Chapter 6
You woke later than you should have the next morning, much later than you should have. Silly Trickster boyfriend must have turned off your alarm. Silly Trickster boyfriend? That wasn't right. Your eyes snapped open and you saw that you were still curled next to Loki, your head on his bare chest as a pillow. You smiled and relaxed again for a moment until you remembered that it was Thursday and you had class. You glanced at your clock and cursed softly. You had 10 minutes to get to class. On the other side of campus. You cursed again softly, not wanting to wake Loki. He looked so peaceful, plus he would tell you not to go to class. You swung your legs over the edge of the bed and was halfway out of it when Loki grabbed you by the back of the shirt and hauled you back into the bed.
"Loki, I have to go to class," you told him, exasperated. Silly distracting Trickster boyfriend.
"No, you do not," he replied sleepily and pulled you back to his side like a stuffed animal. It was really hard to resist him when he was so freakishly strong.
"Yes, I do. I'm going to be late," you told him, shoving against him. You could break free from him easily if you wanted to, despite his strength, he'd never hold you truly against your will. He was a gentleman for one and you'd been raped for another. But mostly he was a gentleman.
He finally opened his eyes and looked at you, though you saw that he was barely awake. You had seen him like this enough times after he woke from nightmares that you recognized how barely awake he was. "You have the day off. I took the liberty of informing your professors that you are ill and cannot attend class today. They bid you to feel better and they will see you upon your return." He was still elegant in his words, even half awake.
"How?" you demanded. There shouldn't have been any way for him to contact your professors.
"Sigyn-zero-four-zero-one," he mumbled, half asleep, his eyes had closed again.
You felt yourself turn red. That was your password for everything, your computer, email, phone, everything. "I'll be changing that later," you grumbled at him. Your superhero alias and his birthday was admittedly not to strongest password ever. It worked for everyone except him.
"Now, will you kindly accept your day off? The sun is not even awake yet, so we should not be either," he grumbled. You shouldn't have let him watch Frozen.
"Fine, silly Trickster." you grumbled, but didn't mean it. Instead, you got to curl up with him for another hour, until the sun finally did come up. "Can we get pancakes now?" you asked him once the sun was up.
He sighed and looked at you in loving exasperation. "Very well," he sighed, acting put-upon. You knew he didn't mean it, though. You kissed him and hopped out of bed. You had gotten so used to not having any sleep and constant emergencies that a good night's sleep made you annoyingly awake. At least until your brain and body realized there was no emergency and you crashed again. You checked your phone first thing after you got up. It was too ingrained of a habit. "And we have something fun to go do,"
"What adventure have you found?" he asked with a grin as he sat up. He was always up for mischief and adventures.
"Tom and Kelly are in town filming the new Avengers movie. They want us to stop by the filming. They specifically asked if you were back," you told him. He nodded with the mischievous glint in his eyes that you'd missed so dearly.
"Then we will go see them after we find pancakes," he agreed. He got out of bed and with a flash of magic was dressed in jeans and a button down shirt and a nice sweater over it. You saw the glint of the chain his pocket watch was on and smiled. You had given him the watch last year on your anniversary. Loki was still trying to grasp the concept of casual clothes. It was a work in progress, but he always looked nice, which you appreciated.
You reached for your own magic to do the same, but it just fizzled away before you could grasp it and use it. You then remembered the stupid bangle on your wrist and cursed. "I am going to kill my uncle," you snarled.
Loki dared to laugh at your misfortune, which just led to you glaring at him. He held his hands up in surrender. "I am laughing at your soon to be very dead uncle, not you my dear. Please recall he did recently decide that punching me in the face was an excellent idea. I am not going to stop you from your revenge. Even if I do agree with him that you need to rest and that you were not going to otherwise."
You couldn't argue with him. You really sucked at taking time off. People kept needing your help. "Mind taking this off?" you asked, holding up your wrist.
Loki shook his head with an apologetic look. "I cannot," he replied and you couldn't quite tell from his innocent tone if he was lying or not. You were losing your touch at reading him or he was getting better at lying. He was the god of lies after all.
You stomped over to your closet to look for something to wear. A perfect blue sweater dress appeared in your closet a moment later. You looked over at Loki who was feigning innocence by playing on his phone. You grinned at him and pulled the dress from your closet. You gave him another look. "If you're not going to help, you can't stay here while I change," you told him firmly. Yes, you were dating, yes, by his culture's standards you were married, no, he couldn't see you naked. He was gone the last year and you had been raped previously. He still had to earn that privilege.
He offered you a hand. "If those are my two options, I would rather help," he replied with a smirk. You went to him with a smile and took his hand. His smile faltered when your hand was in his. "Let me do something first?" He asked you softly, gently. He was asking you to trust him, to trust his magic and trust that he wouldn't hurt him. You'd gotten such requests from him before. You hesitated a moment, unsure what he was doing, but finally nodded. "Forgive me, darling, but there is something I must see first. Then I promise to help properly," he told you gnetly. you looked at him confused. His magic flew over you and you were wearing a slip, a short, thankfully opaque, slip, but it still was barely clothes and definitely not 'out' clothes. You saw his appraising look and saw the pain in his eyes.
"Loki!" you yelled at him, taking a step back, uncomfortable, and feeling betrayed, though he had asked, and you were still clothed. You looked up at him with tears in your eyes. He looked horrified at what state you were in and gripped your hand tighter before you could run. His magic flashed again, and you were in the comfortable elegantly adorable blue sweater dress with your hair perfectly coiled down your back.
He pulled you in to a hug, holding you tightly to him. "I'm sorry, darling. I promise to never do that again. I swear it on the soulbond," he reassured you quickly. That was an oath he couldn't break. "I had to see, had to know, what my absence has cost you." His words and tone were sad as he saw your body and saw how you'd been abused for your powers.
You finally got control of your emotions and nodded, though you were tempted to punch him in the face. "At least warn me better next time," you grumbled at him. He wasn't entirely forgiven for that stunt.
He kissed the top of your head. "I promise," his voice was soft, but you could still hear the pain in it.
"Loki, I'm fine," you tried to reassure him. "This was just a rough month," you reminded him, stepping out of his arms.
"This is not merely a month's worth of neglect," he gestured to your too thin body.
You looked away from him. You did work too hard, but you'd been doing ok until last month, or at least you thought you had. You sighed. "You might be right," you finally admitted.
"I'm sorry you had to leave you," he told you, wrapping you back in his arms.
"Your people needed you," you replied, your voice soft. You knew now why he had left, but it had still hurt.
"I know. I know the decision had to be made. I just hate what my decision cost you,"
You rolled your eyes, despite that he couldn't see you at the moment. "If I tell you that I'm fine again will you believe you this time?" you asked, just this side of grumpy. You were quickly approaching the line into proper grumpiness.
"Maybe after you get to spoil you for awhile," he replied with a smile in his voice. You let him have his delusions that he was going to spoil you. "Now, shall we find those pancakes?" he asked, distracting you with food.
"That sounds like an excellent idea," you replied, grinning up at him. You found your purse buried under a pile of textbooks and subsequently your car keys. You hadn't driven anywhere in months. You spent so much time teleporting all over town that you hadn't needed to actually drive. You held up the keys triumphantly. "Voila!" you announced.
He laughed when he realized why it had taken you so long to find them. "You have gotten used to teleporting," he commented with a grin, proud of you for getting the hang of it.
You laughed and were grateful to find yourself back on familiar ground. "It's just so useful," you replied. It really was more useful than the slower methods of transportation. It also didn't take much magic once you got the hang of it.
"That it is, darling, but today-" he swiped your car keys from your hand. You stuck your tongue out at him, but didn't complain. "-we at least attempt to be human,"
"If we were to attempt that I'd have to hide my hair, and this," you raised your hand so he could see the gold, blue, green, and black lines of power that ran up your left hand halfway up your arm in gorgeous spirals. His left arm had identical marks. They had appeared when he had bound your souls together to save your life.
"We can at least attempt to be human celebrities, then," he chuckled.
You agreed with that and you finally headed out to go find your pancakes."The pancake house has all you can eat pancakes," you told him with a wicked grin. "Want to scare the humans with how many pancakes we can devour?" you asked with a mischievous glint in your own eye. Your mischief was usually child-like and fun, rarely hurting anyone.
"Sounds perfect," he replied. You led him to where you had parked your car and you headed out your way. You prayed that you wouldn't be seen by the paparazzi. You really didn't need your professors finding out you skipped class to eat pancakes and hang out with actors. That wouldn't go over very well.
Not very well at all.
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