, your hands on your hips. "Don't you 'darling' me, Loki Laufeyson. Back home with you, now!" you ordered, pointing off the platform and off stage.
"My love, they need someone to rule over them!" he protested.
You snapped your fingers and pointed again off stage. "Be gone with you. They shall have their ruler," you turned back to the crowd. "Won't you, my dears?" They all bowed down to you while Loki skulked off toward off stage.
"IMPOSTERS!" Came a roar from the crowd. Tom and Kelly, who stormed up towards the stage at the back of the auditorium. The crowd turned to them, feigning confusion. "Foolish mortals allowing yourselves to be tricked by such amateurs. I am the true Loki of Asgard! One of the Avengers and will never turn away from this city!" Loki took your hand and teleported you off stage. Moments later they called the 'cut' of the take.
You and Loki both erupted into giggles at how fun that had been. Tom and Kelly came over to congratulate you too. You had to do a couple more takes of the scene to get it perfect, but it was fun so you didn't mind. The rest of the cast came up to applaud you once the filming was done for the day.
Tom came up beside you and whispered one word in your ear. "Assemble," you grinned over at him.
"Same place?" He nodded and the main cast started disappearing slowly, trying to be sneaky. You failed miserably, but had a great dinner together in costume with all of the weapon props. At one point, you were sitting at the head of the table with all of the props at your feet like offerings. You laughed when all the actors bowed down to you, and Loki who was standing just beside your 'throne'. This was going to be such a hilarious blooper reel. There were other funny pictures from that evening, but that was definitely your favorite.
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